12 - Misheard

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Rotxo POV:

Slowly, I started to feel tears come out of my eyes. I tried hard not to make a sound so I covered my mouth and I creeped my way downstairs. It was heavily raining outside which made it worse because I didn't even bring a jacket. As I was about to leave, Ronal asked,
"Why are you leaving so soon? The others are upstairs."
"Oh I have to leave now sorry, Ronal," I apologised, turning around and revealing my crying face.
"Oh poor baby, what happened why are you crying?" she asked, coming up to me and wiping my tears.
"Rather not say, I have to get home," I said, trying to cover my face.
"I'll talk to them about it.. I know something happened between you and them." Ronal said.
"No no it's ok," I insisted.
"Ok ok, take this umbrella so you don't get too wet," she said, handing me a colourful umbrella.
I thanked her and left the house. I took out the umbrella, placing it on the top of my head and then head off home.
Luckily, I bought my airpods so I could listen on the way and not be bored. With rage, I ran like I never could before. It was tiring but worth it because it helped me not stress abut the situation too much.

Slamming my house door, I was greeted by my grandmother who saw me in the worst state ever. My face was wet from tears, bottom of my pants were soggy and the umbrella barely covered my hair so it was soaking.
"My poor, poor baby," grandma rushed over to give me a hug. She didn't even care if I was wet, she cared that I was safe. I sobbed into her shoulder, crying my eyes out. "She quickly got me a towel and lit the fire place to keep it warm. We sat near it and she asked me,
"What happened?"
"Well, I heard Kiri talking about me.. not in a good way," I sniffled.
"Oh dear what did she say?" she wondered.
"Mean mean things, things I never expected her to say." I cried.
She put her hand on my should and said,
"Don't worry, nanas here for you," she comforted. I couldn't help but crying even mote, the exact moment just repeated into my head.

< Morning.. >

Oh sh*t. I fell asleep while crying, I barely remembered anything. As I was yawning I heard pinging noises coming from phone on the side desk. Curiously, I checked and saw 20+ notifications.

Rotxo's iPhone:

New messages from My Kiri 💓😊, My guy Lo'ak, Tey, Ao and Reya

I opened up the Kiri's messages...

Kiri: Rotxo? Why did you leave? Hello?
Rotxo answer please.
You're scaring me answer.
I visited your but your grandma was acting weird and didn't let me in.
Why was she?
Text me when you're awake please

Rotxo: What is it.

Kiri: Where were you all day yesterday?

Rotxo: I left. What did you expect?

Kiri: Why did you just leave like that?

Rotxo: Stop asking why and where? You know why! I'm childish I know so what.

Kiri: Huh. Rotxo no.

Rotxo: What no? I head what you said about me.

Kiri: No no Rotxo let me explain.

Rotxo: Save it, I need to text the others.

Rotxo left the chat...

I texted everyone else because I knew they were all worried. I made sure I told them I was okay and they didn't have to check up on me. Oh Eywa, I can't believe this is happening right now.
Knock Knock.
"Come in," I said.
"Rotxo," grandma said.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Kiri wants to talk to you, she's downstairs." she said.
"No no no no.. please tell her to go away," I pleaded.
"Its for the best, come on, she even explained to me" she insisted.
I looked at the floor as my eyes watered up and I muttered,
My grandma bought her upstairs to my room and gave her a 'good luck' look.
She came in sighing and giving me eye contact. I tried not to lock it in though, she didn't deserve to see my face. "Rotxo, hear me out please," Kiri mumbled.
"What?" I raised my voice, crossing my arms.
"You'll make it worse by shouting," she said.
"This is a big misunderstanding, I bet you didn't even hear what I said after," she added.
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at her confused.
"Yeah, I said 'No he's so childish, bro I would never NOT marry a man like that, they cute as f*ck,'." she explained.
"What.." I muttered, looking back at my phone.
"Mhm," she let out, looking at the floor.
"So you made me cry, for no reason at all?" I complained, I was very angry.
"Sorry baby," she apologised, hugging me and cupped my face to kiss it.
"It's fine, I'm sorry for misunderstanding you," I said, still a but annoyed
"It's okay, we're okay now thats all that matters," she said.
I nodded my head looking at her smiley face. "So we're good now?" she asked.
"Mhm," I said, snuggling her.
"How cute," she mumbled.

kiri x rotxo defender 4life. if these two aren't together in the next movie then im having a word with james cameron. its most likely not to happen tho because we can already see a relation between spider and kiri but i think we can just end that... after the sully's find out what spider did. 💀

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