So We Meet Again (Zukë/One-Shot)

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Requested once again by @Crazy_Fanatic for this one-shot. She gave an amazing idea of shipping Luke and Zoë. I hope you all like it!!! Remember, requests are open. Ask me and I will try my best to do them :) 😃


Zoë waited. And waited. Her sisters had perished, under the hands of one person. A boy. But she knew that was a lie; the boy had been working under the will of a titan, seeking pain and abolishment to Olympus. She could feel it. She was waiting, in Elysium to be reunited with them. Ever since she died, all she could think about was the number of sisters she would see again. Before this, the number of Hunters who died each year was uncountable but somehow she managed to get twice as what she lost. But since the second Titan War, she was sure to see more. Then she saw him. Impossible to not recognize his once cruel face.

His blonde hair swept to the side. His blue eyes no longer desiring all that is evil, instead regret and hope; hope to make a better life. Zoë felt anger bubbling inside of her. Her eyes caught his and he smiled. As he talked to The Fates, she wished that he would be sent to The Fields Of Punishment. Instead, he walked over to Elysium.

She eyed him carefully, watching his every move. She too, was aware that he was looking at her as well. She brushed herself and got up. My Hunters are independant, they will not need my guidance here, she thought. As she turned her back from the vile creature, a hand caught her wrist.

"Hey. Where are you going?"

By instict Zoë jerked her hand. "Do not touch me." He looked at her strangely. "You look familiar. My name is Luke." She shot him a glare. "I know who thou art. Thou almost killed my Lady. Thy deeds shall not be forgiven, for my half of my Hunters are dead because of thou." she said coldly. They stood in silence. Shockingly, Luke didn't flare with rage, but instead smiled. Sadly.

"Yeah. And I really regret it. Really."

"What proof does thou have?"

"Geez, what is with you and all this old language. I saved Olympus, that's what. I killed myself, stopped Kronos from fully taking over my body and stuff. I was about to try rebirth but then I was offered Elysium. And I took it."

Zoë nodded curtly. "I sense that thou art not telling a lie. Very well."

"Great. Hey I never really got your name. What is it?" He questioned.

"Zoë. Zoë Nightshade. Former lieutenant of Lady Artemis, Goddess Of The Hunt. I think thy friend Thalia has replaced me."

He froze and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah... she probably hates me. But that doesn't matter now. She deserves to be up there. I don't." Zoë took account to this. A boy filled with remorse? The only time she ever saw something like this in a male was Percy Jackson, a true hero and man. She sacrificed herself to save him, an act that proved she did not see him as any ordinary male. She knew that dying was worth him living. "Hmm." he said suddenly, jolting her to snap out of her painful memory.

Luke picked up the tail of her braid, gently caressing it in his fingers. Surprisingly, Zoë didn't bother pushing it away. Strange. "Such a nice braid." He noted. "So perfectly folded. Not a stray hair in sight." Then she did something she wouldn't have normally felt or done. She blushed. He took a step closer, his smile offering gentleness. She flushed even redder than before, intimidated by the closeness between her and him. "You know," he said slowly. "You aren't a Hunter anymore." She nodded, turning away from him. "Which means now you're allowed to date, right?" She didn't know what to say; these mixed feelings were foreign to her. Nobody had ever asked her a question so personal.

Trying to conceal the somewhat panicked expression plastered on her face, she replied with forced calmness, "I do not know. I do not think spirits... 'date' in the Underworld. Why does thou ask?" She said 'date' like a bitter taste in her mouth. It felt disgusting. But it felt somehow free. Like she wouldn't have to be blasted to pieces each time she referred to it.

He smiled a little, dimples showing. "Oh nothing. Curiosity, I guess. And I think they do date in the Underworld. The spirits, I mean." Suddenly he grabbed her hand. "As for the Hunters, I think they are able to date now." Zoë felt it. Her face getting hotter and hotter by the second, a feeling so unfamiliar to her. Beads of sweat were rolling down the sides of her face. He leaned in closer and closer. Suddenly, he pulled her hands upwards, lifting her off the ground a few inches. She yelped in surprise.

"Come, Zoë! We shall do better with our lives in this place. We shall help everybody and everybody in need! For this is the Afterlife! We are new people!" he cried. "And maybe... possibly... we can... you know..." he trailed off. Zoë thought she saw him blush. She already knew where this was going. She often scowled when she saw men attempting to do this with young maidens, but with them relying on more confidence. She dreaded moments like this, where she was forced to make decisions beyond her wildest control. Something so simple, yet something she was unable to do. But then again, she rejected all the men she encountered her whole life.

"No. Never in your wildest dreams." she said but it had a sort of humor in it. Didn't even know where that came from.

"Actually, demigod dreams are based on reality you know. Or predictions. And you said 'your'. That's something new." he laughed. His eyes twinkled and she saw some familiarity in them for once. Happiness.

Zoë blinked back in surprise. "I did, didn't I?" Without knowing it she laughed. Without knowing it, she was laughing with Luke. And without knowing it, she and him were leading their way through Elysium. But she was fully aware of one thing; she was going to have a life. A free one in the Afterlife. No rules to keep her guarded from the opposite gender. With him as her companion. And possibly, like she knew Luke intended to say, as her soulmate.


I feel so bad for not updating.... My notifications were bursting with like updates for headcanons and one-shots from other authors...


But here you are and sorry, I'm at my grandmother's house and there isn't any Internet here...

Btw, what do you think their ship name (if you ship them) should be?? The current one at the title is all I have so leave me you suggestions!!

Question: How bad do my one-shots hurt you? I don't think the feels are that bad. I just kill a person then revive them, that's all.... And leave emotional fluff.... 😋😜😜

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