3 - Must not say

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It had been a few days after Rotxo confessed his feelings. Rotxo felt happy and more stress relieved after he told Neteyam anything. His life was going pretty well. He got invited to hang out with Aonung and Lo'ak. He got ready and headed out, Rotxo exclaimed,
"Bye gran, see you later!"
"Bye have fun, Ro," his grandma replied.
Rotxo rushed outside he was so so excited to finally be hanging out with people because ever since he isolated himself. He saw Aonung in the distance and sprinted to him.
"Aonung!" Rotxo exclaimed.
"Hi Rotxo," Aonung said, lowering down to Rotxo's level.
"Hey Lo'ak," Rotxo said.
"Hi," Lo'ak said.
"So... Have you guys fought? Sorry for bringing it up but I'm really curious," Rotxo asked.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes,
"Look at Aonung's bruise and my lip, it's busted!"
"Oh my Eywa, you guys will never get along," Rotxo laughed. The boys laughed as they sat down on the sand. Aonung shifted closer to Rotxo,
"So, anything new?"
Aonung acted like her knew something and he looked at Lo'ak who was already smiling.
"No there is nothing," Rotxo said.
"Alright then," Lo'ak said, signalling that they knew.
Rorxo just stared into the two boys eyes and started to laugh,
"You guys are funny." Lo'ak and Aonung looked at each other and just started to burst out laughing. Little did Rotxo know, they knew his secret. (obviously Aonung knowns but Lo'ak knows, honestly I would not trust Aonung with a secret).

Rotxo POV:

Aonung and Lo'ak were acting suspiciously weird around me. I felt quite uncomfortable how they were just looking at each other and laughing at me, almost felt like they were judging me? No! Aonung would never do that, I just repeated that in my head. I swear they were talking about how I have a crush on Kiri, Aonung is the worst at keeping secrets. I just hope the rumour doesn't get to Kiri herself.

I sat down on my bed helping my grandma fold her clothes.
"Thank you my sweet boy," grandma thanked.
"No worried nan," Rotxo replied.
A sudden knock came from the entrance of the pod, who would it be?
"Come in!" grandma yelled. In came Kiri, she was smiling straight at me when she first saw me.
"Hi Rotxo and Rotxo's grandma!" Kiri greeted.
Grandma quickly nudged me and gave me a signal asking who I was. I signalled to her that I would tell her later because I couldn't just spill al my feelings in front of Kiri.
"I just wanted to say that you are invited to dinner at my pod," Kiri said.
"Oh thank you," I smiled.
"No problem, I'll see you later," Kiri waved goodbye to both me and my grandma.

"Now tell me who that is?" grandma asked.
I then explained to her..
It took a while to but in the end I got there.

< A Few Hours Later >

I wanted to make myself look presentable in front of my love. Well she wasn't actually my love, I just called her that because.. I just love everything about her. I wrapped my waist with my belt my grandma bought me a few months ago, I honestly forgot about it but decided to wear it when I found it in my cupboard. "How's this grandma?" I asked.
She covered her mouth and smiled,
"You are so handsome! There's no time to waste, you need to show off to the girl."
I giggled and hugged my grandma before I left, she kissed the top of my head. Later on, I exited the pod, waving goodbye to grandma.

While walking there, I heard loud laughing outside of the pod. I curiously looked next to Kiri's pod and saw the whole gang there (Aonung, Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tsireya, Kiri).
I proceeded to go to them. "Hi guys!" I exclaimed.
"Rotxo, you're finally here!" Kiri said, pulling my arm down.
"Yeha she was asking for you this whole entire time," Lo'ak joked. Everyone else was laughing and greeting me at the same time. Kiri offered to get my food and it looked delicious. "This looks so good," I said.
"My mother made it," Kiri smiled.
Rotxo was devouring the food while everyone was laughing their heads off.

"Hey guys, do you wanna play truth or dare?" Lo'ak asked.
"Yes!" everyone agreed at the same time.
Well all got in a circle and faced towards each other.

Kiri POV:

"Truth or Dare?" I asked Tsireya.
"Hmm truth," Tsireya answered.
"Do you have a crush?" I asked.
"Yes.." she hesitated, fidgeting with her hands.
"Who is it?" I questioned. She didn't speak but she looked at Lo'ak. Everyone knew that was coming up so we all laughed at Lo'ak who was blush red, covering his face.
"Okay shut up, Aonung truth or dare?" Lo'ak asked.
"Uh dare," Aonung said. He looked at Rotxo with a mischievous grin.
"I dare you to... hold hands with Neteyam til next round," Lo'ak giggled.
Everyone laughed because of Neteyam and Aonung's reactions but dee down I know they wanted it. They held hands and after a few rounds, the question came to Rotxo by Aonung,
"Truth or Dare?"
"Hm Truth!" Rotxo said.
"Is it true you like Kiri..?" Aonung asked.
He looked around nervously and then looked at me.
"Uh, uhm, I cannot say," Rotxo let out.
"Why not?" Tsireya said.
He gave Aonung a 'why did you do that' look.
He looked so uncomfortable in that given moment, I asked,
"Rotxo are you ok?" He looked up at me and just ran out.
"Way to go Aonung!" Neteyam scolded, who gripped on his hand even more.
"Why you guys still holding hands?" Lo'ak asked.
They both looked at each other and Aonung laughed,
"Oh I was just about to take it away."
That was a lie. I honestly felt so bad for Rotxo, I decided to chase after him.

It was freezing cold outside, how could he survive out here. "Rotxo," I called. No answer. Could it be true that he liked me?"
I called several more time for his name but no answer. I soon saw something in the distance shivering. I took out my flashlight and saw a small blue body there. "Oh Rotxo!" I said.
He was laying there, shaking uncontrollably. I took him back to his pod but I decided that I would stay there instead of just leaving him. I got a fluffy blanket to cover the both of us and then I slowly fell asleep.

Rotxo POV:

My body was aching, it was so cold outside. But wait, it didn't feel like I was outside. I looked to my left and looked to my right, I saw Kiri sleeping next to me. My jaw dropped onto the ground, why was she here? She was so angelic when sleeping, could I kiss her? No she isn't mine..
I shook her body so I could get her attention.
"Mhm?" Kiri spoke.
"You slept next to me? Was this a mistake?" I asked.
"No, it wasn't I slept next to you because you were so cold and why were you outside sleeping," Kiri asked.
"Uhm, I don't know, but thank you for taking me back in," I thanked.
She got up and held my hand,
"Come on, I smell food in the kitchen."
I blushed so hard but tried to cover it with my hand.
"Rotxo! Oh and Kiri!" grandma exclaimed.
"Come sit down," she said.
We both sat down and got our plates of delicious food. "Thank you for breakfast," Kiri replied. I just smiled at her politeness and grandma did too. "So are you two love birds a together?" grandma asked.
My body froze, I turned to Kiri who was just laughing and shaking her head. Of course she didn't want to be with someone shorter.

Cliffhanger, hope you like it 💗

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