8 - Good boy

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kinda got inspired by someone on ao3, i dont know their user so im sorry :/

notes/tw: smut teehee

Rotxo was helping his grandma with collecting fish in the basket. "How many more times do I have to go collect fish?" Rotxo whined.
"Two more times so I can make the perfect fish meal, please Rotxo?" she asked.
"Alright fine," Rotxo agreed.
Rotxo's grandma was going to feed all the villages today with everyone's favourite fish meal. Rotxo went outside of the pod for like the 10th time to collect the fish in the sea. He stood there waiting for a fish to be caught, he turned and saw Kiri. They were pretty far away from each other though. Kiri saw him too and they just smiled at each other. 'What are you doing?' Kiri hand signalled.
'Catching fish, what about you?' Rotxo replied hand signalling too. She nodded and looked away, looking back at the waves splashing on side of the rocks. Rotxo smiled at himself again because of the interaction and continued to collect his fish.

After he collected the fish, he bought it back inside. "Thank you Rotxo, my beautiful baby!" grandma exclaimed.
"Your welcome grandma!" Rotxo replied.
He then went back outside and went back to Kiri. He arrived to where Kiri was, she was still in the same place. "Hi Kiri," Rotxo said.
"Oh hey Rotxo, you scared me," Kiri laughed.
"Oh I'm sorry," he laughed, sitting down next to her.
"No it's fine," Kiri replied.
They sat in silence for a few minutes until Rotxo finally let out,
"Thank you for last night."
Kiri chuckled, shaking her head,
"You were do f*cking loud."
"I wasn't expecting that... I've never dont that before," Rotxo replied.
"...And I feel like I didn't give you anything," Rotxo added.
Kiri turned to look at Rotxo,
"Well I guess you gave me those beautiful noises."
"Oh shut up... you know what I mean though," Rotxo giggled.
Kiri nodded her head,
"I like the sound of you giving me something though."
There was no time to waste, Rotxo was actually nervous about pleasing Kiri.

Kiri bought Rotxo into a private area in the forest, barely anyone went there because everyone was always busy working in the sea. Kiri sat down on a broken log and Rotxo sat down infront of her.
"You're in control now," Kiri said.
Rotxo breathed in and out heavily before he came up with something to do.
"Spread your legs," Rotxo mumbled.
Kiri spread her legs while Rotxo untied her loincloth revealing her wet pussy. "Oh wow.." Rotxo said, he'd never seen one (poor Rotxo).
"Are you ready?" Rotxo asked.
"Yes Rotxo," Kiri answered. Rotxo got ready to eat her out. He took his time but then started to lick, in the process Kiri started to moan.
"Oh Rotxo~" Kiri moaned, gripping onto Rotxo's hair. Rotxo started to lick faster while Kiri grabbed Rotxo's hair.
"F*ck, you're so good at this," she panted.
"I'm so close keep going," she moaned.
He kept going until she reached the max. "Ah~" Kiri finished as Rotxo licked everything up. He looked up at her and she kissed his face,
"You're such a good boy."
He smiled at the words she gave him but he was also embarrassed.
"Did you enjoy it...?" he asked.
"Don't be so unsure, I loved it," she complimented kissing her boyfriend all over.
"You're so cute when you're flustered," she giggled. Rotxo covered his face while smiling, Kiri laughed,
"Come on let me see your face."
"Stopppp," Rotxo giggled as Kiri tried to see his face. He was flustered after Kiri called him a good boy. She picked him up so he was sitting on her lap. "I love you," Kiri said, poking his nose.
"I love you too Kiri," Rotxo said, kissing her cheek.

anyways chile, any requests on what i should do for next chapter?!?!

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