44 - Freak

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Kiri POV:
Today was another day of annoying Rotxo. I decided I would go to his house and maybe surprise him! Well that wasn't really annoying but he wasn't going to expect me there was he..? I put sweatpants on and an oversized hoodie. I sprayed a bit of my perfume, which was Rotxo's favourite,  and took an umbrella with me since it was raining. I was finally ready but to make him even more annoyed, I took snickers, he was allergic to nuts and he would be mad because he hates when he can't eat or take things he isn't allowed to.

"Heading to Rotxo's!" I announced to my whole family while putting my shoes on.
"See you!" Tuk yelled from the living room and I could here the My Little Pony from all the way to the front door.
I took the umbrella and put it over my head, starting to make my way over. I din't know how many times I've said this but his house is not so far from mine so luckily I wouldn't be that wet. On my way there, I listened to music, Lana Del Rey of course. I stan her.

Finally, I reached the front of his house. Before knocking, I heard lots of commotion in there. Uh who could be at his house? He rarely invites people over unless his grandma invited someone over. I just assumed that his grandma probably invited someone over so I continued to knock on the door. The talking got quieter and I heard someone coming to open the door. A tall guy, long curly hair came to open the door. He looked at me with confusion and looked like he was holding in his laugh. "Koro and Ongu come here a sec," Nash'vi whispered.
"Oi can I come in? I'm here to see Rotxo," I stated.
"You're Rotxo's girlfriend?" He laughed.
"Yes, anything wrong?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"You're a freak, you are related to those Sully boys," Ongu laughed.
"What?" I replied.
"He doesn't want to see you," Koro yelled, pointing to go away.
"Hey guys who are you talking to-?" Rotxo came in, peeking from behind them.
Before I could even do anything, I just ran off crying. How could they do this to me, did Rotxo want me to look like a fool?
"Wait Kiri!" I heard in the background but I wouldn't dare to to look back.
"Leave it Rotxo, she's a freak anyway," I heard faintly in the back. Those words just made it worse and I just wanted to hug someone.

I barged through the door, not even closing my umbrella because of how embarrassed I was. "Kiri what is wrong?" Tuk ran over to me, hugging me. My hands were on knees after tired of how fast I ran back home. "Dad, mom!" she yelled. They both ran downstairs and saw both of us on the floor.
"Kiri, Tuk what is wrong?" mother cried.
Dad just made sure I was ok and not hurt.
"Kiri just came back and she was crying!" Tuk sobbed. I couldn't even talk or do anything, my body froze because I was half cold and couldn't even think about what happened earlier.
"It's ok.. I'll get towels," mother said.
Dad led me upstairs and into my room, giving me food to calm down.

After I got wrapped up in towels, my dad wanted to have a talk with me. Ain't know way he was going to let this slide.
"What happened?" he asked, sitting next to me on the bed.
"It was Rotxo's friends," I sighed.
"Nash'vi, Koro and Ongu, They said I were freaks," I let out, rolling my eyes.
"Ignore what they say," he said.
"I just can't," I cried, wiping my tears.
"You can, I know you're strong baby girl," he comforted. I looked up at him and smiled because of his kind words. I hugged him and asked,
"Will you do anything about it?" I asked.
"Maybe, I will have a word about it to their parents," he replied.
"Thanks dad," I chuckled standing up. He got out of my room and I felt so much better now. He truly was the best dad in the world. I sorted out my room because it was messy until I heard the door opening. "Kiri?" Tuk whispered.
"Yes Tuk?" I questioned, turning around.
"Wanna play barbies with me?" she asked.
"Of course TukTuk!" I exclaimed, making my way over to her as she led me to her room. She had a whole collection of Barbie Life in the Dream House dolls. We played for a really long time and I never knew I would enjoy to play with her. She was Barbie of course and I was Ken. "I love you.. Ken," she said in roleplay. Ken and Barbie were on a date at a fancy restaurant.
"Now they kiss!" Tuk screamed, putting the dolls closer together.
"Ew Tuk..!" I giggled, pulling the dolls away from each other.
"You always kiss Rotxo though!" Tuk exclaimed. Seriously his name again. I didn't want to think about him at this minute ugh.
"Yeah I do," I replied, fake smiling and we continued with our story.

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