7 - Ignore

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Notes: So....
Hi guys, today we are writing sMuT!!!!!! So I hope I do better than last time or I hope you think I do better than last time. By the way both the characters in this book are 19 so dw :))

TW: if you aint comfortable with smut then you can click off !! ill try make this smut a bit longer this time. ofc this will have a back story before it gets straight to the point 😈

Kiri POV:

Rotxo had been ignoring me all day today. What was wrong with him? After that date he started acting really weird. Since he was ignoring me, I just decided to do my own things which was very rare because I was normally with my boyfriend. I sat down and started to crotchet. Lo'ak and Tsireya came walking acting all lovey dovey. "Omg hey Kiri!" Tsireya exclaimed running up to me.
"Hey Tsireya... and Lo'ak," I said.
"What's up?" Lo'ak asked.
"Nothing," I answered.
"Are you sure Kiri..? You don't look alright," Tsireya noticed.
I nodded an carried on crocheting. I could sense that Lo'ak and Tsireya were giving each other the stares. They both sat infront of my trying to get my attention.
"Is it Rotxo?" Tsireya asked.
"It could be," I replied slowly. Lo'ak nodded his head, looking at me. "You know he told me, about your guy's date." Lo'ak said.
"Oh," I said.
"You should try talk to him," Tsireya requested.
"He won't want to though." I replied.
"Just try Kiri," Tsireya insisted. I just nodded my head and stood up courageously.

I tried finding Rotxo, he was always somewhere outside. The last time I saw him inside was when he was helping his grandma which was really cute because he got embarrassed. Soon later, I found him swimming in the water. He actually looked like he was having fun, without me. He was with Aonung so maybe why he was having fun, I walked up to them and Aonung gave me a stare. Rotxo turned around to where Aonung was facing and he saw me. "Rotxo." I said.
He just faced to Aonung but and Aonung gave him the 'go talk to her face'. Rotxo just rolled his eyes and looked back in my eyes.
"I need to talk to you," I said. He just ignored me like that and said,
"Come on Aonung let's go back and swim." What was wrong with him? Aonung just shook his head but he quickly came up to me and whispered something. "I tried to tell him to talk to you but he just didn't," Aonung whispered. I just nodded my head and walked away. No point of trying anymore but why? He was my boyfriend and... I needed to hangout with him.

It was dinner time, chief's family invited us for dinner with Rotxo who basically were half siblings with Tsireya and Rotxo. My family arrived to their house and the food was already displayed perfectly. "Hello Sully family," Tonowari greeted as Ronal stood behind him, holding onto his strong muscles. We sat down at our tables and of course I had to sit next to Tuk. She could not stop telling me about this boy who she was hanging out with by the beach. I was pretending to listen to her but in reality I was just staring at Rotxo who was laughing with Aonung, Lo'ak and Neteyam. I sat with Tsireya as well, she asked,
"You talked to Rotxo yet?"
I shook my head looking down.
"Tonight, you should, it's perfect," Tsireya requested. I put my thumbs up and smiled.  The food was so scrumptious, I ate every last bit of it. I wish my mother made food like this at home. I understood that this was a special event but still I wish I could eat it everyday. I was still thinking about what Tsireya said, should I really go talk to him. I tapped Tsireya and stood up, indicating that I would go talk to him. She nodded her head and cracked a smile, wishing the best for me. I walked up to the boys table and tapped on Rotxo's shoulder. He turned around like he knew it was me. He knows my touch? "I need to talk," I said.
He finally stood up and just looked at the other three sitting down. They all nodded their heads while Rotxo followed me outside. We were finally outside the pod, I asked,
"What is wrong?"
"I don't know," Rotxo replied.
"Surely you can't be mad at me for no reason, right babe?" I questioned.
He nodded his head and said,
"You're right, after that date I just felt.. something different."
"Really?" I asked. He nodded his head avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"And now something, won't go away.." Rotxo added, looking down at his loincloth. My face turned dark blue. "Oh..?" I replied.

No One POV:

The two Na'vi stood there in awkward silence. "Could you maybe help?" Rotxo asked.
"Of course you could of just said it before," Kiri laughed. Rotxo covered his face after. They both made their way into an empty pod where no one was inside. Rotxo sat down on the floor and waited for Kiri to do something to him. Kiri sat beside him while he rushed to take his loincloth off. "Woah someone's a bit impatient," Kiri giggled.
"Please hurry," Rotxo struggled.
"Okay okay," Kiri laughed.
Kiri was going to go extra slow on purpose, she wanted to see how needy he was. She spat on her hand and placed her hands on it. She went extra slow and went up and down. "Ah~" Rotxo quietly whimpered. He didn't want to be too loud so no one would hear them. Kiri got hyped up with the noises he made so she went slighty faster for the reward. Rotxo bit his lip to stop him from moaning. "Kiri please," Rotxo moaned. Rotxo was so impatient, he grabbed Kiri's hands on his member and started to use her hands to go up and down. Kiri just laughed,
"So f*cking needy."
"F*ck," Rotxo moaned. He let go of Kiri's hand and let her do all the work now, he tilted his head back from all the pain. The pain didn't hurt, in fact it felt nice. Kiri wanted to surprise him so she went the fastest she could. Rotxo body fell to the ground, he couldn't get up because of the pleasure. He whimpered more louder and Kiri loved the sounds he was making. "You sound so cute baby," Kiri complimented. He shut his eyes because he couldn't handle all the praises and how fast she was going. "K-kiri, I-i'm close.." Rotxo whimpered.
"Aw you are? Come for me then," Kiri teased. She stopped pumping his member and this stopped Rotxo from coming. "Kiri!" Rotxo screamed. He was panting really fast and couldn't speak again. "That's what you get for ignoring me, you owe me an apology, if you give me it then I'll give you what you want," Kiri said.
Rotxo said,
"Fine, I'm sorry for ignoring you."
"Hmm, good enough," she replied.
She sat infront of him and spread his legs. She started to go up and down again and this time faster. While doing this, she was kissing his inner thighs. "M-mhph~" Rotxo struggled. He was so close, just a little longer. At this point he was so loud that other people in the village could hear him. Kiri didn't mind because Rotxo had the best sounding moans and whimpers. "I'm going to~" Rotxo finished. A sticky substance came out, painting his thighs. His legs were shaking after the mess came out. "Good boy," Kiri praised, stroking his thigh.
"Thank you, I love you," Rotxo thanked.
"I love you too," Kiri replied.

After the AfterCare!!!

Rotxo and Kiri went back to dinner. They were lucky no one came to search them. The kids all stared at them but the parents were too drunk to realise that they left and cane back. This time all of them were sitting around a big table. "What is that on you're neck Rotxo?" Aonung asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Oh this.. makeup," Rotxo stuttered.
"Mhm..." Neteyam laughed. Eveeyone just joined in laughing because they knew exactky what happened when they were gone. "Maybe keep the noise down a bit," Lo'ak said.
"Rotxo sounded like a girl," Aonung giggled.
"Maybe they were pretending to be barbies?" Tuk innocently said.
"Sure Tuk," Tsireya laughed.

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