9 - Nightmare or Dream

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no motivation so short story here!

notes: so i'm making Spider look bad so sorry...
I love Spider but I needed a bad male character and he would be the perfect fit 🥰

Rotxo POV:

I lay down on my bed as I listened to my music on my iPhone. "That BOY's A LIARRR-." I sang loudly. I was completely unaware of what was happening in the real world because I had my airpods connected.

"Rotxo! ROTXO!" grandma shouted.
"Yes?" I said, taking one airpod out but still vibing to the song.
"Stop singing so loudly, also your lover is waiting for you outside," grandma said.
"Oh okay," I replied, still humming to the song.

Kiri was the first person I saw waiting for me. She looked upset though and was fidgeting with her hands. "Hey, how are you?" I waved.
"Good," Kiri blurted. I looked her up and down and I could see that she wasn't ok. I took my airpods out and stopped my music.
"Don't lie to me babe," I said, holding her hand.
She sighed,
"Ok fine.. my parents are fighting, I was wondering if I could stay with you?"
I would do anything for her in a hearbeat.
"Yes of course my love," I replied. Her hands felt cold so I decided to hold them to warm them up. We went inside and my grandma was making soup. "Hey sweetie," grandma greeted.
"Hi," Kiri stiffly waved.
"We'll be in my room, thanks nana," I said.
"Don't do anything inappropriate," grandma teased.
"We won't!" I rolled my eyes, laughing. Kiri was also giggling too, her smile was perfect.

We arrived to my room and I gave her one of my hoodies. We both laid down on my bed while covering ourselves with the blanket. "Thanks for letting me stay," Kiri thanked, cuddling me. Her scent was everything, I love her hugs, they were so comforting. "Anything for my queen," I teased.
"What are all these names?" Kiri laughed, pulling away from the hug.
"I don't even know, hope you find them cute," I laughed.

Kiri POV:

Rotxo was the cutest. He would literally get flustered with any of the compliments I'd say to him and end up facing the other way instead of me. He'd always end up facing me because he thinks I'm 'drop dead gorgeous'. We cuddled for a while until Rotxo stopped talking. He feel asleep half sentence and he looked cute while doing it. I kissed him on the cheek and cuddled close to him even more and slept.

"You're worthless Kiri, I just used you," Spider laughed, looking down at me shaking. He took the knife and got closer and closer to me. "See how it feels... you always have you're little boyfriends and brothers to protect you but now you have no one else." he raged. Spider got the duct tape and cut it with his teeth. He then quickly applied it shutting my mouth so I could barely breathe and speak. "Look at you, so pathetic," Spider demonically laughed.
He grew closer and closer to me and put the knife in the air. It lunged at me then...

"Kiri, Kiri!" Rotxo screamed.
I woke up, shaking uncontrollably as sweat was dripping on my face. Rotxo was holding my face and kissing me, reassuring me. I could barely even talk or move. "Oh my Eywa," Rotxo's grandma came in, with the soup ready.
She rushed over and placed the soup down on the side table and helped Rotxo. They sat me up and calmed me down which worked.
"Are you okay dear?" Rotxo's grandma worried.
I nodded my head, placing my hand on my forehead.
"Here drink this, it'll make you feel better," Rotxo's grandma insisted.
In the corner of my eye I could just see Rotxo wiping his tears. "Why are you crying Rotxo," I asked.
"No no I'm not," he rushed. He didn't want me to get more worried so he tried to stop himself from crying. Rotxo's grandma went away and left us two alone again. I drank the soup up while Rotxo asked,
"What happened?"
"I think I should've told you before," I sighed. He held my hand as I was about to talk.
"Well, I have this.. crazy ex. I haven't seen him in years, we used to hunt together in my old clan and fell in love," I said.
"Later on in our relationship, he made a rule where I could have no guy friends and he made me have s*x with him when I wasn't ready." I added.
"He manipulated me, guilt tripped me and I couldn't even tell anyone or else he would blackmail me," I cried.
"Baby... you should've told me sooner, I'm here for you okay, you should never hurt alone," Rotxo pulled me in for a warm hug.
I nodded,
"I couldn't do anything."
"Thank you for telling me, I will protect you at all costs," Rotxo comforted.
"I love you, you're seriously so cute when you're overprotective," I cry-laughed.
"Stop you're making me blush, I love you too, chikibaby," Rotxo teased.

For the rest of the day, we cuddled. Eventually I did go home when Neteyam texted me that it was safe to go back and mom and dad were cool again. Honestly I don't deserve Rotxo but somehow he picked me.


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