54 - Pregnant

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"This baby is killing me!" Kiri groaned as she held onto Rotxo's arm.
They were doing a daily walk because it was better for Kiri to go out then stay home all day.
"Don't worry we're nearly home," Rotox reassured.
As they got to the doorsteps, Spider was walking by their house.
"Yo Spider!" Rotxo waved.
"Oh hey, how are you two?" Spider replied, taking out his airpod. They went closer to each other and Kiri looked like she was struggling.
"Rotxo I'm going to go inside," Kiri whined.
He nodded and then faced Spider again.
The two of them just ended up talking the whole entire time.

Soon later, Jake and Neytiri pulled up to the front of the house. "Hey you two," Jake said.
"Hello sir," they both said.
"Where is Kiri?" Neytiri asked.
"Oh she's inside, resting," Rotxo replied, about to open the door.
Everyone started to side eye each other.
"What was that?" Spider asked, extra concerned.
They all rushed inside and saw Kiri leaning on the kitchen counter and a pile of water was under her legs.
"Oh sh*t.." Rotxo muttered.
"What are you all doing standing there? Take me to the hospital!" Kiri yelled in pain. Jake rushed to the car while Spider and Rotxo helped to carry Kiri into the car. Neytiri went to go pack some things for Kiri for the hospital.
The panicked people all hurried into the car and drove off to the hospital as quick as flash. Obviously Jake already knew what he was doing because of experience with Neytiri but he was half panicked because Kiri was his eldest daughter. He couldn't believe this was happening. Rotxo looked like he was about to pass out but he played it cool while Spider comforted him. Kiri had the most space in the car because she was the one who was giving birth pretty much in a few minutes. Thankfully the hospital wasn't too far away so they got there in no time.

"Pregnant women here!" Rotxo yelled as they rushed into the hospital. The doctors came in with the emergency bed and Kiri had to lay down on it while getting pushed into the room. Meanwhile, the rest of them got dressed into an appropriate outfit to see the pregnancy.
Only loud yelling could be heard from the room as they entered. "We need you to stay calm," the doctor said as he put on his gloves.
"Just get this baby out of me!" Kiri shouted on the top of her lungs.
Spider giggled at this but as he saw there everyone else wasn't laughing, he did a straight face.

"Push!!!" the doctor encouraged.
"I'm trying, can't you see?" she raged. Kiri tried as hard as he could but still it wouldn't come out.
It wasn't a long time until they could hear baby crying sounds. "Oh my-." Rotxo said.
After all the crying, Kiri finally got to see her baby and she was carrying it in her hands. Everyone cheered for her and crowded around her.
"Aww he's so cute!" they all cooed.
Kiri and Rotxo gave each other a 'we made it' look. They kissed each other as the baby lay in the middle of them two of Kiri's arms. "Smile you two!" Jake exclaimed, holding out the camera. They both looked at camera while they teared up. This was a such a wholesome moment and experience for both of them. A whole new world was ahead of them.

the reason i havent been posting is bc i have no requests and MOSTLY BC I HAVE NO MOTIVATION SOZ GUYS

no proof read soz

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now