38 - Fun time

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Kiri was helping her mother hang up the clothing outside. The sunshine had finally come out because it was summer. The temperature had risen by a lot. "Mom it's getting really hot," I whined.
"Stop whining, theres only a few clothes left in the basket," Neytiri argued back. Kiri rolled her eyes but still helped her mother because she would get a whipping if she didn't.
"If you're really that hot, you should go with Tsireya and Aonung to the beach, Rotxo is going with them too," Neytiri insisted.
"Really?" Kiri replied.
"Yes tell ur brothers, Tuk can't go because Sazi is coming round so keep it a secret from her," Neytiri warned, picking up the basket.
"Ok ok!" Kiri replied, sitting down in the shade, holding her phone.

GC name:
Best Sully's (sorry not sorry Tuk)

Kiri: oi oi oi  OIIIIII


Kiri: stfu u aint even admin

Neteyam: yes Kiri?

Lo'ak: Stfu Neteyam

Kiri: Anyways I guess me and Neteyam are only going to the beach with Tsireya's fam and Rotxo :)))))))))

Lo'ak: You won't be kicked from the group :)

Neteyam: bro switched up 💀

Lo'ak: Ok what time

Kiri: like I think 3 o'clock ish

Lo'ak: sick we have like 4 hours to get ready

Neteyam: thank eywa u didn't tell us later bc i needa go get some petrol

Lo'ak: aight bye loser

Neteyam: You ain't coming in my car with that attitude


Neteyam: Good 😊

Lo'ak: I ain't playing boy let Lo'ak go right now or no seeing Aonung for a month - Dad.

Neteyam: Bro this ain't dad.
Oh sh*t I heard him from the other room
OK LO'ak you can come actually 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

< 4 hours >

They were all ready to go to Tsireya's house because they were going to meet there. They hopped into Neteyam's car and started to drive there. "Bro I'm so excited to go on those water thingys," Lo'ak said.
"I'm so excited to go with ma boo," Neteyam joked.
"Ugh shut up no one cares," Lo'ak argued back, rolling his eyes. No matter how close Aonung was with Neteyam, Lo'ak would always hate him.

Finally they arrived and they were already waiting outside.
"You guys take too long," Aonung said, shaking his head.
"It is alright, get in the car," Tsireya assured, going into the drivers seat.
"Hi Rotxo," Kiri said, kissing him.
"Hi!" he exclaimed, giving her a hug.
"Buckle up and off we go!" Tsireya yelled, starting the car.
"Oh Eywa, don't kill us." Aonung prayed, putting his hands together. After everyone buckled up, Tsireya started to drive to the nearest beach. The car drive was so funny because Lo'ak and Neteyam wee fighting the whole time and Aonung kept telling them to shut up but they never did. Tsireya just kept turning the music up and Rotxo and Kiri were at the back so they were doing their own business.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE, we are here!" Tsireya shouted, causing the people outside go look at her car.
"EYWA! Alright get out guys," Aonung demanded. Everyone got out and Kiri and Tsireya immediately ran up to the ice cream shop. "Babe can you buy it please?" Tsireya begged Lo'ak.
"Rotxo you know I love ice cream," Kiri persuaded somehow. In the end, they both got ice cream because how could you even resist?

"Ok so we already bought like 3 of the sea doos so how about we go with out boyfriends and girlfriends?" Aonung asked.
"Fine by me," Neteyam giggled, walking up to Aonung and dragging him to the sea doos. You know the drill, Tsireya and Lo'ak and Kiri and Rotxo of course. After getting on, Neteyam and Aonung's sea doo led the way and everyone followed them. "HELL YEAH!" Lo'ak shouted, nearly breaking Tsireya's ear drum.
"This is so fun!" Rotxo screamed. Kiri was grabbing onto Rotxo's waist from behind and it was quite cute. The vehicles were hella fast and it was unexpected.
"I think I'm going to be sea sick," Neteyam cried, holding his mouth.
"You guys go 2, I'll stop here for a while," Aonung said, slowing down. We all agreed and now we could do whatever we want.
"Guys lets go get drinks!" Kiri insisted.
"Alright!" they all agreed. Kiri went inside the bar to get everyones orders and then off they went, drinking and driving on an underwater vehicle. Aonung was still helping Neteyam who was slowly feeling better. (aww cute couple.)
The group of 4 had a blast, they thought it was time to have a rest though. "I feel funny," Kiri laughed, hiccuping.
"Me too," Tsireya giggled, getting off and falling onto Lo'ak.
"You two are so drunk, come on Kiri," Rotxo chuckled.
Tsireya was carried by Lo'ak and she literally looked unconscious. Rotxo just stared at him because he could never pick up Kiri. They soon met up with Neteyam and Aonung, Neteyam had hickeys all over his neck.
"Bro seriously?" Rotxo laughed, pointing at Neteyam.
"I see this everyday its fine," Lo'ak said, shaking his head.
"Is my sister good?" Aonung changed the subject.
"Yeah, she's drunk, we should go back home." Lo'ak insisted. Everyone hummed in agreement and off they went on their beautiful road trip home. Secretly, Aonung got a set up of a wireless microphone and karaoke. While Tsireya was asleep Aonung took everything out and they blasted music the whole way. I'm surprised she didn't wake up though.

(a lil wholesome scene bc Kiri and Rotxo didn't really have a moment)

Rotxo POV:

Me and Kiri were in the back of the car. We snuggled up together and watched the view from the window. "You had fun?" I asked, closing my eyes.
"Yeah, I did," she yawned, kissing my cheek.
"That's good baby," I replied, holding her hand.
We slept together, cuddling. The warmth of her made me feel comfortable and I felt like I was at home. The best part was that she was playing with my hair, I loved it when she did that because it made me feel like she was always holding me. I smiled for the whole way back home.

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