22 - Sick

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Rotxo POV:

My head was ringing. When I tried to get up, my head felt really heavy and wouldn't allow me to. I felt my forehead and it was really hot that I almost gasped. My nose was also blocked which made it worse. I had an idea that if I slept for longer and it would go away. I really hoped it worked though. The sudden ringing kept waking me up, I felt like crying and vomitting.
"Rotxo! Come down for breakfast!" she called, I could barely hear her. There was nothing I could do, I couldn't even stand up so I couldn't go downstairs. What should I do?
"Rotxo!" grandma exclaimed, barging into my room.
"Rotxo?" she questioned, looking at me wile I was squinting my eyes at her.
"Head hurts.." I replied, almost crying.
"My poor baby," she cooed, coming up to me and putting her head on mine.
"Ooh, you're head is hot, I'll get you soup and it will make you feel better," grandma said.
"T-thank you," I replied, shutting my eyes for a bit. She gave me a big hug to make me feel better and then closed the door. I was honestly made because I was sick, I hated being sick because you couldn't do anything but just stay in bed all day. I decided to take a quick nap because my grandma's comfort somehow made me feel better.

*snore snore*. "Rotxo?" grandma faintly said.
My eyes shot open, I tiredly replied,
"Soup is ready," she smiled. She placed it on the table on the side of my bed. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and helped me sit up straight.
"Thank you, grandma," I said, rushing to drink the soup. Her soups were the best.
"Careful with soup, it's hot," she warned.
Too late, I burnt my tongue.
"Ow! I will," I cried, holding my tongue. I drank the water to on the table to cool off the pain as well and I gave my nana a thumbs up to tell her I was ok. She left my room so I could eat peacefully.
As I drank the soup, I decided to text Kiri. my beautiful girlfriend.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Rotxo: I'm sick

Kiri: Are you ok??

Rotxo: No, my head hurts so badly ugh its so annoying

Kiri: Want me to come around

Rotxo: Yes pls

Kiri: I'll come around soon but I have to ask my brother to drive me there because I don't have my car, my dad took it

Rotxo: Okay bb <3333333

Kiri: I'll see you there tho, bye Ro 💓
Also text me if you need anything

Rotxo: I will :)

Kiri POV:

"Tey!" I shouted.
"What?" he shouted back.
"Can you drop me off to Rotxo's house?" I asked, coming into his room.
"Why?" he asked.
"To see him? He's sick broski," I rolled my eyes.
"Fine fine, but you interrupted my call with Ao," he replied.
"Freakkkkk," Aonung teased on call.
"What did I say Aonung." Neteyam warned.
"Sorry Kiri," he said, in a joking way.
"Right see you late babe," Neteyam said.
"Bye mwah," he said, blowing a kiss.

Me and Neteyam went downstairs and got in him car. We started to go to Rotxo's house and of course Neteyam had to put his music on. It was ok because he liked Lana Del Rey, The Weeknd and Mitski. "Nobody nobody.." we started to sing together. The whole ride was a vibe but it lasted a while.
"Thank you for dropping me, Teyam," I smiled.
"Of course lil sis," he smiled back. I got out of the car and said goodbye to Neteyam. He drove off fast because he wanted to call Aonung again.
"Boy hurry up," I impatiently said.
"I am." Neteyam rolled his eyes.
We finally arrived there, Neteyam took so long to drive, Aonung probably fell asleep by now.

I got out of the car and looker back, I said,
"Thank you for driving me here."
"It's alright sis," Neteyam said, smiling. I shut the door behind me. I was kinda guilty that I didn't bring Rotxo anything while he was sick.
I went up to the front door and knocked on it, patiently waiting for an answer.
The first to answer was Rotxo's grandma.
"Hey sweetie!" she exclaimed.
"Hi!" I replied.
"How are you?" she asked.
"I'm good," I said, smiling.
"Come on in," she said.
"If you didn't know, Rotxo is sick and he becomes a bit clingy when sick so tell me if he's causing any trouble," she stated.
"Oh okay thank you nana!" I nodded my head.
I went upstairs so I could check up on Rotxo. When I opened the door, he was peacefully sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up but somehow he knew I was in the room so he opened his eyes. "Kiri?" he mumbled.
"Hi Rotxo," I said, kneeling down in front of his bed. He smiled and moved his head as I stroked his hair. "How you feeling?" I asked.
"Not good.." he said.
"Lay with me Kiri.." he added.
"Okay I will baby," I cooed.
I climbed on the bed and laid next to him. He snuggled up more and we basically just cuddled each other for a while. I felt his head and it felt really hot so I did give him his space but he just kept coming closer to me. "Rotxo are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, just feel cold," he muttered, putting his head on my chest. I bought him closer and cuddled him, laying onto his hair.

< A few mins later >

Rotxo was fast asleep, he looked so cute. I checked my phone to see what time it was and I realised I was late home. I quickly went on snapchat to text Neteyam.

Kiri and Neteyam messages:

Kiri: pick me up

Neteyam: Manners please

Kiri: get off call n pick me xoxoxoxo

Neteyam: no 🥺🥺

Kiri: PLS , actually take as long as u want bc dad will give you the blame.

Neteyam: Fine fugly
Is Rotxo alright?

Kiri: he's so clingyyyyy but so cute

Neteyam 😭😭😭shut💀up

Kiri: just meet Aonung if ur so jealous.

Neteyam: bye im coming to pick u up

"Kiri?" Rotxo yawned
"Yes Rotxo?" I asked, looking up from my phone.
"Are you going now?" he asked.
"Yes I'm going babe, sorry I couldn't stay for long. Trust me I'll make it up to you when you're not sick," I promised.
"O-ok," he said.
He closed his eyes and I gave him a kiss on the lips.

"See you Rotxo," I said.
"Bye," Rotxo waved at me, barely opening his eyes.

Short I guess.....

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now