36 - Friends again?

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lol i did a cliffhanger last chapterrrrrr
soz guys </333

this is way after the incident and spider is finally released from jail.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: Babe

Rotxo: ??? yaa


Rotxo: Okay okay!!!! where??

Kiri: u pick! bc i feel sel🐟 for picking all the time

Rotxo: aww ur so thoughtful 😊😊🤞
wanna go to Pizza Shack? im craving pizza rn



Kiri: When should I pick u up?

Rotxo: In like an hour?

Kiri: babes u need to get ur driving license soon tho

Rotxo: don't even remind me.

Kiri: CMONNN! i promise u aint that short im just a few inches taller than u like u always say to me

Rotxo: ok ok!! bye i needa get ready!!..

Kiri: kk<333333

Rotxo POV:
*knock knock*
Finally, she was here to pick me up.
"Bye grandma!" I yelled, shutting the door behind me. She was already smiling at me when I got outside of the house. "Get in!" she exclaimed, rolling down the window. I got in the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.
"Can I get a kiss?" I asked teasingly.
"Yeah of course," she replied, biting my cheek.
"Ow!!!" I yelped.
She giggled starting the car. The drive was only 20 minutes long but it felt way shorter because Kiri made the car ride fun. She put on karaoke because she has the karaoke microphone and a disco ball light on the top of her car but it works better at night.
"HIT ME BABY ONE MORE TIME!" we both sang, looking at each other, smiling. We were both out of breath when we finished the song and got out of the car because we arrived at Pizza Shack.
We entered the restaurant and found a place at our table. The place was pretty empty, I mean there was barely any people. There was like a group of girls but they were just about to leave.
Me and Kiri sat by a place a little buffet and I glared at the table next to the counter. I nudged Kiri and she looked at me confused.
"Look over there," I whispered, secretly pointing to the table.
"Oh my.. it's Sazi," she whispered back. I immediately knew that Spider was here.

"Are you ready to order?" a familiar voice said, covering his face with the menu. He places it down and when he saw who we were he immediately turned red.
"Y-you two? You're following me," Spider raged.
"We are not?" Kiri replied.
"Sure sure..." he replied, rolling his eyes.
Sazi came up behind him and whispered,
"Is that Kiri?"
"Yeah yeah," he mumbled, holding her head and smiling at her. Spider looked back at us with furrowed eyebrows as Sazi went back to her table.
"Get lost," he mouthed to us.
"You can't just do that? It's a public restaurant." I said.
He rolled his eyes and got his note pad put to take our order.
He was much more better and nicer with his sister so why could he just not be like that to everyone else. Me and Kiri side eyed each other and then told him our order.

< 30 minutes later... >

Spider was walking around, he looked like he was stressing out. Earlier me and Kiri heard screaming but we just thought it was outside. "I'm going to go to the toilet," I said.
"Ok!" she said, looking up from her phone.
I got up and as I was about to enter the toilet, I saw Spider sitting outside on the stair next to it. He was crying in his hands, resting his arms on his knee.

"You alright?" I asked, touching the bathroom door.
"What does it look like?" he questioned, still staying in the same position.
"No, I don't think so," I responded, going closer to him. I sat down the furthest I could from him on the stair. Although he was a bad person I did want him to a better person to other people, especially my girl, Kiri.
"What's up?" I awkwardly asked.
"Everything is gone wrong, the chef just quit, I f*cked it up, I can't make the food," he replied.
"Calm down.." I cooed, actually feeing bad.
"You don't have to pretend, you and Kiri hate me, I know what' I've done was wrong, I'm sorry!" he blurted. I never expected him to say that but I wasn't the person to say that to.
"Hey hey, it's ok.. but you've got the wrong person to say it to." I replied.
He looked up at me and nodded his head. I followed him from behind and gave him some reassurance.

Kiri was giggling and laughing with Sazi while we came up to them. They quietened down as soon as well came. Kiri glared at me and then looked at Spider with a dirty look. "Spi? Are you crying!?" Sazi asked worriedly.
"No no," he reassured, obviously lying, going behind the chair she was sitting on.
Spider looked at me because he was panicking.
"You can do it," I mouthed.
"What are you doing?" Kiri asked, looking at Spider and me.
"Sazi can you go to the back counter? This is adult conversation," Spider insisted.
She nodded her head and ran off.

Spider took a big, deep breath and then let it all out,
"I-I'm sorry, you know what I mean, about everything that happened in the past, I mean you shouldn't let it go, it was wrong of me to do those things and you're a good person, I'm just sorry for treating like you were nothing."
"Spider, I-." Kiri muttered.
"No, you deserve a big apology, this is not a joke," Spider said. Spider looked at me and I was just smiling at how thoughtful he was really. All that bad in him was just instantly gone.
"Spider.. I forgive you," she replied, barely knowing what to say.
"Really?" he replied.
"Mhm." she said.
"Come give me a hug," she added, bringing her arms out. Spider bent down and hugged her. I smiled at their interaction and Spider's long hands pulled me into the hug too.
"Ok.." I laughed.

"Thank you.." Spider said.
"No worries," Kiri smiled.
"Wait what happened to our food?" Kiri asked.
"Well about that.." Spider chuckled.

YASSSS finally
i think i have an idea on what to do next chapter

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