16 - Insecure

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The boys ( Rotxo, Aonung, Neteyam and Lo'ak ) were hanging out in the Sully's house. They hung out in Lo'ak's room because it was apparently the 'coolest' according to him. Most of them were just on their phones listening to the music Lo'ak blasted ( he listens to drill music ). "Lo'ak has the worst music taste," Neteyam said.
"I like it," Aonung said, doing little moves.
Rotxo chuckled at the interaction.
They somehow started to talk about girls.
"That Kelzy girl is psycho," Aonung stated.
"Mhm," Neteyam agreed.
"Rotxo I need to know what you're type is.. like in a girl?" Lo'ak asked.
"Well I wish I could say shorter girls but I already am short so I don't think you can get any shorter than me, I would say I like tall girls because of Kiri," Rotxo explained.
"Hold up- Neteyam remember Kiri's phase where she used to despise shorter boys," Lo'ak asked.
"Yeah she might still be in that phase," Neteyam laughed.
"Oh," Rotxo shrugged.
"Pretty sure she's not." Neteyam looked angry at Lo'ak for teasing Rotxo.
They left that conversation behind but Rotxo was still thinking about what Lo'ak said, he took every word to heart.

< The Next Day >

"Nana I'm going to go now!" Rotxo exclaimed, opening the door. It was Rotxo's basketball practise this afternoon and he was running quite late. "Bye sweetie," she replied. He closed the door behind him and made his way to practise.
Out of breath, he exclaimed,
"I'm here sir!"
"You are late, why?" Coach Tonowari asked.
"Sorry, I had no ride so I had to run," he apologised.
"5 times around the court, sorry boy," Tonowari said.
After Rotxo got changed, he did his punishment filled with embarrassment because he could see the other kids laughing. He could also see Aonung and Lo'ak there too laughing. He didn't mind them laughing but everyone else laughing was worse.
"I'm done sir," Rotxo panted.
"Good, get on court," Tonowari instructed.
Rotxo got on court and was greeted by some unwelcoming people.
"Imagine being late," Ze'we laughed.
Rotxo just ignored them and got ready to play.
"Relax.. not like you can do anything because of how short you are," Faswi said.
Rotxo turned around and just stared at him, he replied,
"Why are you even talking to me?"
"Why not, you think you're such a good player but.. you're not so just leave it," Faswi laughed.

"Boys!" Tonowai yelled.
"Stop communicating, more playing," he shouted.
"Sorry sir," they all apologised. The two boys were still smirking at Rotxo.
The ball was going fast around the court. Ze'we had the ball now and was making his way to the other side so he could shoot. Instead, he threw the ball at Rotxo's face. "Oops!" Ze'we smirked. Faswi smirked at Ze'we as well.
"Stop the game," Tonowai said, blowing his whistle. Rotxo was knocked out onto the ground and Aonung and Lo'ak ran up to him.
"Dad that was totally not an accident," Aonung whispered into his dad's ear.
"You okay," Lo'ak said, helping Rotxo up.
"Yeah I'm going to go and take a break," he said, making his way to the bench.
"I'm keeping my eye on you two," Aonung warned, putting his finger on their chest's. They both put their hands up in surrender sarcastically, rolling their eyes but also trying to stop the smirk creeping onto their face. The game was still going on and all Rotxo could do was cry silently to himself. This whole short thing would never stop, would it? He held the icepack to his face just thinking.

After the game was finished, Aonung and Lo'ak had to stay behind to talk to the coach. Rotxo went back to change into his normal clothes, he just wanted to go home, he was so fed up. "Oh look Ze'we! Look who it is," Faswi smirked.
'Oh gosh not again.' Rotxo thought.
Faswi grabbed Rotxo's clothes that he was about to pick up. Rotxo didn't have any clothes on, he was only wearing his underwear.  He tried jumping for his clothes because Faswi purposely put them up high so he couldn't reach. "Aw little boy can't reach," he giggled.
"Just give it back," Rotxo warned.
He was tryinh his hardest not to cry.
"What you going to do cry?" Faswi laughed.
Ze'we emptied his bag so he had to pick up all of his stuff again.
"Please..." he started to cry.
"You're such a baby, learn how to take a joke," Faswi let go of his clothes and left with Ze'we. Rotxo sat down on the bench crying, he didn't even have the energy to change his clothes. He sat there crying his eyes into his shirt, he couldn't even comprehend what just happened. 

"Yeah bro that was so funny," Lo'ak laughed, coming into the changing rooms with Aonung. Rotxo quickly covered up his body and started to change. "Rotxo?" Aonung said.
"Yeah," his voice was unsteady.
"You alright?" Aonung asked.
"Mhm.." Rotxo said, changing a bit quicker now.
"Rotxo I thought you were a fast changer," Lo'ak said.
"I am, I just got a bit stuck," he replied.
"Look this way Rotxo," Lo'ak said.
Rotxo revealed himself with tears in his eyes, he was trying to wipe them but they just kept coming down.
"It was Faswi and Ze'we?" Lo'ak asked.
Rotxo nodded his head, looking and Lo'ak and Aonung who looked like they wanted to kill someone.
"Tell us everything," Aonung warned.
Rotxo explained everything that happened. It was hard for him to explain but he finally did explain what happened. Everything was reported to Aonung's dad so he could contact their parents. Rotxo was so grateful to have friends like that, friends that stood up for him. Rotxo grew up lonely as a child, his closest friends were Aonung and Tsireya (he grew up with them of course).

They all got dropped off by Tonowari in his expensive Bugatti. "Thank you sir," Rotxo said, leaving the car.
He went inside and was greeted by his lovely grandma.
"Hi Rotxo baby!" she greeted.
Kiri was also there helping his grandma with the plants. "Hi grandma and Kiri," he interrupted.
"Hey," Kiri said.
"Lunch will be made soon," grandma said.
"Okay thank you!" Kiri smiled.
"Kiri come upstairs please." Rotxo asked.
"Of course," she said.

They went and stood oustide of Rotxo's room. Rotxo sighed,
"Do you hats me.. like, anything about me you hate?"
"What, no? Where is this coming from?" she asked, confused.
"Oh.. well I just thought you would prefer taller guys," he replied, looking at the ground.
She lifted his head up, shaking her head,
"I love shorter guys, I think they're cute, especially you."
"Really?" he said.
"Really." she replied.
"Stop lying, why do other people bully me for it! You can just say you don't like me," Rotxo yelled, taking Kiri's hand off his face.
"Rotxo." she stated. He immediately went quiet.
"You are getting the wrong idea, tell me what's been on you're mind?" she questioned.
He explained everything that happened in basketball and what happened in Lo'ak's room. He explained with so much emotion that it made Kiri cry, Rotxo was never open with his feelings but finally got to see why he was so upset all the time."Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry," Rotxo mumbled, touching his other arm.
"No no, I've never seen you talking about how you feel, it's emotional how you've suffered all by yourself," Kiri sniffled, wiping her tears.
"Don't let the bullies get to you, you are a human and plus you look cute short so their opinion doesn't matter from now on," she smiled.
"Also I'll talk to Lo'ak about that, he has no right to bring that up," she laughed.
"It was true?" he asked.
"Maybe.." she giggled.
"Kiri!" he giggled as well, looking into her eyes.
"Kiss?" he asked.
"Ok fine," she said. They kissed for a few seconds or maybe minutes. It was bad timing because Rotxo's grandma witnessed it. "No! Not the time," Rotxo's grandma yelled, hitting Rotxo with a slipper.
"Ow!" he yelped.
"So sorry, he's a trouble maker," she apologised.
"It's fine," Kiri giggled. covering her mouth and Rotxo got one last slap.

Not Rotxo getting slapped by the slipper 💀💀

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