37 - Acquaintance

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Kiri POV:
I lay down on my bed, no blanket, just laying down scrolling on my phone. I immediately came up with an idea and decided to text Rotxo about it. Well he would kind of be the only one who would understand in this situation.
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: ROTXO get online !!!!!!!

Rotxo: yrahhaayahgasghs

Kiri: ermmmm okay but i got an IDEAA

Rotxo: what is it?????


Rotxo: wait but wdym, he already apologised to u

Kiri: cmon they all think he is a bad person so he's got to prove he ain't.

Rotxo; fineeeeeeeerer i'll text ao and he'll probably tell reya

Kiri: Ok thanks i'll tel my broskis 😎😎

Rotxo: C U L8er <3333 (kiri liked the message)

After texting Rotxo, I went downstairs because that was where my brothers were. I'm surprised they weren't in their rooms but my dad forced them to come out. It was pretty shocking to see them on the couch watching TV. "Hey guys," I said.
"Hi, they both said, looking away from the TV.
"Guess who I'm kind of acquaintances with," I replied.
"Who?" they asked.
"Spider!" I exclaimed.
"Oh hell naw," Lo'ak shook his head.
"Oh hell yes!" I shouted, smiling at them.
"And I want you two to be on your best behaviours because he's coming round," I demanded, giving them a glare. They both side eyed each other and looked back at me.
"He isn't as bad!" I said.
"Ok just be careful sista," Netwyam warned. I nodded my head, smiling amd ran back upstairs. Now time for the hard bit, texting Spider.
Kiri and Spider messages:

Kiri: hey is this spider?

Spider: uh who is this

Kiri: it's kiri lmao

Spider: uh how did u get my number????

Kiri: remember u gave me it the other day?? silly

Spider: oh yhhh

Kiri: anyways come over to my house, now.

Spider: huh ?

Kiri: everyone else is here

Spider: wait what?
who is everyone else?

Kiri: all of my friends and u remember my brothers right?

Spider: oh. uh i never agreed to so ima just stay home

Kiri: don't make me drag you there

Spider: i cant soz ://////

Kiri: bru stop lying

Spider: your brothers are scary

Kiri: nah they promised me they would be good

Spider: u sure? i remember them being so protective bruh


Spider: ok ok FINE 🖕

Kiri: kk thxxxx

Rotxo POV:
Me, Ao and Reya were sitting down on Kiri's couch, waiting for Spider to arrive. Aonung looked hella mad when he was called to Kiri's house just for Spider to be there. "Are you sure he's better?" Aonung asked.
"Well whatever Kiri says is correct," I replied. He rolled his eyes and just went on his phone.
Neteyam and Lo'ak were also there, they looked like they were about to burst of laughter.
"What's wrong?" Tsireya asked.
"Nothing," Neteyam lied, holding his mouth.
"I think someone has their shirt the wrong way," Lo'ak chuckled, pointing at Aonung.
Aonung looked up from his phone and groaned. Unexpectedly, he took of his shirt and flipped it. Neteyam was staring hard and I just giggled at the reactions of both of the brothers. "Oh my? Seriously Aonung?" Tsireya gagged, looking away.
"I got the abs and I got the muscles," Aonung teased, flexing his muscles.

"Am I interrupting something?" a familar voice asked. We all turned to the visitor, it was Spider.
"Oh nothing," Aonung rushed to put his shirt back on and then sitting down.
"Oh good," he chuckled but then tried to cover his mouth.
"Kiri! You're ACQUAINTANCE is here," Neteyam teased, rolling his eyes.

"Hey Spider," I greeted and then Kiri after me.
"Come sit down," Kiri said. Spider awkwardly sat down on a chair, opposite all of us who were on the couch.
"Well? Shouldn't you guys be introducing each other?" Kiri asked.
"Oh! Hello, I'm Tsireya! Most people call me Reya for short," Tsireya greeted, smiling and displaying her dimples.
"And she's mine," Lo'ak sounded serious.
"Ok bro, I wasn't going to steal her anyway," Spider chuckled and them winked at him.
"Aonung," Aonung said, giving Spider the side eye.
"Yeah I know you muscle man," Spider laughed.
Aonung rolled his eyes, looking at the next person who was going to introduce themselves.
"Well you know me and Lo'ak right Spider?" Neteyam asked. Spider just nodded his head and I could see the fear in him after Neteyam just talked to him. Kiri just nudged Neteyam who smirked when he saw Spider shaking. (LMAO NETEYAM IS EVIL).
"Anyways, uh, what now?" Aonung said.
"Do you guys have social media?" Spider asked.
He was looking at us waiting for an answer.
"Yes, you can follow me on insta and you'll probably find the others in my following," I replied so it wasn't awkward.
"Oh alright," Spider agreed, taking his phone.

Spider would often stare around, his eyes were shuffling everywhere. "Hey are you ok?" I whispered, putting my hand on his shoulder. Everyone else was just too busy talking with each other.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he lied.
"Whats up?" I asked.
"I don't know," he answered.
"It's ok if you're nervous, just know these people don't think you're as bad as before," I reassured.
He smiled at me and then looked back at the rest who were acting like wild animals. "Come on guys, join us to a drinking competition!" Tsireya yelled, watching Aonung chug a can of beer.
"Com on," I laughed, grabbing Spider's hand.
"You try," I insisted.
"Ok ok," Spider rolled his eyes. He chugged a whole beer can like it was nothing.
"Dayum lil dude," Aonung joked.
"Shut up, we are literally the same height," Spider gently punched him. I glared at Neteyam and he was laughing at their interaction.

Kiri POV:
I was so glad we were all back together as a group and especially Spider. I missed him so much, I'm glad he's a better person now and he's not the same as before.


ALSO GO FOLLOW MY TIKTOK ACCOUNT!! @theseagiveandtakes !!

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