Anti-Mistletoe? (Christmas Headcanon)

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For Christmas, Katie Gardner was in charge of the decorations for the Christmas party. She was pretty laid back with everything, until a camper brought some mistletoes for the couples. She lost it. She started screaming, "Parasitic plant! Parasitic plant!"

In the end, Annabeth had to take over. And upon Katie's request, no more mistletoes. Dionysus had to use his grape vines instead. Katie felt much better but not so much for the other campers. They didn't really like the idea of grape vines hanging over their heads.


So mistletoe isn't really that bad... they just kill a large portion of the branch they're growing on.

And sometimes kill the entire plant.

But they actually have good purposes too! Which I can't name because I'm too lazy. So yeah, I wrote this under 10 minutes because I just shut my mind about 15 minutes ago and started looking for INSPIRATION.

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