2 - Secret Confession

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Kiri POV:

I had invited Rotxo over to my pod, he was mostly lonely and complained how Aonung and him didn't see each other as often. Soon later, Rotxo arrived at my pod and my brother, Neteyam was the first one to see him.
"Oh hey Rotxo," Neteyam greeted.
"Hi," Rotxo hesitated, he still found Neteyam scary after what he did to Aonung.
"Rotxo!" I shouted, signalling to come where I was sat. I was crocheting a little hat, little did he know it was for him. "Ya like?" I asked.
"Mhm," Rotxo agreed.
"Here you can have it," I said.
"Aw thanks," Rotxo thanked.
He shifted eyes towards me smiling but then looked away.
"Is everything ok?" I asked.
"Yeah yeah.." Rotxo replied.
I made his body face mine and looked him dead in the eyes,
"Don't lie to me."
He hated those eyes because I would always get the truth out of him when I did them.
"Fine, it's Aonung again, I wish we had out old bond again, I understand that he wants to be distance but he just acts like I never existed in his life," Rotxo ranted.
I shifted closer to him and gave him a warm hug. He looked up,
"Oh that was unexpected."
"I'm here for you, honestly just talk it out with Aonung, deep down I know he has a soft spot for you," I reassured.
He nodded his head,
"Well I have no time to waste."
He headed bear the exit of the pod,
"See you tomorrow?" I nodded my head and smiled at him while he had a little smirk on his face too while leaving.

Rotxo POV:

I was shaking, I was scared to talk to Aonung. I knocked on his pod and to my surprise, his sister opened up. "Hey," Tsireya greeted.
"Hi," I said.
"Aonung here?" I asked.
"Yes, in his room," Tsireya replied, letting me inside their pod. I secretly went to the front of his room and knocked on it,
"Who is it?" Aonung lazily said.
"Me, Rotxo," I replied.
I could hear him getting closer to the entrance and also groaning.
"What do you want?" Aonung asked.
"I want to talk, you've been distancing yourself, that isn't even like you," Rotxo replied.
"What do you mean? You wanted to go with your freaky girlfriend," Aonung argued.
"Stop, she's not my girlfriend and she isn't a freak, this is what I mean! Stop being so mean and actually be nice for once, please let people see the other side of you," I shouted.
Aonung took a deep breath in,
"I'm sorry Rotxo."
"Huh?" I said
"I'm sorry, I said it, for distancing myself, I thought you just left me for you know, a girl," Aonung said.
"I'm sorry too, I would never do that, looks like we both misunderstood each other," Rotxo said. We both hugged each other, it felt like brotherly hug. I was finally happy that Aonung forgave me and I forgave him. "But seriously, it's obvious you have a crush on Kitty," Aonung laughed.
"Uh it's Kiri.. and shut up!" I laughed.
"Ok you simp," Aonung joked.
I grabbed Aonung by the arm and decided that he has to apologise to Lo'ak too.
"Woah," Aonung yelped.
We ran quickly to the pod because it was getting dark. I knocked in the pod and Neteyam opened up once again, it was like it was his job. Neteyam stared Aonung up and down but Aonung just avoided eye contact.
"What are you doing with this dickhead?"  Neteyam scowled.
"Don't say that Neteyam," I pleaded.
"He has come to say sorry to Lo'ak," I added.
"Woah woah, I never agreed to-" I stopped Aonung speaking by covering his mouth.
"Very well, come inside," Neteyam said, moving out of the way.
Kiri and Lo'ak were sitting down and Kiri doing Lo'ak's hair. Lo'ak looked up to see Rotxo and Aonung. He death stared Aonung while he was coming closer.
"He's here to say something to you Lo'ak," Rotxo said.
"Make it quick," Lo'ak demanded.
"I'm sorry, sorry for taking you outside the reef and leaving you there," Aonung apologised.
Lo'ak looked at him up and down again and said,
"You owe me something."
"What?" Aonung asked.
"Well I need help getting with your fine ass sister," Lo'ak said.
"Ugh fine," Aonung sighed.
Me and Kiri were laughing in the corner, she was still doing Lo'ak's hair though. I smiled at her giving her the 'I made up with him look', she did a small little clap.

< Few Hours Later >

My eyes slowly started to open, I stretched my legs too. I started to look around and when I realised I quickly sat up straight. Did I just fall asleep in Kiri's pod? Oh no, she couldn't see me sleep, I am such an ugly sleeper. Why didn't she wake me up? I made my way to to front of the pod but a voice said,
"You like my sister don't you? I turned around just to see Neteyam who made me jump.
I replied,
"Where are you getting these ideas from?.."
"I may or may not have befriended Aonung and asked him to tell me," Neteyam said.
"Wtf Aonung." I said.
"Ok, back to the main point, you want to make out with my sister?-." Neteyam asked.
"Woah woah calm down, I never said that," I answered stuttering, gosh was it this obvious. There was an awkward silence until I finally spoke.
"You're sister makes me feel different, she makes me feel a sort of way," I added.
"Cute love birds... I knew you would be match from the day you guys met," Neteyam laughed.
I rolled my eyes but then looked down onto the ground. "But she won't love me back," I pouted.
"How will you know that?" Neteyam asked.
"She probably doesn't like me, a short little boy," I replied.
"Don't be silly, you don't know that yet so get to know her," Neteyam insisted. Dayum Neteyam gives good advice. "Thank you," I thanked, hugging the taller boy.
"I swear to Eywa don't tell anyone else please," Rotxo begged.
Neteyam nodded his head,
"Of course I won't, I'm not like Aonung tells others secrets."
"That's because you forced him into telling you," I rolled my eyes.
We both laughed and talked about other things an advice on how I could get Kiri to like me back.

"Also I'm sorry about Aonung, again just apologising on his behalf," I apologised.
"No no Rotxo, you shouldn't be apologising, anyways let's leave that behind now, Aonung has made a mistake but I have forgiven him," Neteyam said. I nodded my head in agreement so I didn't cause any trouble between me and Neteyam.

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