24 - Who is she?

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Kiri POV:

Recently, Rotxo has been talking to this new girl. I know she's new to the place and all but he has been canceling our plans to show her things and hang out with her. Honestly, I felt like we were drifting apart. "Bye guys! I'm leaving," Lo'ak called.
"Where?" I asked, turning around to face the door.
"Meeting Tsireya of course," Lo'ak said.
"Oh ok," I said, deep inside I envied him.
When he left, I breathed out a big sigh, it was boring without Rotxo.

I went on my social media, Instagram first. I looked through my suggested accounts and saw a familiar name. Laila. That was the girl Rotxo hung out with. Her account was public so I could view her stories and stuff. I clicked on her story and face frowned. I saw her and Rotxo, holding both their bubble teas and she tagged him. I scoffed,
"What a b*tch."
"Who is?" Neteyam asked, coming downstairs.
"This girl, Rotxo is hanging out with her instead of me," I said.
"Talk to him about it, he probably is very unaware," Neteyam insisted.
"You don't get it, he is cancelling all our plans to hang out with her just because he feels bad and she's new." I explained.
"Still talk to him, doing nothing and acting like that is going to get you no where." Neteyam said.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, looking at my phone. I saw that she posted a new story so I clicked on it, I screamed,
"OH MY EYWA, this b*tch!"
"What now?" he asked, looking up from his phone.
"Look what she posted on insta," I said showing him my phone. It was a picture of him giving her a piggy back.
"Oh eywa, you want me to talk to him before you do?" he questioned.
"Yes please this is so awkward," I chuckled.
I looked over to his phone and read the messages and also helped him answer a few messages.

Rotxo and Neteyam messages:

Neteyam: Oi
(left on delivered for 30 minutes)
(left on delivered for 10 minutes)
(left on delivered for 10 minutes)
*missed call*
*missed call*
*missed call*

Rotxo: Sorry! I'm outside so I can't really answer quickly

Neteyam: Yeah out with who?

Rotxo: Oh just this new girl, I'm showing her around

Neteyam: Ah ok. Kiri has been telling me you're cancelling plans?

Rotxo: Is she mad?

Neteyam: Mm guess

Rotxo: I'm guessing she is

Neteyam: Wow correct Rotxo!!!!!

Rotxo: I've already told her I need to show Laila around

Neteyam: but why are you cancelling plans with ur own gf?

Rotxo: I didn't mean to, I just had to show her around

Neteyam: sure u didn't mean to but go talk to her

Rotxo: yes after i get back home

Neteyam: thank you because shes worried

I sighed in relief, he would finally take the time to text me and also explain what was going on.
Now I had to be extra patient until he got back home, eywa knows what time he's coming back home.

Rotxo POV:

"Is you're girlfriend ok with this?" Laila asked.
"Yeah I'm oretty sure she is, you're gay anyways," I chuckled.
She took the picture of m our bubble teas together.

I sipped on my bubble tea and nearly choked when Laila made a joke. She had a good sense of humour but I do wish Kiri was here. I feel like Laila and Rotxo would be really good friends because of their sense of humour. "When should we go back home?" I asked.
"Wanna go back now?" she asked.
"Sure!" I replied.
We hopped in the taxi and off we went back to my house. "Thank you for showing me around this place by the way," she thanked, smiling at me.
"No problem," I said, smiling back.

Gratefully the car ride home wasn't too long and I could finally text Kiri when I got home.
Laila stayed over at mine because my grandma was close friends with her parents.
We stayed in my room, sitting on my bed.
We minded our own business, I was texting on my phone and she was doing whatever on hers.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: Heyyyyyyy

Kiri: Hi

Rotxo: What's up?

Kiri: nah whats up with u?

Rotxo: I'm sorry for cancelling all out plans it was wrong of me

Kiri: yes very wrong of you.

Rotxo: i'll make it up to u

Kiri: not good enough

Rotxo: whatttt???!??!

Kiri: i saw her insta story, don't play w me

Rotxo: we just go boba and strolled thru the park, I promise

Kiri: mhm...

Rotxo: my grandma wants us to be close friends bc shes close friends with her parents

Kiri: ok

Rotxo: Kiriii!!!!

Kiri: what

Rotxo: what are u madd about

Kiri: just mad i dont see u as often and still mad abt the insta story

Rotxo: come over

Kiri: no

Rotxo: kiri ur making it hard for me, please i can explain in real life

Kiri: you're wasting my time

Rotxo: how? i'm literally going to explain

Kiri: do it on text bc i swr that Laila girl will be there at ur house

Rotxo: so what if she is there?

Kiri: fine.

That took a while for her to agree to come to my house. "Hey Laila, my girlfriend is coming over if you don't mind!" I said.
"Oh that's fine! Hope she's cute.." she teased.
"Better not steal her," I chuckled.

*ding dong* That was her! I was so excited to see her and hug her. I opened the door and saw Kiri, I ran up to her, hugging her and said,
"I missed you!" She didn't even hug me back and all she did was stand there. I didn't expect anything back because she was mad at me.
"Come on in," I said. We went upstairs and went into my room. "So this is Laila," I introduced.
"Oh eywa! That's Kiri she's so pretty, be mine???" she joked. She looked concerned but cracked and awkward smile.
"We will be in a different room but we'll be back in a few," I said.
"Alrighty," she replied.

Me and Kiri went into the guest bedroom and sat down on the bed. "What's up with her?" she asked.
"She's gay," I let out, avoiding eye contact.
"You serious? I was mad for nothing," she smirked but also mad.
"Yep." I replied.
She rolled her eyes and smiled at me.
"Well I'm sorry then baby!" Kiri apologised.
"It's fine," I laughed, kissing her head.
"You two would defo be a good duo because u are both funny," I said.
"I think Imma get with her," she joked.
"Kiri!" I yelled.
"Joking!" she laughed, pulling me onto her lap for a kiss.

Mad for nothing 😭😭

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now