53 - Annoying

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Kiri was in charge of the house today with all her siblings. Since she was the eldest daughter and probably most responsible she had to stay in charge. Neteyam would probably only give attention to Tuk instead so there would be no point. They were all old enough to not be looked after but Neytiri was worried they might get in trouble. Whilst Kiri was cleaning the kitchen, she thought of a good idea.
"Lo'ak, Teyam!" Kiri yelled, placing the cloth on top of the sink.
The two boys came running downstairs and asked what she wanted.
"Should we invite Rotxo, Reya and Aonung for a movie night?" she asked.
"Only if Reya's comin," Lo'ak shrugged.
"What did I just say dumbass?" Kiri scoffed.
"I'm down, I'll go text them," Neteyam replied, running back up stairs.
"Wait whose getting the snack and drinks?" Lo'ak asked.
"Don't worry me and Rotxo will," she reassured.
"Aight, big up," Lo'ak said, putting his hand on his heart. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone from the counter to text Rotxo.
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: hey!!

Rotxo: hi!!

Kiri: you comin round?

Rotxo: yh tey just txted me

Kiri: alright! wanna come with me to get snacks and drink after u arrive

Rotxo: mhm sure, c u soon ok b?

Kiri: ok c u soon :))

She put down her phone and looked at the couch and saw Tuk hanging over the edge. She was literally in a deep sleep. While holding in her giggles and laughs, she carefully carried her younger sister into her room. "Love you," she whispered, kissing her on the cheek. As she went back downstairs, she heard the door ringing continuously.
"Wait!" she whisper-yelled angrily. In  a hurry, she opened the door and saw the three of them.
"Hi guys!" she exclaimed, letting them in.
"Hi Kiri!" Tsireya said, hugging her.
"Who was the one that was ANNOYINGLY ringing the doorbell," Kiri asked. Aonung and Tsireya side eyed Rotxo who was just looking around like he was innocent.
"Rotxo!" she laughed, lightly smacking him.

The four of them saw Lo'ak and Neteyam setting up the living room for the movie night.
"Baby!" Tsireya squealed, running up to Lo'ak.
"Hey," he whispered, kissing her dimple.
Aonung just smirked at Neteyam and started to kiss him on the lips but Neteyam teasingly put his fingers on his lips to back him away. "Where's the snacks and stuff?" Aonung asked.
"Oh me and Rotxo will get it," Kiri said.
The two of them walked out of the living room, ready to go to the shops.
"You paying?" Rotxo asked.
"In your dreams," Kiri giggled. He rolled his eyes but he got used to the stealing and stuff.

When they arrived at the store, of course Kiri was picking out the stuff to bring and she put it in her bag. The thing she loved about the store was that she would never get caught. Yes, she was taking advantage of the old woman, who had no security cameras, but she did pay for one item to make it unsuspicious. "You sure you want to do this again?" Rotxo asked.
"Come on you see this every time," Kiri whispered.
"This time we should pay!" Rotxo raised his voice.
"Shush!" she replied, putting her finger on his lips.
"Kiri!" he slightly yelled. She covered his mouth forcefully and caused the grandma to look at them.
"Everything alright dear?" she asked.
"Yes yes," Kiri gently smiled at her. She went to the cash register and paid for a cheap item.
"See you next time dear," the grandma sweetly said.
As soon as they exited, Rotxo had a go at her again.
"You are so annoying today Rotxo," Kiri whined as they walked back home.
"I'm sorry! I'm not a thief!" Rotxo exclaimed. The walk back home was pretty silent.

The two of them arrived back at Kiri's house and they saw everyone getting ready to bake. "Hey guys! Come help us make cookies," Tsireya invited. Kiri and Rotxo nodded and washed their hands to help. Rotxo washed his hands first but took an awfully long time.
"Rotxo hurry," Kiri mumbled, rolling her eyes. The first time he didn't hear her because he was kicking Aonung. "Chop chop then!" Kiri raised her voice. He turned around and then left the sink while rolling his eyes. Why was he being so annoying today?
"Alright so what about we work in pairs, me and Lo'ak, Neteyam and Aonung and Kiri and Rotxo?" Tsireya said. They all agreed with her and started to get their things ready.

"Can I do the whisking?" I asked Rotxo as he opened the packet of flour.
"No I'm doing that," he annoying said.
"Ok can I at least put it in the oven then? Or add ingredients," I asked again.
"Nah I am Kiri, I guess you could wash up," he replied, pouring the ingredients in.
"What the hell, I'm not washing up only," I whined. He just rolled his eyes and ignored me while he was play fighting with Aonung. I could tell Neteyam knew what was going on between us. While the cookies were put in the oven, all of us waited in the living room. Me and Rotxo were the last ones their so we just finished up our things. This would be the perfect time to confront him. As he was about to leave, I grabbed his hand and we were in the pantry. Heads up, our pantry is massive and the best thing it has a lock just incase you wanna hide in there or something. "Hey! Wh-." he yelled.

I interrupted him by roughly kissing him on the lips. I think he needed that. But why was I kissing him if he was being so annoying? Me ans him both know we needed it so we didn't stop at all. I pinned him onto the wall and proceeded to carry him and kiss him. We pulled away and held eye contact for a few seconds while breathing heavily. I wanted to kiss every last bit of him. We didn't even check the time and when we were supposed to take out our cookies.
"Rotxo." I breathed.
He looked up at me.
"You won't be annoying after this?" I asked.
His face was smirking and he just pecked my lips.
"I promise," he whispered. "Now put me down."
I carefully put him down and then we went outside of the pantry while the rest of them just stared at us.

We just awkwardly smiled and opened the oven to get our cookies...


i did not proof read sorry


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