45 - Helping

232 8 2

note: guys i just made up a random character for Spider to like

"Come on does that not look good on Spider, Rotxo?" Kiri asked, revealing the outfit they picked out for him. He was wear a Black V-Neck sweater with cream coloured cargos.
"Yes you look so good bro," Rotxo agreed.
"You have to wear this one your date Spider," Kiri insisted.
Spider looked at himself in the mirror and shook his head.
"It's mid," he said.
"No it's not!" Kiri exclaimed.
"She'll love the outfit!" Rotxo exclaimed.
"Fine..." Spider finally gave in. Kiri and Rotxo looked at each other with a smile and clapped their hands.
Spider was very picky and hesitant with his outfits so he would always ask Rotxo or Kiri.

He finally had a date with someone, well Kiri and Rotxo set him up with this one girl who use to be Kiri's old friend, Rana. Spider was quite nervous because he had never dated anyone after Kiri. Rana was going to come over to Spider's house for a little date and maybe after they stay in his house for a little bit they would have dinner.
*ding dong*
"Go get it!" Rotxo whispered, happily.
Spider went downstairs and nervously opened the front door. Rana was standing there, she looked so beautiful at that moment without even knowing.

"Hey," he breathed out, staring at her.
"Hi Spider!" she replied, coming in.
They both headed to the living room and Spider just listened to her rants. She was a talker and Spider was more of a listener.
"Your house is so nice!" she complimented.
"Thank you," Spider blushed, not knowing how red he was.
Meanwhile, Kiri and Rotxo were upstairs looking and hearing their conversation from above. They were so proud of him. They decided to head downstairs and prepare some snacks for them secretly. They got popcorn, sweet and salty because they don't know which one Rana prefers, Haribos and some crisps.
Kiri delivered the snacks to the living room while they were watching a movie. "Hey Rana," Kiri whispered, placing the snacks down.
"Oh hi!" she whispered back, smiling.
Kiri left the room while giving a smirk to Spider and he just returned an awkward smile.

While being left in the room alone with the snacks, Spider was quick to make a move.
"Can I put my arms around you while we watch the movie?" Spider asked.
"Uh-." she replied.
"No no! You don't have to I was just asking!" he awkwardly smiled after.
"No! I wasn't expecting that so I just stumbled on my words, yes you may," she explained.
Spider put his hands around her and they comfortably lay there together while sharing the popcorn. Kiri and Rotxo being the stalkers they were, also ate popcorn and instead of watching the movie on the screen, they were watching Spider and Rana being lovey dovey.
"They are so cute," Kiri squealed.
"For real!" Rotxo replied a bit too loud.
"What's that noise?" Rana asked.
"O-oh don't worry about it," Spider stuttered, immediately knowing what the noise was. They continued go watch but he got his phone out and texted Rotxo.
Spider and Rotxo messages;

Spider: GO AWAY YA'll

Rotxo: nooooo

Spider: you guys did ur jobs thx so much

Rotxo: you guys are so cute

Spider: stopPPPPPPPP its so awkward but comfy at the same time

Rotxo: you'll get used to it bro

Spider: ok bro now leave me alone and let me spend time with ma girl

Rotxo: CHILLLLLLLLL this is ur first date with her

Spider: ok she gon be mine tho 🥰

Rotxo: Sure she will buddy

Spider: ROTXO...

Rotxo: im joking😭😭 she's gon be urs ofc ofc!!

Spider: ty bye bye 🖕🖕

Rotxo: baiiii dont do anything weird

Rotxo tapped Kiri's shoulder but she looked like she was lost just watching Spider and Rana. "Come on," Rotxo dragged Kiri by the arm.
"Let me have you now, enough of them two," Rotxo rolled his eyes. They went upstairs and stayed in Spider's room for the whole time.

"What do we do?" Kiri asked.
"What do you want to do?" Rotxo asked.
"Possibly..." Kiri started.
"No, not at this house," he said.
"Fine, then what?" she asked.
"Wait did you bring your laptop?" he questioned, standing up.
"Yeah I did, look," she said, holding the laptop up.
"Let's finish the series! Quick!" Rotxo exclaimed.
"Fine!" Kiri rolled her eyes as they both sat on Spider's bed. Since they had nothing better to do they just watched the whole series. No toilet breaks, just watched it all. They both cuddled each other and used Spider's blanket. Hopefully he wouldn't mind if they used it. Plus he doesn't have a rule if they can use it or not. It was pretty interesting and they immediately forgot about Spider's date.

Kiri checked her phone a few minutes after they finished the series.
Kiri and Spider messages:

Spider: EEEEK

we kissed 😂😂😂😂


Spider: I have W rizz


Spider: i bet im so red rn

Kiri: send a pic and me and rotxo will rate how red u are

Spider: *sent selfie*

Kiri: Rotxo says 1000/10 and me 10/10

Spider: not even funny rn.....
also im dropping her home so i won't be there when Sazi arrives home from her gymnastics class

Kiri: thats fine, we'll look after her

Spider: thank uUU

Kiri: pleasure xoxoxoxox

Spider: kk bye

*ding dong*
Sazi had arrived back home from her gymnastics class. Kiri went to go open the door to let Sazi inside. "Hello," Kiri said, smiling at her. Sazi did a little wave back and let herself in.
"Your brother is dropping someone off, would you like to eat anything?" Kiri asked. She shook her head to say no and went to hang up her coat.
"Sazi are you ok?" she questioned, following her.
Sazi looked away for a moment and then started to tear up.
"What's wrong?" Kiri cooed, pulling into a hug.
"Bullies.." Sazi replied, crying into her chest.
"Sh sh.. in gymnastics?" Kiri asked. Sazi nodded her head without a word and just continued to sob.

Rotxo came downstairs utterly confused on what was happening.
"Is Sazi ok?" he asked.
"Just something that happened in gymnastics," Kiri replied, rubbing Sazi's back.
Rotxo just gave Kiri a 'what do we do' stare and Kiri returned it with a 'I have an idea' stare.
"Sazi.. how about tomorrow you and Tuk have a sleepover to cheer you up?" Kiri asked. He face immediately lit up to the thought of it.
"Really?" Sazi replied, wiping her tears.
"Of course!" Kiri smiled. Sazi was ultimately happy and started to clap her hands.
"Well, I have to get packing!" she exclaimed, running upstairs with her gymnastics bag.
"Always does the trick," Kiri chuckled, smirking at Rotxo.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, grabbing a glass of water.


Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now