49 - Unknown

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One day, Kiri went out with Rotxo. They were going shopping since it was Spider's birthday soon so they were going to buy him presents. "Look at these socks!" Kiri laughed, holding the pair up.
"Perfect for Spider," Rotxo laughed as well. They looked around the clothes shop until they saw the best shirt ever. They know he hated Spider man so.. THEY GOT HIM A SPIDER MAN COSTUME!!! Kiri did a mini celebration and thought for a second. She got the costume and took it out of the hanger and stuffed it into her bag secretly. "Come on, there's nothing here to buy!" she yelled so the workers weren't suspicious of them. This was a normal situation for Rotxo, he was definitely not supportive of this but he got used to it.

The two of them were walking back to the car park until Kiri started to slow down when she received a text message.
Kiri and Unknown messages:

Unknown: Hey.

Kiri: who is this?

Unknown: Remember me?

Kiri: No..?

Unknown: Oh come on kiri..

Kiri: How do you know my name? Who are you creep

Unknown: Wow.. how could u not remember

Kiri: whatever I'm blocking you

Unknown: I know where you are

*messenger has been blocked*

Kiri quickly showed Rotxo the messages. "What the-?" Rotxo said.
"I know right," Kiri mumbled, shutting her phone off and panicking.
"Hey calm down, I will make sure your safe," he reassured. Kiri gently smiled while she started the car engine and drove to Rotxo's house.

"See you tomorrow," Rotxo said, waving goodbye.
"Bye," she breathed out, tapping on the steering wheel. Her legs were bouncing up and down, 2 thinking about the texts. She drove back all the way home and went inside. Everyone else seemed to be upstairs and probably asleep because she came quite late. She put her car keys away and started to head upstairs to her room. Creak..
Her body froze. What was that noise? It was pitch black and she couldn't see anything. "Kiri..?" Tuk mumbled, switching the lights on. Phew, it was just Tuk. She was getting paranoid about this.

After changing her clothes, she got into bed and tucked in, scrolling on her phone. A notification from Rotxo popped up.
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: hey, you got back home safe?

Kiri: yeah i did

Rotxo: how u feelin

Kiri: rotxo im still scared :(

Rotxo: dw im here, wanna sleep on call?

Kiri: yes please, if u dont mind

Rotxo: idm babe, facetime me

Kiri: okiiiii

They both stay on call for the rest of the night. Kiri loved hearing Rotxo's voice, he loved how he cared for her. She slowly fell asleep while just listening to his soothing voice.

Kiri was sitting down on her bed, peacefully reading. It was pitch black outside so she had nothing better to do than read her book. *knock knock*
"Come in!" she yelled. No answer. She shook her head in anger and opened the door. No one was there outside of her room. Whatever, she just ignored it and carried on reading. *knock knock*
"Who is it!" she yelled once again, way more louder.
"Answer me!" she groaned, standing up to the door once again. No one again. She gave up and just ignored it if she heard it again. The knock came again but it sounded like it was from her window. She froze, her body was upright. Her head tilted to the window, which had blinds that covered it. Her heart was pumping faster and faster. She slowly slid under her covers and made a little hole so she could see and breathe. The window creaked, she saw someone crawl in. He had a a tall figure, brunette hair, dark clothing and a mask. Who could it be... she looked closer and.... JULIUS? Her ex, the craziest one ever. He had a sack like the ones that Santa keeps all of his presents in. Her breathing got heavier and heavier. "Who was that?" he whispered, turning to the direction of the bed. She covered her mouth, making in harder for her to breathe. "No no no! Go away!" she yelled.

"No no! Stop!" Kiri screamed, sweating all over.
"What's wrong!" Lo'ak shouted, rubbing his eyes.
"You bloody made me wake up," he groaned.
"Shit.." he said, watching Kiri struggle. He quickly rushed over to her and tried to wake her up. "Hey what's up?" Rotxo asked, getting worried.
"Kiri's sweating and she was screaming in her sleep," Lo'ak explained, finally getting Kiri to wake up.
"I'm coming over." Rotxo responded.
"Yes please do," Lo'ak replied.

Lo'ak sat Kiri upright and gave he some water. "You ok now?" Lo'ak asked. She nodded in return, taking sips of the water but staring into space.
"What's up?" he questioned.
"Julius," she replied.
"I thought I beat up that mother fucker, has he not learnt his lesson yet?" Lo'ak asked. She shook her head, looking down at the best sheets. Lo'ak gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows.
"I'll make sure he does," he reassured, going downstairs to open the door for Rotxo.
He kindly bought some things for Kiri, he hated when this happened to her. He would take care of her forever. They both cuddled each other for a long time and Rotxo gave her an over load of kisses. "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you," he whispered, stroking her body.
"It's fine.. Rotxo," she replied, kissing him.
"Lo'ak will teach him a lesson," Kiri giggled.
"I hope he does because I don't want to see my baby looking like that again," he responded.

i didnt proof read bc im lazy and im bout to sleep CUZ ITS SCHOOL AGAIN EWW


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