41 - Prank

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The Sully Family were downstairs, eating breakfast. Until Lo'ak asked the most stupidest question.
"Wait can boys get pregnant?" Lo'ak asked, turning to Jake.
"Why you asking me boy?" Jake questioned, raising and eyebrow.
"Because.. maybe Neteyam could get pregnant or nah?" Lo'ak answered. Kiri spit out her cereal dying from laughter.
"Kiri!" Neytiri scolded, grabbing tissues.
"I'm sorry but that is like the funniest question ever," Kiri laughed, wiping the mess.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes and replied,
"Cmon it's serious!"
"Do you're research baby bro," Neteyam giggled, putting both of his hands on Lo'ak shoulder. Lo'ak shoved him away, grabbing his bowl to put it in the sink.
"Don't forget to wash the dishes Lo'ak!" Jake chuckled, teasing him after how embarrassed Lo'ak was. Lo'ak groaned and continued to do what his dad told him to.

Kiri POV:
Now that sh*t is funny asf. Lo'ak really thought males could get pregnant. Jesus Neteyam would probably be pregnant by now but anyways...
An idea had popped up in my head. It was for sure a funny one again, just like what Lo'ak fell for. Hopefully it don't go too far though.

After going shopping for a fake pregnancy stick, I set it up in the shared bathroom for our family. I made it loud and clear that I was going in there first. "Alright I'm going in the bathroom so don't be trying to come in!" I yelled. No answer back but I know they were listening. I sat on the toilet to text Rotxo so he could come over and I could see his reaction.
Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: HIII

Rotxo: Hey bb

Kiri: Wanna come over..?

Rotxo: Yeah sure :))

Kiri: Oki YAY

Rotxo: see u i'll walk (liked the message)

Ok my plan would be perfect! Rotxo was going to be in here after a few minutes and I would get out of the toilet so then someone else could find the pregnancy stick.
"Kiri hurry the f*ck up!" Lo'ak yelled, banging on the door.
"Shut the f*ck up," I answered back, flushing the toilet, pretending I took a piss. I fake washed my hands and then headed out, trying my hardest not to burst out laughing. I rushed downstairs and waited for Rotxo until I heard shouting upstairs. It sounded like my mother. Sh*t...
*ding dong*
I opened the door while my mother was still shouting for me. "Hey.. wait is your mother shouting?" Rotxo asked.
"Uh yeah.. ignore her," I sighed, letting him in.
"You should probably go to her," he insisted, taking off his shoes.
"Alright.." I gave in, going upstairs while he followed me.

Rotxo POV:
Jake, Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk were all surrounding Neytiri who looked like she was going to faint.
"Ma what happened?" Kiri rushed over.
"I-is this yours?" Neytiri asked while Jake was fanning her. She showed a pregnancy stick and my eye widened. Surely the c*ndom was secure the last time we did it.. right? I rushed over to them and look closer. It said positive. No f*cking way. Lo'ak punched my shoulder lightly while smirking,
"Ready to be a father?"
My ears lowered but I gave in a fake smile. I was totally not ready, could Kiri have told me before.
"I'm so happy for you two!" Jake amd Neytiri said in the same time.
"Congratulations, baby girl," Jake smiled, hugging her. Kiri awkwardly stood there, was she not happy? You could tell I was over the moon!No I wasn't, I wasn't ready. How could I talk her out of this without ruining it.

I tapped her shoulder while Tuk danced with her. "Can we talk?" I asked.
"Sure," she replied, smirking. I led her to a private area in her house so I could talk to her.
"You excited you're going to be a father?" she asked, sounding a bit sarcastic.
"Well.. I don't know.." I replied.
"What?" she said.
"I'm not, Kiri you should have told me before," I argued, keeping my tone down though.
"Come on! I just did it before you came over!" she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
I put my hands to my face, what should I do?
"How did this even happen?" I asked, getting emotional.
"Well I was getting weird cramps and basically.." she stopped, looking at me.
"Don't cry! It's a prank, I'm sorry," she whispered, hugging me. I looked up at her and giggled.
"Knew that would work," I silently said.
"You are so fake!" Kiri laughed, pulling away from the hug.
"I'll stick to the prank I guess," I rolled my eyes as we headed back to the rest.

Kiri's family were planning to make a feast to congratulate us for the baby. To stick to the plan, I even told Aonung, Spider and Tsireya and they were so happy, I'm such a good actor. I kind of felt bad though because they were spending so much time just for this to be a prank but was it worth it?
Well if it is to Kiri then it is to me.
"Kiri you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, sitting down next to her at the dining table.
"What's a good idea?" Lo'ak butted in.
"Stay out of it Lo'ak." Kiri argued, rolling her eys and looking back at me.
"Trust me, it's funny," Kiri replied. I nodded my head and just went with it.

We all sat at the table, eating our food. Everyone looked so happy and was talking to Kiri. "You are growing up so fast, my baby," Neytiri cooed, sipping her wine. Jake just smiled at her while agreeing at what Neytiri said. I smiled with them.
"We have to tell all the people and invite them for a bigger celebration!" Neytiri announced.
"Mom-." Kiri mumbled.
"No my eldest daughter is having a baby!" she cheered, cutting off Kiri. I looked at Kiri who was giving me an unsure look. She rolled her eyes and finally let the truth out.

"I'm not pregnant," she said, standing up but remaining to look down.
"Uh what?" Tuk questioned, scratching her head.
"Yeah," she awkwardly smiled. Everyone gave me a confused look and I just returned a guilty smile.
"Seriously?" Neytiri sighed, putting her hands on her face.
"This celebration for nothing?" Jake raised his voice, standing up.
"Sh-." Neytiri calmed him down.
"So this was all fake and of course Rotxo was in on it," Neteyam rolled his eyes.
"Well I didn't know at the start and I actually thought I was going to be a father!" I exclaimed.
"Kiri you have to clean all these plates as you're punishment," Jake announced, standing up.
"Ok fine.." she muttered, looking at me and smirking. Neytiri was just in shock of the news while Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk just acted like nothing happened.


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