47 - Nearly..

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Rotxo has been living a pretty good life, no more bullies to worry about anymore. Until.. this day came along.

Rotxo POV:
I groaned as my grandma told me to go get some fresh air because I had stayed indoors for the past week. It wasn't normal for me to do but I didn't feel like doing anything. I wore my joggers and a grey hoodie then set off. It actually looked like it was about to rain so I bought my umbrella just in case.

The park looked emptier than before, I wonder why. It wasn't the park I used to remember and it made me quite sad. As I strolled through the area, I realised that I was now entering a big group. They looked like old teenagers/ young adults. Being the shy person I am, I looked down on my phone while passing them, staying as far as I could. Just before I looked up again, one of them smacked my phone onto the ground.
"Hey!-." I yelped, then getting cut off.
"What? Hey what?" Faswi questioned, smirking.
"Oh look who it is.." Ze'we added on. I tried to move out of there way and keep walking forward but they bugged me even more. "Where do you think you're going shawty?" Ze'we giggled, pulling the hem of my hoodie. I just looked up at him, not knowing what to say or not knowing what he would do next. They both led me to this dark alleyway and I was just praying for this to be over, there really was no one to help me at this point.

"What are you doing alone again?" Faswi asked, throwing me onto the wall.
"Yeah?" Ze'we laughed.
"N-nothing," I stuttered, looking down.
"No one to save you now," Faswi said, raising my chin up. He then started to push me onto the wall repeatedly. On the other hand, Ze'we punched me on my stomach. My knees were getting weaker and weaker to the point I couldn't stand up so I fell on the group. Tears were trickling down my face but who could help me? Absolutely no one. I just let it all happen. My face was getting purple and worse, blood covered my body and every time I coughed, blood came out.
All it took was one punch and I was in a deep coma. No not really, I just fainted. Even though I was unconscious, I could still the sharpness of my umbrella being penetrated onto me, this only made my stomach get weaker.

Kiri POV:
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Tsireya: KIRI

Kiri: YA?

Tsireya: I realised it's your fav weather!! Rain, so wanna go out?


Tsireya: Okay! lets meet at the park :))

Kiri: See youu Rey 💕💕

As I put my shoes on, the sound of the rain, that was spitting outside, was music to my ears.
While walking to the park, I just spun around, enjoying the beautiful weather. I jumped on every puddle I saw, it just made me smile. "Hi Reya!" I said, walking up to her.
"Hiya!" she said, holding her umbrella.
"Come on babes, you don't need that," I laughed at her, trying to make her let go of the umbrella.
"Stop Kiri! I can't ruin my hair!" Tsireya exclaimed, giggling.
"Let's have fun come on," I pleaded.
"Fine," she rolled her eyes and put the umbrella down. For a while, we danced in the rain together, having the best time ever. "Look what I can do," I screamed, doing a cartwheel.
"Oh ya can you do this?" Tsireya asked, doing a front aerial. My jaw dropped because of how shocked I was, how could she do that? Maybe I should of taken more gymnastic lessons. I felt bad for the people around us but they can't blame us for being ourselves.

Me and Reya both head to the shops and we wanted to buy some sweets. "Wait Kiri I forgot my purse," she said, slapping her face with the palm of her hand.
"You are kidding?" I laughed, putting a pack of Malteasers in my pocket.
"Kiri!" she whisper-yelled. I smirked at her and put sour patch kids, nerds and other sweets. She sighed and just took one sweet because she didn't want to get caught or in too much trouble. I went up to the cashier and since I had an extra £1, I just paid for a sweet so it wasn't suspicious. After, we quickly ran out, trying to hold in our laughs. "See it wasn't that bad," I giggled, eating a Malteaser.

We walked through the pathways of the area and we saw a dark alleyway. I smirked at her and looked at the dark alleyway again. "N-no Kiri," Tsireya shook her head.
"Come with me," I said, holding out flash on my phone. She gave up after I pestered her a million times and we both went through. The smell was horrendous, it was like rotten excreta. I could feel Tsireya, nudging me to go back but I kept walking through. What could be here anyway? Not like monsters exist. We kept advancing to see what could be at the end of this alleyway. I pointed my flashlight down and oh my.

"Dead body!" Tsireya yelled, pointing down. My body froze, it looked like Rotxo. Wait was it? Carefully, I examined the unconscious body that lay there with blood covered all over it. When I flipped it. It was Rotxo! "Rotxo!" I cried, shaking his body. Who would do such a thing. Tsireya was speechless and was already crying. "Call 999!" I screamed, letting go of his body. Tsireya quickly dialled them.
Tsireya and 999 call:

999: Hello 999 what's your emergency?

Tsireya: We may or may not have found a dead body. We are not sure please come quick

999: Ok we are sending police right there by tracking your device.
Stay on call with us until they arrive.

Tsireya: Ok.

I just stood there with Tsireya, unable to even look at his body. It took a while for the police to arrive but I was so happy they came. The police called the ambulance so they could take him to to the hospital. Luckily me and Reya were allowed to go in the vehicle with him. Rotxo was covered up with some sort of white bandages and he was on those bed things.

The doctors inspected his body so they could tell us what had happened. The heart beat scanner showed us he was still alive and thank Eywa. We also called Aonung, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Spider.
"Is he ok?" Aonung asked.
"Be quiet, yes he is," Tsireya scolded. Aonung out his hand on his chest, thanking Eywa. The rest couldn't look at him, they could see the bruises and scars on his body. I was busy crying in my hands, why did this have to happen. Neteyam came over to comfort me through this I was so lucky. Soon later, the doctors came in with a note board. "Mr Rotxo has fractured his leg, arm and skull, it will take a long time for him to heal," the doctor announced. Everyone looked down because they didn't know what to say to the news. "How long will it take?" I asked.
"8-10 weeks, we are not sure yet," the doctor replied.
"You can visit him every week though," the doctor added, leaving the room. My poor baby. When I find the people that did this, I'm going to kill them.

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