29 - Messed up

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The group of friends were all having a mini party. There was vapes, drinks, maybe drugs...
Kiri was obviously already drunk and Tsireya, who didn't drink as heavily as Kiri, danced with her awkwardly. Neteyam and Aonung were having a make out sesh in the bathroom so we don't talk about that. Lo'ak and Rotxo were just on the bed, having a conversation and sipping on their beers.
"Hello?" Lo'ak snapped his fingers in front of Rotxo.
"Y-yeah? Sorry Lo'ak." Rotxo stuttered.
"Oh it's fine you were just looking at Kiri," Lo'ak teased.
"Oh shush," Rotxo rolled his eyes. Kiri was so mesmerising and honestly Rotox could stare at her all day. Her beauty was unreal.

(anyways skip the lovey dovey)

They all sat in a circle on the bed and I'm surprised how they made a circle especially because all of them were drunk. Well we know who the drunkest is (Kiri). They were chatting about random things and they were very random. "Who has the largest d*ck here?" Lo'ak asked.
"Me," Kiri laughed.
"You wish you had one," Neteyam giggled.
"Who has smallest one?" Aonung said.
"Rotxo!" Kiri stated and burst out laughing straight after.
"That's literally a joke," Rotxo awkwardly laughed, hoping Kiri would agree.
"No it's not! You have a small pp!" she laughed.
Everyone else just laughed along with Kiri. Rotxo rolled his eyes and smiled,
"She's just drunk."

They continued chatting about random things until they bought up parents. Rotxo sat out of the circle but immediately raised his head when they talked about it. They were talking about funny moments with their parents. "Wait who is Rotxo's guardian?" Lo'ak asked drunkily.
"His grandma," Tsireya answered.
"What happened to his parents?" Lo'ak asked.
Rotxo shook his head at Tsireya because he didn't want to talk about it right now. The whole party would be ruined if it was bought up.
"Explain what happened again! Again and again!" Kiri screamed, drinking more alcohol.
"Kiri calm down," Tsireya said, helping her sit down.
"No he needs to explain," she replied, making Tsireya let go.
"Kiri you know, just sit down," Rotxo shook his head and just put his head back down.
"What's it like being parentless?" she let out. Everyone went quiet and just looked at Kiri. "Kiri," Neteyam side eyed. Rotxo looked shocked with Kiri, well everyone was but he looked the most.
"What the f*ck?" Rotxo muttered.
"Too far," Aonung said.

Rotxo POV:

This was the moment I knew the party was over for me. I stood up and headed out of the den, which was the place the party was held at.
"Wait up Rotxo!" Lo'ak shouted.
"You didn't have to follow me," I replied.
"Let me walk you, I know how you're grandma feels about you walking alone," he insisted, tapping my back. He helped me walk all the way back home and he kept apologising about Kiri. "It's fine, she's probably just drunk," I said.
"Just because she is doesn't mean she has the right to be offensive," Lo'ak explained. I nodded my head as we reached the front of my house.
"Well, here we are, I'll send Kiri tomorrow? When she's not drunk," Lo'ak chuckled.
"Thank you Lo'ak," I said, smiling and waving goodbye.

I went inside and saw my grandma sleeping on the couch. She was watching her favourite show so I switched it off to save electricity.
I gave her a blanket to keep her warm and then headed upstairs. I couldn't stop thinking about what Kiri said, it was expected and unexpected in the same time.

When I hopped into bed, I automatically fell asleep. I just felt tired from all that walking, I'm glad someone was there to comfort me.

< next day >

Waking up, I was still tired after yesterday but I forced myself to wake up. As usual, I got up and got ready for the day. Today was the day I was going to confront Kiri about what happened. Well Lo'ak said he would tell Kiri so I texted him first.
Lo'ak and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: Did you talk to Kiri?

Lo'ak: yes i did, she will come over soon

Rotxo: thank you Lo'ak

Lo'ak: anytime bro, she's heading out now

Rotxo: Okay :)

Patiently, I waited downstairs for Kiri. I sat down on the couch and watched TV. I didn't know what to say or do when she was here because it would be awkward. No I cant be awkward with my girlfriend. I was preparing myself until I heard a knock on the door. I sat up straight and headed to the door. Taking one more deep breath and opened the door to see Kiri, standing outside, holding a teddy bear. She awkwardly smiled and said,
"Hi," I replied, letting her come in. She came inside and we sat on the couch. She did a big sigh and let out,
"I'm sorry Rotxo, for saying that, I was drunk but it's not excuse."
"It's fine but it hurt a lot," I replied.
"I know, you don't have to forgive me but just know I didn't mean it," she said.
"I forgive you," I said, holding her hand.
"Oh and this is for you," she handed me the teddy bear she was gripping onto.
"Oh thank you Kiri," I smiled, taking the teddy bear. She looked really nervous so I decided to hug her to calm her down. She felt relaxed after she was touched by me.
We let go from the hug and she whispered,
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok Kiri," I chuckled. She kissed me all over my face to say sorry.
"It's ok! I promise!" I laughed.
"I'm still giving you kisses though," she continued.
"That's fine by me," I smiled.


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