19 - Just a joke

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Kiri POV:

"Kiri!" Lo'ak said, barging into my room.
"What!" I said, turning off my music.
"Go on the groupchat and let's prank Rotxo," Lo'ak insisted.
"What is it going to be about?" I asked.
"Basically talk bad and then say 'Oh wrong groupchat.' He will think we have a groupchat without him," Lo'ak explained.
"Alright, does Neteyam and the others know?" I questioned. He nodded his head sitting down on my bed next to me. I turned the music back on and then headed to the groupchat.

Name of Group: The Freakiest of the Freaky 😈🤞



Lo'ak: Hey guys, did you see Rotxo's hair yesterday?

Tsireya: No what did it look like :o

Kiri: You should've seen, his curls did not look the same as before 😯

Aonung: What's going on guys?

Neteyam: His hair kinda looked frizzy, like does he even know how to take care of his own hair?
We are on about Rotxo's hair (replying to Aonung's message)

Aonung: Oh.. yeah I saw, what did he even do that's not normal

Kiri: Frrrrrr

Rotxo POV:

My phone was blowing up. I just woke up from a deep sleep so I guess the notification was my alarm.

back to groupchat..

Tsireya: Guys should we tell him he has bad hair?

Lo'ak: idk tbh

Neteyam: Anyways, also have you seen the size of him?

Lo'ak: yeah i find it annoying

Kiri: mhmmmmmmm

What were they talking about me?

Rotxo: Guys..?

Lo'ak: Oops

Kiri: Uhh

Lo'ak: wrong gc guys go to the other

Rotxo: What other gc?

Lo'ak: Nvm Rotxo stop being nosy.

Oh. Seriously? How am I being nosy when you were just talking about. Was my hair really that bad and was my height ugly? They already knew I was insecure about this and they bought it up. Especially when it's from my own girlfriend too. I try and please her everyday and every second but I guess she just thinks I'm a fool. What was actually wrong with me? I thought.

Kiri POV:

"Don't you think we are taking it a bit too far?" I asked.
"Yeah I agree," Neteyam said, coming in my room.
"True true," Lo'ak agreed.
"So should we tell him?" Neteyam asked.
"Yes!" I exclaimed. We went back on the groupchat.

back to the groupchat:

Kiri: Rotxo is was just a joke!!!!!!!!
Rotxo you there?

Tsireya: is he there?

Aonung: guys stfu u took it too far

Tsireya: im coming to ur room i hear crying

Lo'ak: you agreed to do it

Neteyam: Lo'ak stop

Kiri: Rotxo u ok?

Aonung: yeah but i didn't know you guys would take it that far (replying to Lo'ak)
He's not ok Kiri?? Can't you tell.

Kiri: Right. Tell Rotxo to text me please

Aonung: He doesn't have his phone rn

Kiri: I'm coming over to your house

Lo'ak and Neteyam: same bye

"You're fault bro," Neteyam stated.
"F*ck off and drive us to Aonung's house," Lo'ak replied, panicking.
We hopped in Neteyam's car and he drove us quickly to his house. We got out and knocked on the door. "Hello?" Ronal greeted.
"Is Aonung in here?" Neteyam asked.
"Yes upstairs," she replied.
"Come in." she said. All of us rushed inside but we used our manners and did it sensibly. Ronal lead us to Aonung's room and the left us.
"Bro you go in first!" Lo'ak whisper-yelled.
"We can hear you!" Tsireya yelled.
"Oh sh*t, just go in bro," Neteyam said.
Lo'ak was the first to go inside and them we followed on behind. I saw Rotxo laying on Aonung's lap, crying.
"Oh Rotxo.." I cooed, going up to him. I reached his level and played with his hair.
"Kiri?" he murmured.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, it was a joke but we took it too far I'm sorry." I blurted.
"It's ok," he said, looking up and kissing me.
Everyone was looking at Lo'ak and Neteyam and waiting for them to apologise.
"Ah right, I'm sorry, I never should of said those things, I don't mean it." Neteyam apologised.
"Yeah me too, it was my idea but I'm sorry I took it too far," Lo'ak added.
Rotxo sat up and wiped his tears.
"It's okay guys," he said, smiling at all of us.

"You're hair is perfect bro," Lo'ak complimented.
"Thank you," he chuckled, he was flustered.
"I agree!" they all added.

This has a lot if texting and speech so don't mind that...
You know what I always say idk at the end of every chapter

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