18 - That boy is mine

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drama alert!!!

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: Rotxoooooooooo

Rotxo: Kiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Kiri: I'm bored..

Rotxo: ok


Rotxo: Idk what you want me to say girly

Kiri: Maybe something like 'can we hang out pleaseeee🥺?'

Rotxo: Oh naw, but yeah we can hang out


Rotxo: Please pick me up 🥺🥺

Kiri: Fine 🙄
Bye see you

They both met up at the local park. It was nice because it was also a sunny day and had a gentle breeze following it. "Rotxo!" Kiri exclaimed, running up to him.
"Hey," Rotxo said, hugging her.
They strolled around the park holding hands. They just told pick up lines each other and laughed. "You're pick up lines are terrible," Kiri laughed.
"No wonder you have negative rizz," she added, laughing even harder.
"Not funny!" he exclaimed, walking faster to get away from Kiri.
"Well you pulled me so I guess you have short rizz," she replied, stopping herself from laughing.

"I'm hungry," Kiri complained.
"Too bad," Rotxo replied, looking at the birds in the sky.
"Please can we get some food," she begged.
"No," he teased.
"I had a warm hot dog and it was so delcious, you don't even know," Rotxo laughed.
"Ayo that's suspicious," she replied, side eyeing him.
"Kiri not like that!!" Rotxo rolled his eyes.
They went to get food from the nearest food place and of course Kiri got a hotdog because Rotxo made her crave it. Rotxo got some fries since he already ate food at home. He was prepared and I guess Kiri did not care unless her boyfriend was paying.

The sun was about to set and they had spent a long time together today. "Do your parents know?" Rotxo asked.
"Mmm maybe," Kiri giggled. Kiri knew how Rotxo felt about this.
"You have to tell them!" Rotxo worried.
"Calm down, I'm joking they know," Kiri replied.

They sat down on a nearby bench just hugging each other. There was really nothing to do other than talk to each other. Kiri posted Rotxo on her instagram story and it was a bad mug of him. Rotxo didn't care because it was in her close friends. "The pictures I have of you are so cute!" Kiri exclaimed.
"You are cute," Rotxo flirted.
"You too," she did the same back.
"You are so bad at flirting," Rotxo said.
"Boy says you," Kiri rolled her eyes, slouching back down to lay on Rotxo's shoulder.

"Well well well," a familiar voice is soon heard by the couple. They both looked up and saw the person they despised. Kelzy. "Aw you two, make such a good couple," Kelzy teased.
"Kelzy don't start," Kiri warned.
"Or what? You going to punch me?" Kelzy laughed, going closer to her face.
"Yeah I will if you don't back up, stay away from my boyfriend," Kiri defended.
"Cute, I know you liked it when I sat on you Rotxo." Kelzy smirked.
"No I didn't, I hate you!" Rotxo yelled.
Kelzy just laughed in their faces like a pure old villain. Before she could say anything else, Kiri pushed her onto the ground and ran away with Rotxo.
"You- you B*TCH!" Kelzy yelled.
Rotxo an Kiri were giggling as they heard her squeaky voice.

Safely, they made it to Kiri's home. They went inside and locked the doors just incase they were followed. "Hey!" Jake exclaimed, scaring the couple.
"Sh*t!" Kiri yelped.
"You scared me dad." Kiri panted.
"My bad," Jake laughed, going into the kitchen.
"Also watch you're tone young lady," Jake added, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Holy. Oh my." Rotxo ran out of words. Kiri giggled as he couldn't even form a sentence. Kiri grabbed him by the arm and dragged him up the stairs and into her room. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes as she was tired.
Rotxo lay on the bed too with her and jjst giggled.
"What Rotxo!" Kiri asked.
"Nothing.." he replied.
Soon later, Lo'ak barged into the room.
"Yo, can you to tell Kelzy to stop texting me?" Lo'ak asked.
"Block her and say f*ck you!" Kiri exclaimed.
"Aight," Lo'ak replied, half closing the door.
"Don't do anything weird in here, you know what its like when two Na'vi are all alone.." Lo'ak teased.
"Get out!" Kiri yelled.
Finally, Lo'ak closed the door laughing his head off.

Short but idk what to do???

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