28 - Don't worry

271 12 21

this will be short <333
very busy lately sorry

Rotxo and Kiri were cuddling on Kiri's bed when all of a Rotxo kept moving in his sleep.

Rotxo POV:

"Rotxo baby, me and your dad will be back, this airplane trip is for our business," my mother reassured, wiping tears from my face.
"Promise mama?" I replied.
"Don't worry buddy," my father comforted.
"I promise sweetie," she said, gripping tightly onto my hand.
*honk honk*
"Oh that's our taxi for the airport! See you Rotxo baby," mother exclaimed, kissing me on the cheek. Both my parents hugged me.
"Bye mom," mother said to grandma, kissing her on the cheek. While I cried, grandma was on my side, hugging me and stroking my hair.

< fast forward...... >

*knock knock*
"NANA! That's mama and dada!" I exclaimed.
I rushed over to the door to see Aonung's dad there.
"Hi Uncle Tonowari!" I greeted.
"Hello son." he let out.
"Your grandma here?" he asked.
I nodded my head and called my grandma. She rushed downstairs to the front door.
"Rotxo go to your room for a while please,"
grandma said.
"Aww I wanna hear the conversation!" I replied.
"This is adult conversation," grandma stated.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes and ran up the stairs.

I played on Minecraft on my iPad. I made this house and it was so pretty and perfect. "Rotxo.." grandma mumbled, wiping her tears.
"What's wrong grandma?" I asked, rushing over to hug her.
"Sit down on the bed," she muttered.
"Ok.." I said.
We say down side by side but facing each other.
"Mama and dada will no longer be coming back," grandma sighed.
"Huh? Why?" I asked.
"They are with Eywa now," she said.
"Eywa? What! That's for dead people only! Silly nana," I shook my head.
"Listen sweetie, they'll be staying with Eywa forever, they are never coming back," she cried, holding her hands on her face.
"You're lying," I mumbled, as tears rimmed on the bottom of my eye.
"It's hard I know," she replied, hugging me.
I bawled my eyes out, I would never get over this. My parents were gone, forever. I tried to be brave and strong but the tears just rushed out like a waterfall. The pain was real but the situation felt fake.

No One POV:

"Rotxo wake up!" Kiri shouted. Rotxo was full on sweating and crying, cuddling up the blanket. Neteyam rushed into the room and asked,
"What's wrong?"
"Help he's not waking up," she cried.
"Sh*t," Neteyam replied. They both shook Rotxo trying to wake him up. Rotxo was panting and screaming when waking up. Kiri immediately hugged him for comfort and Neteyam joined in too.
"You're ok," Kiri reassured, circling Rotxo's back with the palm of her hand.
"I'm not!" he cried. He couldn't stop himself from crying it was uncontrollable.
"Shhh.." Kiri cooed. Neteyam put his hand on his shoulder for comfort too and was calling Aonung and Tsireya to come by. Since they knew Rotxo the longest they could help.

< after Tsireya and Aonung came >

Aonung and Tsireya came soon later after Neteyam called them. Kiri and Neteyam were standing in the corner so then they could observe and find out what was going on. "What's wrong Ro?" Tsireya calmly asked.
"Parents.." he mumbled. Immediately when Aonung heard him saying that he hugged Rotxo tightly. He knew what happened and if he thought about it ever again then it would stay with him forever. "Don't worry Ro, be calm," Tsireya reassured, rubbing Rotxo's back.
Tsirey stood up quietly while Aonung was still hugging him and went towards Kiri and Neteyam. "It's his parents. He saw that in his dream," Tsireya said. They both nodded their heads and went up to Rotxo.
Kiri came up to him biting her nails, thats
when you know she was really nervous.
I joined in the hug and so did Neteyam too. This helped him because he stopped shaking after a while.

"You ok now?" Kiri asked, playing with his hair.
"Mhm.." he hummed, nodding his head.
"That's good," I replied.
Rotxo and Kiri were in a separate room because Rotxo wanted to talk to Kiri by himself. "Kiri," he said.
"Yes?" she responded.
"Sorry for making you worried," he replied.
"No no don't be sorry at all, you didn't have to go through it," she said, cuddling him.
"I love you," he whispered onto Kiri's chest.
"I love you too," she whispered back. They cuddled each other and watched a movie to forget about everything that happened earlier today.

He fell asleep and the others came in to check if she was doing ok. "How is he?" they asked.
"He's feeling better now," Kiri replied, stroking his hair.
"That's good," Neteyam said, smiling at Kiri.

my bday is tmrw!!

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