21 - Drunk

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Rotxo planned a date for him and Kiri to go on. They usually went on daily dates so this wasn't very new to them. Rotxo seriously couldn't go one day without seeing Kiri (obsessive!!!).

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: KIRII

Kiri: Yes?

Rotxo: Wanna go outttttt

Kiri: ofc roro

Rotxo: omg roro? where did that come from

Kiri: idk it sounds cute tho 🤍

Rotxo: you're right🙌

Kiri: 🙄🙄🙄

Rotxo: anywyasususys urmmmm can you drivee kiri

Kiri: yeah yeah the guy who doesn't have his drivers license...

Rotxo: shushshshshhshs Not even funny at this point.
i'll see you later byeyeyey

Kiri: failed how to spell too


Kiri: im messing w ya baby

Rotxo: good 😊

Rotxo getting ready:
He got out of bed after just texting Kiri. He was giggling and running to the bathroom. He checked himself out in the mirror to see if he looked okay today. 'I look terrible but let's cope' he thought. After the negativity, he scavenged through his clothes and found a comfy little outfit to wear. 'Perfect,' he thought. He they sprayed on some deodorant on himself (personal hygiene rules!). He fixed his hair and then bed and he was finally ready.

Kiri getting ready:
She happily jumped up and down like it was the first time she was going on a date. The first thing she did was look though her clothes. It took her like a really really long time to find some clothes but she made the perfect outfit (like she does every other day). Then she went to the bathroom to wash her face which would refresh her and not make her look tired. Later on, she made her way to her vanity and touched up her makeup, she looked like a goddess after. Finally, she did her hair, it took a long time and she did her bed perfectly. Finally they were both ready.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: you ready?

Rotxo: yep

Kiri: see ya

Rotxo: byeey

Kiri pulled up to his house and he was taking pictures. His grandma was holding his phone and hyping him up. Kiri just giggled as Rotxo didn't know she was there. She honked the horn and he jumped.
"Oh my Eywaaaaaaa! Bye grandma," he gasped, kissing his grandma on the cheek.
"Bye have fun you two!" she exclaimed, making her way inside.
Rotxo jumped inside the car, making an w face.
"That was so embarrassing," he mumbled, putting his seatbelt on.
"Shut up that was cute, you posing is cute," she laughed. Rotxo rolled his eyes. They set off to the place they were hanging out, a club. It was kind of scandalous because they've never been to one. Rotxo lied to his grandma that he was going to a restaurant but no he wasn't. Looks like he isn't as innocent as you think he is.

"We're here!" she exclaimed, happily getting out. Rotxo copied her and did the same but just less enthusiasm. They both held hands and entered the club, of course they showed iD's and then entered. The music was already blasting and the lights were flashing. "Oh wow!" she looked around in amazement.
Rotxo smiled at her cuteness. "This night will be fun!" she yelled so he could hear her from all the music.

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now