Don't Take Me Away From Me (Random 30)

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You can take it all back; the warmth of your care, the genuine feelings you have for me, the things you've done in order to save me from my loneliness, and all of the reasons of why you love me enough.. You can take it all back, I won't stop you. But, I'm begging you, do not take away my heart, do not take away my soul. They are the only things that would remind me to breathe, to move on, and to let go..

You can take away the things, your love--- or anything that you have showered me.. But, not my wholeness, not all of me. Don't take me away from myself, let me heal it, let me nurture it without you.. You have always been wanting to leave, then go ahead, please do leave.I am willing to give you a little piece of me--- of one that is a significant memory for you to keep, but I cannot give you more than what I could. Let me have the three fourths of my being, in any ways that I would..

MY RANDOM THOUGHTS, SHORT WRITINGS, POEMSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon