55 - My boys

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"Hey! Rai'uk, stop running away!" Rotxo yelled as he chased him.
"Come catch me dad," he teased while jumping on the couch. It took a while for Rotxo to catch him but he finally did. He sat him down on the baby stool and put a napkin around his neck.
"Dad, I don't need these anymore, I'm a big boy!" Rai'uk exclaimed, escaping from the chair.
"Alright alright, keep you napkin on, I know how messy you are," Rotxo replied, helping him out.
"I'm going to go make coffee for your mum so behave," he added.
"Ok dad," he replied with a smirk.

Rotxo did what he said, he went to go make coffee for Kiri. After, he carefully went upstairs trying not to spill the coffee.  He did burn himself a few times because he kept holding the cup in the wrong places. "How's my beautiful lady," he sung, placing the coffee on the bed's side table.
"Good," she mumbled as she leaned on for a kiss.
"Ooh coffee, thank you baby," she said, sipping away. He smiled and gave her one last kiss before he left. Rotxo didn't know what to do without her. As he went downstairs, he could hear loud banging noises. He hurried and scavenged around the place to see what it was. "Dad! Mum!" Rai'uk screamed.
"Where are you Rai'uk?" Rotxo asked, trying to keep calm.
"In the pantry..." he muttered.
"Seriously I told you not to go there," Rotxo sighed, unjamming the lock. As soon as he got let out, he ran over and hugged Rotxo while covering his face. Rotxo carried his Rai'uk in pity and covered him with pecks of kisses. "Sorry dad.." Rai'uk sniffled.
"It's ok baby," he whispered while gently patting his back. Rai'uk lay his head onto Rotxo's and he did the same.

Soon later, Kiri came downstairs after staying upstairs for like half the day. Obviously she needed the rest because she pushed a God damn baby out of her. As she carried the empty cup downstairs, she wondered why it was so silent. She shrugged it off and began to do some work and clean up the kitchen filled up with dirty dishes. "Someone doesn't know what clean the dishes mean," she said to herself. Her ears perked up as she listened to the television playing in the living room and just assumed that Rai'uk was watching it.

For the time being, she made dinner for them since it was the evening. "Boys?!" she exclaimed, while stirring up the vegetables in the pan.
No answer.
"Boys?" she yelled again. She paused for a minute to see if she could hear an answer.
"Alright where the hell are they?" she whispered, taking her hands away from the wok.
"You all are making me work all-." she said, entering the living room. Her hand immediately covered her mouth and she absolutely melted. Rotxo and Rai'uk lay down on the couch fast asleep. They were snoring but in Kiri's eyes they looked so cute. She kneeled down next to them two and both gave them kisses on the cheek.
"My boys.." she chuckled and smiling so brightly.

short but wholesome i guess ...

Kiri x RotxoWhere stories live. Discover now