Snowmen? Or...? (Christmas/Headcanon)

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Jason was really trying to get Nico in the festive spirit this holiday season. Knowing that kid, he tried to get himself uninvolved in as many activities as possible. So naturally, Jason forced him to. He wanted Nico to do something light and fun; so he opted for building snowmen.

He left reluctant Nico in a field of snow for an hour and came back to see what he had done. Surprisingly, Nico had actually made snowmen. Two of them. However, Jason noticed something rather peculiar about them. In the place of the arms, where the sticks should have been, were the bones of human arms. And on the head of both snowmen were hats that looked like they came from a war in the 1900's. That, and they shuffled a few feet from their original spot every 30 seconds. Jason facepalmed.

"Cool, right?"

Nico was beside him in a flash, a placid expression on his face. "Took me some time to figure it all out, but I think this is the perfect finishing touch to PERFECT snowmen." Nico's voice seemed to be literally the root of sarcasm itself. But was it really sarcasm he was using?

"Um, yeah, Nico... you see, when people build snowmen they don't usually-"

"I know,  Grace, I know. But I'm not like most people. Deal with it. Look at these two works of art. They're happy to be here, I can feel it."

They exchanged glances for a second or two before Jason exhaled a frosty sigh. "Whatever you say, Nico."

Jason was too busy observing the snow covered skeletons to realize that beside him, Nico cracked the tiniest of smiles.


Yeah, sorry about that crappy headcanon, I made it in like 10 minutes. I'm just going through some stuff right now but hey, I made a promise to update. Sorry for this small disappointment, but like I always say, I'll make it up to you guys. Love you all <3

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