20 - The Month

330 13 9

notes: so we are just going to pretend that aliens have periods i guess 🤫

Kiri POV:

It was the time of the month again. I was slouching on my bed, scrolling through social media on my phone. I barely had the energy to do anything, I just wanted to stay in bed all day. *ping ping ping*. The sound kept replaying on my phone. Checking my notifications I saw Rotxo messaging me.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: Hiiiiiiii babebebeee
Can I come over ????!
Kiririiririri you're always awake early

Kiri: Mhm?

Rotxo: Can I come over?

Kiri: Mmm

Rotxo: Plsslslslsls
Wait r you at the time of the month?
Kiriii you always say yes.
K I'm coming bye.

Kiri: ROTXO.

Rotxo POV:

I knew what I had to do. She was always moody during this time so it was hard for me to do anything. I couldn't be too touchy or she'd get mad. "Grandma!" I exclaimed.
"Yes Rotxo?" she replied.
"Where r you?" I asked.
"Down here!" she answered.
"Oh hey! I need help.. Kiri is on her you know.. What should I get her or do?" I asked panicking.
"Calm down Rotxo, first you need some pads, that could help her out. Then you can buy her some chocolate, her favourite ones of course and then maybe some flowers," she listed.
I looked shocked after she told me what to get.
"Ok.." I mumbled.
"Have fun!" she said lastly.
I grabbed some cash and then head off to the shop. Today was a pretty decent day, it was sunny and cloudless. After, I head to the shop and bought, Malteasers (her fav chocolate), pads and a bouquet of roses. I know I am such a gentleman.

Later on, I arrived at her house. I rung the door bell and Lo'ak opened the door.
"Bruh I thought you were Tsireya," he said, frowning.
"Joking bro, come in," he laughed, holding onto my shoulder.
"Who are these for? Oh never mind I already know," he rolled his eyes.
"Have fun.." Lo'ak teased.
"Bye Lo'ak, you have fun with Tsireya if she's coming," I replied, laughing while he just had a dead serious face.

*Knock knock*
"Come in," a faint voice said from inside.
I proceeded to go inside the room and see Kiri lying down on her bed. I wish I could just steal her bed it looked comfier than mind.
"Kiri!" I exclaimed, running up to her with her gifts.
"Oh Rotxo!" she replied, doing an awe face.
I smiled at her and gave her kisses all over her face. She tapped on her bed, indicating to me where I should sit. "I love you so much," she said, looking at me again and kissing me.
"I love you too." I replied, still smiling at her.

"Want anything else?" I asked, hoping she was already happy with what she already has.
"Hmmm, can you order McDonalds?" she asked.
"Okay what do you what?" I replied, taking my phone out.
"You know, a big mac, chicken nuggets, happy meal, salad, french fries, mozzarella sticks, don't forget the sauces too, milkshake, mcflurry, coke and a chicken wrap for you maybe?" she listed.
"Kiri.." I muttered.
"Yeah?" she questioned.
"You sure you can eat all of that, whatever I'll get you it because your my favourite girl!" I exclaimed, still concerned.
"Yay!" she laughed.
"Alright I'll order on my phone," I said.

"Ordered! It will be here in a few minutes," I said. She hugged me and placed a few kisses on me to thank me for buying her the food. We lay down on her bed, not gonna lie it was really comfy. We snuggled up into her blanket.
"How is your bed so comfy," I asked, snuggling more into her blanket.
"It just is Rotxo," Kiri smiled.

*Knock knock*
"Come in," Kiri said, looking up at the door.
"Did someone order this?" Neteyam asked, holding a McDonald's bag.
"It's ours, leave it on the desk please Neteyam," she pouted teasingly.
"Alright," he said, placing it on the table, giving me a smirk because I looked stupid laying down. I got up when I saw the McDonald's bag and went up to grab it for Kiri. I took out her order and she immediately got up. "Thank you!!" she exclaimed.
"No problem babe," I said, sitting back down next to her after.

She was stuffing her mouth with the food but it was so cute to me. How could a Na'vi be that perfect? She was so perfect, everything she did was so.. jsjsjsjsjs. I couldn't even think properly. She had no idea what she was doing to me. *snap snap*
"Rotxo?" she looked concerned, still shoving the food in her mouth.
"O-oh yeah?" I replied, shaking my head.
"You ok? You were smiling and staring at me for so long," she asked.
"Mhm," I nodded my head, looking at the time on my phone.

"I need to go," I said, pouting.
"Really?" she replied.
"Yeah," I said.
"Kiss me one more time before I go," she insisted.
I stood up and kissed her as she kissed me back. The kiss wasn't that long but I loved any kiss I got from her. "Right, bye baby," I said.
"Bye!" she exclaimed, finally following me and getting out of bed
"Looks like someone finally got out of bed," I teased. She just rolled her eyes.
She followed me downstairs to the front door.
She kissed me a last goodbye and it was a finally a longer one. My grandma would kill me if she saw me kissing her. This time it was worse, Jake Sully caught us.
"Hey you two," he whispered.
Kiri quickly pulled away and yelled,
"Get a room," he teased, biting into a cracker.
"I got to go now," I said, waving goodbye to Kiri and Jake.
"Bye," she smiled, holding the door for me.

short but cute

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now