40 - Third Wheel

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Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: rotxooooooo

Rotxo: kiriiiiiiiiiii

Kiri: helllo

Rotxo: hiiii

Kiri: u wanna hang out, im bored :p

Rotxo: yes of course

Kiri: ok can we hang out at urs? my house is a mess 🥲

Rotxo: mhm!

Kiri: if ur grandma doesn't mind

Rotxo: its fine she doesn't :)))))

Kiri: THANKS BABY see u soon and i think Lo'ak might have to stay bc Neteyam went on a date with Aonung and my parents and Tuk went to Spider's house.

Rotxo: LO'AK's COMING???!!? oh no problem then

Kiri: Yes 😭😭😭 u shoukd be more excited to see me ?!?!?

Rotxo: yes ofc i am !! but cmon he's lo'ak!!!

Kiri: wtv ...🙄 c u bb

Rotxo: baiiiiaiiiaiaiaii

Rotxo POV:
How should I react to this information? Lo'ak and Kiri were coning over. I rarely see Lo'ak so I had to clean my room up and wear the most stylish but comfiest outfit. Lo'ak was one of the coolest people ever. His style was so good and he was the best at basketball!

"By the way grandma, Kiri and Lo'ak are coming by," I said.
"Thats fine," she replied, sitting on the couch. Well they better not do anything silly when they came by because I swear my grandma will kick them out. I headed upstairs and started working on my room. I vacuumed and fixed my shoes collection. I put all the empty cans in the bin and made my bed. Great.. all done, now my outfit. So I put on an oversized black top with grey sweatpants. Then I just put some Nike socks on because ain't nobody seeing my grippers. Lastly, I put on a gold chain that was originally my grandpa's but it got passed down onto me. All finished! I'm so glad I didn't really had to do that much. Well I did but it didn't really bother me that much. Now I just had to be patient and wait for Kiri and Lo'ak to arrive. While waiting, I decided to fix up my hair a bit and eat some mints. Obviously I don't want bad breath while talking to any of them.

Kiri POV:
Lazily, I got in the passenger seat of Lo'ak's car. "I hope you don't crash us," I joked, laughing while buckling my belt.
"Shut up," he said, starting the car up and reversing. The whole ride it was silent, we can tel that Neteyam had a better car because it had karaoke.
"You need to install karaoke," I insisted.
"You going to buy that for me?" he asked, side eyeing me.
"Yeah in your dreams," I rolled my eyes, looking at the view outside. Lo'ak was probably the worst driver in the family but I still let him drive for some reason. Obviously I can't say Tuk is the worst driver when she technically is but she doesn't have a drivers license so I can't use her as an example.

We finally, pulled up to Rotxo's house and surprisingly Lo'ak did a good job of parking the car. We hopped out and knocked onto the door, it was Rotxo who opened it in a rush for some reason.
"Oh hey! Kiri and... L-Lo'ak," he stuttered.
"You ok?" I asked, concerned about his behaviour.
"Y-yeah," he stuttered again, he looked away in embarrassment letting us come inside though.
"What's up man, haven't seen you in so long, I swear my sister is holding you hostage," Lo'ak joked, putting his hands around Rotxo's shoulder. Rotxo cracked a smile before leading us upstairs to his room. I sat next to him on the bed as Lo'ak just sat on the gaming chair. I braided his hair while him and Lo'ak were battling each other on Fortnite. "You're so good what the-!" Lo'ak yelled.
"Heh, thanks," Rotxo smiled. Suddenly, Lo'ak's phone rung.
"Hey, sorry, I gotta take this," he announced, stepping outside of the room.

Rotxo turned back to me pouting. "Right what is up with you? You do not act like this?" I asked, holding his hands.
"I'm sorry, I don't know how to act around your brother, obviously I need to have a good impression around him," he sulked.
"Don't be sad, you don't have to impress him, he already knows you're cool," I smiled, reassuring him.
"W-wait- really? He thinks I'm cool?" he stuttered, in complete shock. I nodded my head and smiled at his reaction that led to pure happiness.
"Oh my Eywa! The coolest guy just called me cool," he smiled, jumping up and down the bed.
He was so cute I just wanted to bite him all over but obviously I couldn't do that now. Ugh Lo'ak had to ruin everything. The beat I could do was just kiss him so that's what I did. It was a long kiss but not longer that 3 minutes. "Hey guys I'm ba-." Lo'ak interrupted.
"Oh.. sorry, did I interrupt?" he asked, about to shut the door.
"No no! Come back in, I need to show you more of my skills in Fortnite," Rotxo laughed, sitting on the gaming chair. I smiled at both of them who were raging and roasting each other.

< dinner time >

Rotxo's grandma had prepared us her home made sushi. I love sushi it is honestly the best thing ever. Me and Rotxo sat next to each other while Lo'ak sat opposite us. I grabbed the chopsticks and shoved a sushu into Rotxo's mouth. His eyes widened but he slowly laughed after. He took his chopsticks and shoved one into my mouth as well, causing me to giggle. We kept doing this back and fourth. We also shared a drink and Lo'ak just rolled his eyes everytime I would flex on him that we were sharing and he had to have a drink himself. "Wait I'm going to go get something," Rotxo said.
"Alright," I answered, smirking at him while leaving. I looked at Lo'ak as he left who raised his eyebrows. I picked up the bottle of soy sauce and poured a little bit into his coca cola. "Shh.." I shushed Lo'ak, as I heard his come back.
"You're favourite chips!" he smiled, handing them to me. Oh no.. I would definitely feel guilty after this now. After putting soy sauce into his drink, he's definitely getting mad. Lo'ak just bit his lip trying his hardest not to laugh as he saw my eyes widen. "Aw thank you so much!" I awed.
Rotxo took another bite of his sushi and then went in for a gulp of the shared coca cola. "You want some?" he asked. But before he could offer, his eyes shut, tongue stuck out and nose scrunched. "What the- ew this tastes disgusting Kiri!" he yelped, taking another sip.
"Bro why do you keep taking sips!" Lo'ak laughed so loudly that he couldn't control it.
"Kiri!" he screamed, playing fighting me.

No One POV:
Lo'ak watched them play fighting and just missed Tsireya. He sat and ate the food that was still left over on his plate. "You guys are so lovey dovey," he rolled his eyes, scoffing.
"Oh shut it," Kiri said, kissing Rotxo all over his face.
"Look at Rotxo he's literally dark blue now!" Lo'ak laughed.
Rotxo just buried his face into his arms while Lo'ak and Kiri just laughed at him.
"You ain't funny.." Rotxo shouted, not letting his head up.
"Well I guess I'm finishing the Ben and Jerry's ice cream my self!" Kiri teased.
"You guys have shared ice cream?" Lo'ak asked.
"Yeah!" Rotxo said, lifting his head up.
"Dang I gotta see you two share that now," Lo'ak said, crossing his arms.
"No you can have so-." Rotxo insisted.
"No don't he just wants all of it, don't feel bad t all!" Kiri interrupted, knowing all the tips and tricks.

Lo'ak rolled his eyes as the two shared ice creams and it was his favourite flavour, Chocolate Fudge Brownie. You could tell who was flexing it the most, Kiri of course because sibling things...

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