35 - Getting over it

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(a few weeks after incident)

Kiri POV:
"Kiri!" my father yelled from all the way downstairs.
"Yes?" I called back, taking one earphone off.
"Come down here now," he demanded, having an angry tone. I annoyingly rolled my eyes and went downstairs. I just wanted to be left alone but would be called everyone five minutes.

"What is it dad?" I asked.
"We got a call from the police about what happened with you and Spider," he said.
My mother was next to him who looked quite upset.
"Mhm.." I hummed, sitting down on the couch opposite them.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" he angrily asked
"Sorry," I flinched. My mother angrily but gently nudged his hand.
"Are you ok at least?" my mother asked, taking my hand for reassurance.
I nodded my head.
"That's good," she smiled, kissing my cheek.
"Next time make sure to tell me baby girl," he reassured. I smiled at him and then I nodded my head.

*deep sigh*
Maybe I should tell Tsireya to come over. Honestly I haven't been talking to her as much so I guess it would be nice to see her again.
Kiri and Tsireya messages:

Kiri: hii reyaa

Tsireya: hi kiki<333 hruu

Kiri: im good :))

Tsireya: thats wonderful!
what u up to?

Kiri: nothing i was just going to ask if you wanted to come over??

Tsireya: sure, do u want aonung to come bc rotxo is also here or they can stay back at home???

Kiri: idrm !! they can come if they want

Tsireya: alrrr i'll tell them abt it
(few mins later)
they wanna come!!

Kiri: yayy!! c u reyaaa

Tsireya: bye babes 💕

"Tey, Aonung is coming here," I said, barging into his room.
"YAY! Really?" he replied.
"Yeahhh!" I exclaimed.
"Is Reya coming too?" Lo'ak came in, overhearing our conversation.
"Yes but she's mine so back off," I joked, sticking my tongue out.
"Ok Rotxo's nine then, wait-." Lo'ak said.
"I knew you were fruity," I laughed
"No not like that!" Lo'ak shouted, rolling his eyes.

*ding dong*
"Looks like their here," I giggled, running downstairs.
I opened the door and all saw them waiting outside.
"Hi guys come in," I greeted, letting them in.
They took off their shoes and then followed me upstairs. "Can I get a kiss?" Rotxo whispered, following me to my room.
"Of course you don't have to ask," I reassured.
"Everyone come to Kiri's room!" Lo'ak shouted.
"Do you guys want anything to eat?" I asked.
"Neteyam," Aonung jokingly said. My brother looked a whole different colour. I had to get my head out of the incident that happened. The best thing to do was tell the others. Well Aonung, Rotxo and my brothers already know but not Tsireya. I hand signalled for Tsireya to come outside with me so I could talk to her.

"What's up?" she asked, looking quite worried.
"Well the Spider incident." I mumbled, looking down on the floor.
"Oh, I heard about it, are you ok?" she reassured.
"Well, yeah, I'm just glad it's over," I replied, lifting my head up.
"That's great," she smiled, holding my hand to bring my back into the room.
We returned and sat back down in the circle.
I sat down next to Rotxo and we just cuddled each other while Tsireya and Lo'ak looked like they went into a different room.
Soon later, Aonung and Neteyam also went to Neteyam's room so it was only me and Rotxo left.

"Are you sure you're ok with, you know?" he asked, touching my thigh. I nodded my head and smiled at him.
"When he gets out of jail I'll make sure he pays," he angrily said.
"Don't, it'll make things worse, I just wish he could apologise." I said. He nodded his head, standing up. He pulled me up as well and whispered into my ear,
"Want to do something?"
"Rotxo seriously?" I laughed. He rushed his head at my answer and I just rolled my eyes.
"Please please please?" he begged.
I finally gave in and before he could say anything, I pinned him against the door, which closed it.
He looked quite shocked but he was also smirking. "You sure you want this?" I asked.
"Yes," he responded.
"Alright then," I said, taking his shirt off. Slowly, I started to kiss his all around his face and then I made my way to his body.

trust me i will make up for it a few chapter xoxox

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