10 - Meeting parents

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quite short ig 😭😭

Kiri POV:

Peacefully, I was laying down on my cosy bed. Ears blessed with Lana Del Rey songs as I sung them elegantly. No distractions and no one to annoy me. The scent in my boyfriend's hoodie I was wearing made me think of him 24/7.
"Kiri! Kiri! Kiri!-." Tuk exclaimed.
"What!?" I asked, switching off the music.
"Dinner's ready," Tuk said, pulling me by the arm.
"Alright alright, let go," I said. I made my self look presentable before going or else my parents would think I was high.

I arrived downstairs and everyone was already at the dining table. All eyes were on me as I walked downstairs from the swirly staircase. (aye main character moment). "Hurry up Kiri, you're food is already cold," mother scolded. I hurried and sat down at my spot. My mother was better at cooking than my father. "Food looks good mom," I complimented.
"Thank you," mother replied, smiling as I devoured her meal.
"So.. I've never seem you wear that hoodie ever," father questioned.
"Oh it's new, I thrifted it," I laughed.
"So were you specifically looking for one that said Rotxo?" father replied.
I looked at the shirt and gasped. I never realised Rotxo gave me his Swim Team Hoodie.
"Oh.." I said.
Neteyam and Lo'ak were just silently laughing in the corner almost choking on their food.
"Let her be, she is old enough to have feelings for a boy," mother said, trying to get my dad to stop asking questions.
I looked at her in a thanking manner and I excused myself to the bathroom. Great my father knows about my boyfriend. At least he's quite supportive and my mom is 100% supportive so it's fine. She will probably convince him that I'm old enough to have one.

< Next day >

It looked quite dark outside but I still woke up. I did my daily stretches as I listened to my music but I didn't blast it or else I would get an ass beating. I made my bed and to stay hydrated I drank water. Finally, I changed and brushed my pearly white teeth (Kiri living her 'It Girl' era).
I went downstairs and saw my father eating cereal all by himself. I decided to grab myself some as well and sit opposite him. He was minding his own business until he saw me. "Ah Kiri!" father said.
"So tell me about this Rotxo guy," he added.
"Why?" I asked, sitting down.
"Well why doesn't he come around for a visit? I want to see what kind of guy he is," he said.
"I'll ask him I guess," I stuttered.
My father rambled on with his questions about him. Although it was quite annoying I understood where he was coming from. My father and brother's were very overprotective so I get it.

After breakfast, I rushed upstairs and jumped on my bed, I grabbed my iPhone to text Rotxo.

Kiri and Rotxo messages;

Kiri: Hey baby!

Rotxo: Hiii, how are you?

Kiri: I'm good! I was wondering if you wanna come by at mine?

Rotxo: Oh that's good, is you're dad ok with that though?

Kiri: Mhm! He even wanted you to come!

Rotxo: Oh alright, I'll come just for you bbg 😊

Kiri: Oh shush, love you see you!! 🤍

Rotxo: Love you too, see yaaa 🤍 (message liked)

Rotxo POV:

That was odd. Jake Sully wanted me to come over? This was definitely a set up, I had to be the best and most presentable I could ever be. I looked through my wardrobe and saw a suit. I remember I wore this at the other party. I thought about it for a while and then agreed to wear it. I hope it wasn't too formal and I hope it would impress Jake Sully sir. After I got dressed, I checked myself out in the mirror. I just needed to make sure everything was perfect. I also practised my greeting that I would do towards her dad. "Hello Jake Sully sir, I'm so happy to be with your daughter," I practised.
"No too formal," I said.
"Whats good sir, you're daughter is mad fine," I practised.
"No too informal," I raged.
Grandma walked in on me practising. "Oh Rotxo, where are you going looking like that?" grandma teased.
"Just Kiri's house, apparently her dad wanted to see me which is quite concerning," I replied.
"Be good, have fun and don't be too formal or or too informal. Be yourself!" grandma comforted, kissing the top of my head.
"I will," I replied, smiling and kisisng her on the cheek.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: Babe when are you coming??
(left on delivered)

Rotxo: Oh babe I'm so sorry! I didn't see your message.

Kiri: That's fine, you coming now?

Rotxo: Mhm, see you in 5.

Kiri: Alright, can't wait! (message liked)

Soon later, I arrived at Kiri's front door. I rung on the doorbell and to my surprise it was her dad. I rushed and greeted him,
"H-hello Jake Sully sir, beautiful day?"
Sh*t I stuttered.
"Rotxo right?" he asked.
I nodded my head after just embarrassing myself. Behind him came Kiri, she looked beautiful as always. "Rotxo!" Kiri exclaimed as she ran up to me and hugged me.
"Alright you two come in, have a seat the dining table," Jake said.
Kiri showed me where the seats were and I sat down.
"Neytiri!" Jake shouted.
"Yes!" she answered.
"Come down! Kiri's little boyfriend came!" he replied.
I was uncomfortably sitting down and my leg was bumping up and down.
Kiri sat next to me and stopped my leg from bouncing, she reassured,
"Don't worry, they aren't that bad, just be cool, like you already are."
I nodded my head and smiled, kissing her forehead. "Aye aye aye, save that for later," Jake interrupted.
"Hello Neytiri Sully," I awkwardly smiled.
"Aw he's cute," Neytiri looked at Kiri, sitting down next to Jake.
"Alright boy, we would like to ask some questions," Jake said.
I nodded my head, secretly, I was dying inside. The first question came from Neytiri,
"How long have you two been in a relationship?"
"A-a-about 3 months from now," I gulped.
"Hm, why did you choose our daughter?" Jake asked.
"She's perfect, unique and kind. You two raised a beautiful girl," I answered.
Jake and Neytiri looked at each other smiling but of course Jake tried to cover it up.
"Lastly, why do you think you would be good for Kiri?" the two parents said in the same time.
I took a while to think and then I finally spoke,
"Well, I know I'm not perfect, not a tall, buff guy but I would protect Kiri with my whole life, I would give her anything and it would all be out of my love, she's the ideal girl," I replied.
"Wow," Neytiri teared up.
"You are a gentleman boy," Jake nodded, shaking my hand.
"Just take care of her really good," he cried, holding onto my hand. I could see Kiri crying as well, I hugged her and comforted her.

Suddenly, Lo'ak came downstairs. "Yo what's going on, why's everyone crying?" Lo'ak asked, confused as hell.
"They accepted him," Kiri cried.
"Bro! I knew you could do it!" Lo'ak exclaimed, gently pushing Rotxo's shoulder.

I'm done with this ship cuz it's so cute 😭 (im not actually done im making more so stay tuned..) Not sure what to do next but I'll have a cheeky think.

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