I Finished The Blood Of Olympus

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Hi guys, as you know from the title, I have officially completed The Blood Of Olympus but for what I am about to say next, I am truly, TRULY sorry.

After reading it, I became so bloody inspired and had tons of ideas but if you didn't read that rant I told you about on the previous part of this book, it's about inconsideration about spoiling books and whatnot.

I have decided, because some of you still haven't read it yet, that I will wait a full 3-4 weeks for the book to circulate.

I know, I haven't updated in so long but stay patient because once that period of time is over, a sea of headcanons and one-shots will come flooding your way.

I really am sorry guys, but it makes me angry to see some people selfishly spoiling new books so I made a vow to myself that I would never do the same.

Some of you might be complaining but those who haven't read it yet, I hope you appreciate my gesture.

I'll be honest, I do want to update but I feel that since, like I said before, it's bad to ruin good things for people before they can enjoy it, I will never do the same. After reading BoO it's kind of hard for me to write what I used to write. You know you can't just say anymore, "After the war with Gaia, the sven demigods bla bla bla..." because you know it's just much more than that.

I hope you cream puffs understand this. Some may try to persuade me, or complain to me, or fire a missile at me, but I'm standing my ground.

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