46 - Seizure

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Rotxo POV:
Me and Aonung were heading to the pool because we were practising our swimming and life guarding skills. "Yo I heard Neteyam and his siblings and Spider and his sister are coming as well," Aonung nudged me. My face lit
up and I was about to say something but Aonung's dad interrupted,
"Both of you focus!"
"Yes sir," we both said, looking straight.
Tsireya just giggled in the background because of how fast we changed our moods.

Soon later, I saw Neteyam walking, following on was Lo'ak who was dragging Kiri and Tuk. Kiri didn't want to go because she was at swimming but didn't want to admit it. Tuk was excited because Sazi would be there. "Where is Sazi?" Tuk asked, holding her donut floatie.
Sazi was sitting on the chair next to the hot tub and immediately ran up to her. "Sazi!" she exclaimed.
"No running!" Tonowari warned them. I waved at Kiri as she sat down next to Tsireya who greeted her.
"Boys are you ready? 3 2 1.. GO!" Tonowari shouted. Me and Aonung professionally dived in the pool and did a dolphin stroke all the way to the other end.
Tonowari walked over to the other side and clapped at me while I searched for Aonung. He was still going on, what?
"Well done Rotxo! You beat Aonung," he congratulated.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Hey nice job!" Aonung praised.
"Thanks!" I replied, getting out of the pool. I grabbed my towel and went up to Kiri.
"You heading in the pool?" I asked her as she was talking to Tsireya.
"Not sure," she responded looking at it.
"Come on it'll be fun!" Tsireya squealed, standing up, grabbing Kiri and Lo'ak. I followed them from behind smiling at Kiri's face.

We reached to the deep end of the pool and we got in. "It's freezing," Kiri shivered.
"Come on lets race to the other side to warm us up!" Tsireya exclaimed, coming up from the water. Kiri nodded her head and quickly swam. I just looked at Lo'ak who was staring at Tsireya. I snapped my fingers in front of his face and he snapped back into reality. "S I M P," I spelt out, rolling my eyes.

Kiri POV:
I haven't been swimming in ages. Lo'ak wanted me to come just because of Tsireya but obviously I wanted to go because of Rotxo. I swear to Eywa that I could not last longer in this pool but luckily Kiri was there to help me. She grew up near the beach so was like definitely a professional. Same with Aonung and Rotxo. The other side of the pool was way further and when I looked back, Rotxo and Lo'ak were miles away. I looked back at the front and Tsireya was way ahead of me so I went back down to swim. As I swam, I felt myself stop for no reason. I tried to move my legs and swim back up but I couldn't. As I struggled, my vision got more blurry. I felt as if someone was pulling me back down and I couldn't even move a muscle. I couldn't think or speak (obviously bc ur under water). That's when I closed my eyes and I didn't know what would happen next...

No One POV:
"Wake up Kiri!" Tsireya screamed. Rotxo rushed over to where Tsireya was and she was holding Kiri's body to the top of the surface. He lifted her up and put her on the side of the pool. After she got out, he checked her breathing and that's when everyone decided to crowd around her.
"What happened to her?" Kiri asked, while holding Sazi's hand.
Tsireya quickly covered both, Tuk and Sazi's 
eyes and led them to another place. Tonowari stood there to see if Rotxo knew what he was doing but if he didn't then he would have to do it the professional way.
"She's breathing!" Rotxo announced.
"Thank Eywa!" Spider and Lo'ak yelled.
"How long will she be unconscious?" Neteyam asked.
"For a few minutes," Aonung replied, looking down at Kiri.
"That's correct," Rotxo nodded.
Rotxo carried her body to the chair bed and laid her down until she was conscious again. He sat down next to her so he could see her wake up. "I'll be on your side forever," he whispered, smiling but worried in the same time.
Tsireya came along and asked,
"How is she?"
"She's fine, she'll be awake," Rotxo hoped.
Tsireya did a thumbs up and made her way over to Lo'ak, who was talking to Spider.

Kiri's eyes shot right open. "Rotxo?" Kiri murmured. Rotxo turned his head right to Kiri who was finally conscious. He helped her sit up on the chair bed and gave her a drink. "You ok?" Rotxo questioned. She nodded her head and took a sip of the water. "That was scary," she said.
"It's ok, you're with me," Rotxo replied, hugging her. She smiled and hugged him back.
"Aye she's awake!" Spider yelled at the others. Everyone else went to check up on her to see if she was ok. Luckily she wasn't unconscious for too long so they wouldn't have to worry. Tsireya gave the biggest hug to her and later Tuk and Sazi joined in. Tonowari was on the side and gave Rotxo a look for him to follow Tonowari. Rotxo nodded his head and followed him.

"Am I in trouble?" Rotxo asked, looking down.
Tonowari sighed and said,
His head shot up and looked at him confused.
"You are brave for what you did," Tonowari complimented.
"Most people wouldn't know what to do, loke Aonung," he chuckled.
"Oh, thank you sir," Rotxo chuckled back.
"Go and enjoy yourself now, boy," Tonowari said.
Rotxo nodded his head and ran back to the others.
"Hey no running!" Tonowari shouted.
"Sorry sir!" Rotxo shouted back, slowing his pace down.


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