39 - Slowly

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notes: smut for all the dirty readers 🤗 i still dont know how to write smut so lol
this is short cuz i didn't know how to start it.

Kiri POV:
I was craving something, not food though. I needed him now. We were laying together on the bed until suddenly he touched my thigh out of nowhere. That is the bare minimum to get me turned on. I don't know how to tell him I want him but I needed to tell him sooner.

"Hey Rotxo," I said, pausing the Netflix show.
"Mhm?" he asked in a tired voice.
"You bored?" I questioned, smirking at him.
"Seriously, I don't have any c*ndoms!" he rolled his eyes.
"You know I do have spares," I chuckled, raising an eyebrow up.
"But this time I want it different, could you be top?" I insisted.
"Ok then.." he shrugged it off. He shut the laptop and put it on the table. I tried to take off my clothes but he stopped me and did it for me. After my top half was off, he grabbed my face and started to make out with me. He was a really good kisser and I don't know how much times I've said that.
After a while, he took my bottom half off and he started to get n*ked as well.
I helped him apply the c*ndom on his d*ck. As he stood up, he spread my legs open and licked his fingers. He started off by rubbing my p*ssy but that wasn't enough. I didn't feel much sensation. "Rotxo please stick your fingers inside," I begged.
"Be patient," he whispered. This side of him made my body twitch. As he teased me, he finally stuck his long fingers in me, making me moan.
"Ah~ F*ck.." I moaned, tilting my head back.
"Don't c*m yet," he said in a demanding tone.
I forced myself to nod my head while he kept pleasing me. Just before I could guess, he slid his d*ck inside of my leaking p*ssy.
"Oh Rotxo, you're so big," I groaned as he pushed it in and out. He let out some small groans and I could tell he was holding them back. He kept pumping in and out of me and I had to grip onto the bedsheets. "Keep going, I'm going to c*m" I whimpered, trying not to be too loud.
"You're so tight, eywa," he groaned, grabbing onto my waist, pumping faster. I could tell he was close as well. We both moaned at the same time which made us turned on even more. I could barely think straight, I was at heaven.
"You'll barely walk after this," he breathed.
"I-I'm close~." I muttered, playing with my t*ts.
His face lit up when he saw me do that, he was just interested whenever I would try please myself.

"Rotxo!" I yelled. He immediately pulled out.
"What the f*ck?" I shouted.
"I was just about to c*m!" I yelled. He laughed while kissing me on the face.
"It's not funny!" I argued.
"Come here," he demanded.
"No why would you do that?" I raged, crossing my arms.
"Come here, or else." he warned. I could tell he was dang serious but I could not give one f*ck.
"No," I rolled my eyes, avoiding eye contact.
He grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over so my ass was on display he stretched it out a bit and as a punishment he slid it back in from the back. "This is what you get," he chuckled.
"So so needy," he shook his head, while pumping.
"Rotxo~ Ah~ feels so good," I moaned, out of control. Rotxo was going really fast, I couldn't take it. I've never had better d*ck in my life. He grabbed my hair and was pulling on it. "I'm c*mming," he said.
"Me too~." I replied, putting my face on the pillow.
"5, 4, 3, 2 ..." he counted. Sh*t, it all came out before the countdown. Never in my life or any relationships did I c*m before the countdown. Rotxo was just different and he made me feel a different way. He slid his d*ck out and my c*m was all over it. "You've been very bad," Rotxo degraded, making me kneel down on the floor now.

I looked up at him with confusion. "Donmt give me those eyes," he groaned, taking off the c*ndom and putting his d*ck near my mouth. "Suck," he demanded.
"W-what?" I replied.
"You heard what I said, suck." he said in an angry tone voice. Even if I knelt down, I only reached up to his stomach so I had to slouch down to reach it. I held his c*ck by the base and started to suck on the tip. I could tell it was his most sensitive part because his legs were shaking.
"Yeah just like that," he moaned, holding my head and tilting his head back. His knees grew weaker and weaker, he couldn't handle how good I was. I could tell he was closer and closer so I decided to go faster. "Kiri~" he moaned, making pleasure to my ears.
"Please- Faster~" he pleaded, thrusting himself into my mouth, making me gag. I loved when he would go dominant to submissive, it was hot. I did what he told me to do though. I pushed my mouth in and out faster. "I'm going to c*m in your pretty mouth now~" he finished, making me swallow every last drop.
"You take me in so good," he said, dropping down onto the floor. As a reward, he kissed me again and I just hugged him.
"That was the best thing ever," I said, smiling at him. He winked at me and that just made me even more happier.

< after aftercare >

"Did I do good today?" Rotxo asked as we cuddled on my bed.
"Of course you did," I reassured. He smiled at my reassurance.
"Can you still walk?" he asked, smirking.
"Barely!" I joked.
"Aww too bad," he laughed, closing his eyes.
"I'm tired," he mumbled.
"Me too, come on let's sleep," I insisted.
"Carry on tomorrow.." I smirked, kissing him.


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