I'll Make It Easier, For You (Random 29)

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I'll make it easier for you, please don't worry. I will try my best to not cry at night, to not question my worth, and to not think of you so badly.. I'll try my best to take it positively--- it wouldn't matter how deeply it'll hurt as it tears me down, as long as you'll be happy. I'll try my best to do my usual routines, even if you won't be a part of it anymore, as you want me to be closed by your doors.. I'll make it easier for you, I promise. And please do me a favor, make it easier for me too, make me not want you, but at the same time, let me still love you.. Though I know, I can never have you, then at least make it hard for me to hate you..

MY RANDOM THOUGHTS, SHORT WRITINGS, POEMSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon