17 - Oh no

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Rotxo and Aonung messages:

Rotxo: Hi!

Aonung: Hello Ro, wanna come over? Nobody else is free

Rotxo: Yeah sure bro, I'll get ready

Aonung: Aight you walking?

Rotxo: Yeah I'll walk, I'm used to it

Aonung: Ok I'll see you at mine

Rotxo: Bye! ☺️

Rotxo rapidly got ready. He made sure to bring a coat this time just incase it rained.
On his way, he was listening to the queen Ice Spice of course. He connected his airpods in and of he went. Rotxo's grandma was sleeping and he left her a notes when she woke up from her nap. The note said 'I'm going to Nung's, I'll be back home in a few hours'.

Once he arrived, Tonowari greeted him. "Hello sir," Rotxo said.
"Hello boy," Tonowari said.
"Basketball training is on this weekend by the way, those bullies won't be there don't worry," Tonowari reassured.
Soon, Aonung came by and yelled,
"Dad don't leave him out there!"
"Oh yes sorry, come in," Tonowari apologised.
"It's fine," Rotxo giggled, taking off his shoes.

"Come on let's go upstairs," Aonung requested.
Rotxo followed him up the stairs, his house was so aesthetically pleasing. He led him to his room where it was decorated with designer shoes and it had a few vapes on the desk. "Cool shoes bro!" Rotxo exclaimed.
"Thanks," he replied, puffing the vape.
"Wanna hit?" Aonung asked.
"Nah maybe later," he responded.
Aonung lay on the bed, going on his phone while Rotxo just inspected the vapes and the flavours.
"These flavours are mad weird," Rotxo laughed.
"They good though," Aonung said.

"Ya know Kiri asked how I was such a good kisser," Rotxo stated.
"Oh really now?" Aonung said, looking at Rotxo with a smile.
"I didn't tell her don't worry," Rotxo smiled.
"You better not have," Aonung rolled his eyes, putting his phone down.
"Have you learnt any other kissing techniques?" Rotxo awkwardly asked.
"Yeah, I have, I'll show you how to do it," Aonung said. These two had no sexual tension in between them. Aonung just was Rotxo's kiss teacher / trainer. Aonung put his two hand on Rotxo's face. "First close your eyes and tilt your head, then kiss, it has to be a long kiss," Aonung explained.
"I'll try on you and you try on me, let me go first," Aonung added. He did exactly what he said and kissed Rotxo. It lasted a while but Rotxo rated it a 10/10.
"See? Now you go," Aonung smirked.
"Alrighty," Rotxo muttered. He grabbed onto Aonung's face and kissed him. It might sound weird but Rotxo and Aonung were locked in 🤞. They were inserperable and always did things together. Even the weirdest things like this. "Dayum you're already a professional," Aonung congratulated.
"One more time," Aonung said.
"Fine," Rotxo replied. He went in for the kiss again but of course at the same time Tsireya had to walk in.

"Woah! Ever learned how to knock!" Aonung shouted.
"What is going on?" Tsireya asked.
"Nothing." Aonung replied.
"Rotxo was kissing you!" Tsireya yelled.
"And? Not like we are dating!" Aonung argued.
"So you two practise on each other for Neteyam and Kiri? GAWH DAYUM," Tsireya hysterically laughed.
"Keep it a secret please," Rotxo pleaded.
"Mm okay.." Tsireya eyed both of them down.

Tsireya slowly closed the door but she still looked suspicious of both of them.
"You're fault!" Rotxo yelped.
"Fine it is," Aonung rolled his eyes.

Plot twist I guess.. Tsireya has kept this secret for a long time.. like a few years

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