52 - Preparing for a new life

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notes: next chapter will be sumthing completely diff
if u want to see kiri like actually pregnant pregnant then request it cuz some chapters will be different to the ones before
this is so short im so sorry im focusing on school more bc i realised im getting better grades without my phone

Kiri and Rotxo sat down next to each other on the  couch.
"I have a question.." Kiri said, leaning into his chest.
"Yeah? I'm all ears," Rotxo replied, stroking her hair.
"Do you want kids?" she asked.
"Uhm.. do you?" he questioned.
"I asked you first dummy," she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Fine, yes.." he replied. Her eyes lightened because she was always unsure if he wanted it or not.
"Really?" she said.
"Yes, now what bout you?" he asked.
"Follow me to find out then," she seductively whispered onto his neck.

(we all know what happened next lolololol)

*few months later*

"Hey hey, I'm home, I bought back the pregnancy kit you wanted," Rotxo announced.
"Oh thanks babe," Kiri replied, taking it and going to go do a test.
She was really nervous on what she was going to get, I mean she was ready, well she thought she was. She took test out of the box and got prepared in the toilet. The plastic cap came off and then she peed in a cup. After, she dipped the top in the urine and waited.
After a few minutes, the test results came appeared. She crossed her fingers, hoping for it to be positive. "Come on come on.." she whispered.

She screamed on the top of her lungs, jumping up and down in the bathroom. "Rotxo!" she yelled.
"Yes?" he answered.
"It's positive!" she exclaimed as she heard him run upstairs in excitement. His teeth were showing because of how happy he was. "I'm really going to be a dad!" he laughed happily.
She smiled at him and hugged him, kissing his face. This was the dream she wished for exactly the day she met him. To have a happy life and have lovely kids with him.

< Kiri told her parents and Rotxo told his grandma straight after >

The parents and grandma sat down at the table with Kiri and Rotxo opposite. "Are you certain this time? It's not a prank?" Jake asked.
"No dad! I swear," Kiri exclaimed.
"Hey it's bad to swear," Rotxo's grandma stated. The table went silent and it broke with a sigh from Jake Sully. He was still suspicious but gave her daughter a big hug. They all exchanged hugs and we happy.

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