34 - Too far

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sorry abt the repost!!

Rotxo POV:

"You're so high!" I laughed at Aonung, dancing.
"I'm not!!" he replied, taking a few puffs of his vape.
We were outside hanging around by the edge of the pathway where other people were walking by. There were loads of teenagers hanging around here but I guess we were like the "older" teenagers. Me and Aonung just started to hang around until the unexpected happened.

Everyone started to crowd around a place outside the shop. Me and Aonung side eyed each other but quickly moved in to see what the commotion was about. "Holy sh*t." Aonung screamed, lifting me up so I could see what was going on. It was Kiri and Spider. She was on the ground, crying, while Spider was holding her grocery.

"You are worthless piece of sh*t!" he yelled, kicking her.
Before he could do anything, Aonung went in to stop the fight. Surprisingly, they were the same height. Aonung grabbed Spider by the rim of his hoodie. "You f*cking wanna say that to me instead?" Aonung warned.
"You ain't gonna do sh*t," Spider laughed in his face. Aonung punched Spider in the face and all he left was a black eye. Since Spider was on the ground as well, Aonung quickly carried Kiri and we left. "I did sh*t Spider!" Aonung laughed, running away with us. The rest if the crowd were also laughing but slowly disappeared as soon as the fight was finished.
I couldn't even think or say anything, when we arrived in the car I was reassuring if Kiri was ok. She was shaking uncontrollably and to calm her down I would always hug her or kiss her.So that's what I did but I guess it kind of worked.

Kiri POV:

Aonung safely drove me to my house but Rotxo asked if he could sleep over. I agreed because I did need some company since all my brothers were out at a friends party. Tuk was probably sleep by now and my parents will listen but not give one f*ck. Soon later, we arrived at my house. We thanked Aonung as we left the car and he slowly drove off after.

Me and Rotxo took off our shoes in silence. It wasn't awkward, just silent because we didn't know what to say to each other. "Wanna go upstairs?" I muttered, as I watched Rotxo take out his phone.
"Sure," he replied, unexpectedly holding my hand. I smiled at him while we walked up the staircase.

As soon as he arrived in my room, he asked if he could see my bruises. I nodded my head and he started to spot some. "I hate that Spider guy, always up to no good!" Rotxo shook his head.
I hummed in agreement as he went to the bathroom. Rotxo soon came in with a cold, wet towel and he put it on the bruises. "Hopefully that makes you feel better, I'm sorry I can't do much," Rotxo said.
"You can, with your beautiful kisses," I teased.
"Kiri stop..!" he got flustered.
"Come on, please? You make me submissive with them," I begged, doing puppy eyes jokingly.
"Fine, just this once," he rolled his eyes, he couldn't resist.

I sat up straight against the bed wall and he climbed on top of me, sitting on my lap. I waited for him to do the work that needed to be done. "Ready?" he asked.
"Yes," I replied, smirking at his flushed face.
He started to kiss me on the lips and explore my mouth. This was the first time he had done this with me, like explored my mouth because I'm normally the one doing it. This caused me to make a few noises. He let go out of breath and then kissed me all over my face and neck. I laughed because he didn't know how to give me hickeys properly. "Stop Kiri, you know I can't make them," he yelled, chuckling a bit. He started going in for a kiss on the mouth again and this time it turned into a make out. This time it was more rougher for some reason, he bucked his hip and started to hold my face. He was roughly kissing me and I let out all types of sounds but I tried not to because we all know whose top. "You taste so good," Rotxo complimented. I moaned at the praise that was given to me. The thing that gave me the most butterflies was that he was holding mu face which I found so cute.

Out of breath, Rotxo finally pull away. He fell onto the bed and I leaned my head on the bed wall because when we were making out I was also falling and I wasn't sleeping up straight anymore.
"How are you so good at kissing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I have no clue," he laughed, well it sounded fake.
"Hmm." I replied.
"Hmm what?" he said.
"Nevermind," I chuckled.
*buzz buzz*
It was Rotxo's phone and he got spammed by Aonung.

Aonung and Rotxo's messages:

Aonung: ROTXO!!!!!!!!!
u need to be here at mine its urgent, bring kiri too.

Rotxo: WHAT?????

We rushed to Aonung's house in my car and luckily it was a far drive there. We gasped when we saw the police cars turning up. Aonung was standing outside with handcuffs on.
"Look, them, they're my friends," Aonung pointed out to us, we were rushing to him.
The police backed us up and decided to talk to us.
"You know this man?" the police officer asked.
"Yes sir," we both said.
"He has been arrested for giving a black eye to someone by the name's, Miles Socorro," he replied.
Me and Rotxo looked at each other shocked, this guy was a straight up snitch.
"Wait officer could I speak to you, that guy just reminded me of someone really bad, he has done way more bad things than a black eye," I said.
The police officer nodded his head and Rotxo went to go see Aonung.

"Miles Socorro, his nickname is Spider, whem we were younger he used to s*xually abuse me and violently threaten me. He did all sorts of things to me," I let out.
"Miles Socorro, find him now, act of abuse and threatening reported," he said on his walkie talkie thing.
"Thank you for saying this, I know it's not hard to, I appreciate it," the police officer thanked, going up to Aonung.
"You are freed, son, you will be charged instead," the police officer said.
"Thank you," he said, as the officer took off his handcuffs.

We all went inside as the officers left. "Oh my Spider is so annoying," Aonung ranted.
"For real he took it to far this time," I agreed.
"Hopefully we'll know what happens next," Rotxo said.

since I'm too lazy... (sorry)

Spider ends up going to jail for like a year (I know that ain't even enough but I need it for my plot and Spider can't stay in there for too long XOXOOX)

Ty for reading!!!

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