26 - Why do I look like this?

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Kiri POV:

As normal, I took my daily walks in the morning by myself. I listened to my music with my earphone plugged in and took a stroll around the park today. I set my timer of how many hours or minutes I was going to stay out and I picked an hour.
I was humming the words of the song as I walked pass all the shops. Until, I walked pass these group of girls. They all looked drop dead gorgeous. As I walked by, some of them were staring at me up and down and laughing to each other. 'Why is she so tall?' a girl giggled, whispering to one of her friends. 'She is so.. freaky,' another laughed a bit louder this time. I just gave them the most meanest side eye but inside I was hurt. I could just hear them in the background talking about me as my music also played.
When walking away I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I had to cover my face the whole way back and the worst thing is I didn't even get to do my daily walk as well.

As soon as I arrived home, my dad was in the kitchen preparing food. I slammed the front door behind me, taking my shoes off aggressively. "Hey baby girl," he greeted, looking away from the food.
"You ok?" he asked, concerned.
"Yes dad!" I angrily yelled, running upstairs. I felt bad because whenever I was sad or mad I would always let it out on other people.
Slamming the door behind me, I screamed into my pillow to let all my anger out. What those girls said to each other about me really affected me. I wasn't the insecure type but I definitely didn't want people talking about me. I leaned on the wall, sitting down, hugging the pillow.
"Kiri?" dad whispered, coming in with the food.
"What dad?" I replied, rolling my eyes.
"Talk to me," dad said.
"Fine." I let out. I explained to him everything that happened. It was hard for me to say it all again because I just didn't want to think about it but the thought kept coming to me.

"Don't listen to them baby girl, you are perfect the way you are," he reassured, wiping my tears away. I smiled at him and gave him the biggest hug ever. I could tell he really needed that hug as well.
*ding dong*
"Who could that be?" he asked, getting up. He went to go open the door and I could hear mumbled commotion downstairs. I waited patiently until he came back but it was someone different.
"Kiri! You ok?" Rotxo rushed to me.
"Yeah," I replied.
"Who sent you here?" I asked.
"Well, Lo'ak said you were angry when you came back home from you're walk," he replied.
"Mm, I didn't even get to do my walk," I replied, crossing my arms.
"Why not?" he questioned, sitting down next to me.
"Well, these girls were literally talking bad about me in front of me. Even though I had earphones on I could hear them, they made fun of my height, I know I'm tall but-." I explained
"But guess who likes tall people?" he interrupted.
"Rotxo I didn't finish," I annoyingly said.
"Right sorry," he apologised.
"I'm not even insecure, it's just the fact they just talked about me," I said, shifting a little but away from himz
"You're literally so gorgeous and height shouldn't even matter, you're only like a few inches taller than me! No different." Rotxo reassured, shifting me closer to him. He gave me a peck on the kiss and moved my head to my ear.
"Don't let other people judge you for who you are," he lastly said.
I looked at him and smiled and also gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you," I said, playing with his curls.
"I love you more," he replied, placing his hand on my cheek.

He made me feel like who I actually am. The person I trust with my whole life. He is the biggest green flag ever and he's always there for me. I wish I could be a better person for him because he truly deserves better than me.

Wholesome <33 This is short sorry!

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