33 - Standing up

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Spider (Kiri's ex) had moved into the neighbourhood. The news came to Kiri quickly by Tuk because she became friend's with Spider's younger sister.

"Kiri! Spider moved back! I'm so happy, I get to play with Sazi," Tuk cheered. Kiri's body froze. She looked at Tuk and said,
"You're joking?"
"No! She moved in just now, I saw her, she lives opposite us," Tuk said.
Kiri just nodded her head and ran upstairs. She had to tell Neteyam and Lo'ak.

"Neteyam and Lo'ak!!" Kiri yelled. They both groaned and came out of their rooms.
"What?" they sighed.
"Spider is back.." she mumbled.
"Oh that b*tch?" Lo'ak questioned.
"Stay away from him," Neteyam said.
She nodded her head and went to her room. She couldn't believe the guy who sexually abused her was back.
"Its ok, its ok, I'll just go for a walk, it'll be fine," she panicked and tried to calm her self down.

Kiri POV:

I had to think. What could I do to get my mind off of this? Maybe I could take a walk by the park and listen to some music. I headed downstairs, putting on my earphones. I stepped outside and started to stroll around. "Money is the reason we exist, everybody knows that it's a fact kiss kiss.." I hummed to the Lana Del Rey song. The walk by the park actually made me calm down a bit.

After an hour of taking a walk, it started to get darker. The days were going by a lot quicker and it was getting dark quicker too. I was far away from home and I remembered that I had some left over money. I decided to go to the shops because then I could use up the money I had. I got the Boost drink and sweet and salty popcorn. I think it was a good choice because I could possibly ask Rotxo to come over and watch a movie with me. I knew he was quite busy helping his grandma today though.

It was dark blue outside, the starts were twinkling in the sky. I was still listening to music as I made my way home. It was faint so I could still hear what was going on in the oitside world.
"Kiri!" a familiar voice yelled my name.
I took off my earphones and looked behind me. I stood there in shock. It was Spider. He approached closer and closer to me but I couldn't help but walk faster.
"Hey come on, lets talk?" he asked.
"G-get away," I sped up.
"Let me talk to you." he demanded, grabbing onto my wrist.
"I don't want to," I replied, looking at his hand that was on my wrist. His grip was so tight that I felt like my circulation was cut.
"S-spider let go!" I yelled.
"Calm down baby," he teased.
"I'm not you're baby anymore! I love someone else you psycho," I raged, finally having my hand released.
"Don't be liked that," he smirked, touching my hips.
"Alright bye," I rolled my eyes.
"Uh. Don't leave just yet," he said.
"What? You talked to me," I said.
"I love you, you're mine only," he stated. My rage filled up and I slapped him across the face walking off. I was so fed up with him.

< Back home >

Finally, I arrived home, Eywa that was an adventure. "Kiri why are you home so late?" Jake asked.
"Got stopped by a friend," I replied, placing the shopping bag down.
"Ooh what's in here?" Lo'ak asked, curiously searching in the bag.
"Don't touch," I muttered, angrily hitting his hand away. Neteyam came downstairs with his plate of food that he had eaten.
"You know Sazi came by today, she said Spider was looking for you," Neteyam stated.
"Whatever." I said, going upstairs with the shopping bag. When I arrived in my room I went to text Rotxo.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: Hey babe

Rotxo: Hiyaaaa

Kiri: come over?

Rotxo: helping nana sorry :(((
I'll come over tomorrow???

Kiri: alright THENN!!!

Rotxo: Ilyy!!!! 😘

Kiri: Ilyttttt!!! 💗💗💗
ur so cute

Rotxo: You are 😘😘

Kiri: Stfu



< the next day >

"Hey Babe, wanna go out for our little walks?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.
"Sure," he responded, clicking the off button on his phone. We both headed outside at the front door and just strolled around. We were so lovey dovey in public for some reason. I mean we had to show that we were a couple to everyone so we wouldn't get hit on but that would never work. We would compliment rach other but Rotxo would always tap out and after he would say that he was better rizz. It's so cute when he's shy because he doesn't know what to do.
While walking by I asked him a question,
"You know Spider right?" He nodded his head in the middle of laughing.
"He moved back here," I said.
"I heard," he replied.
"He touched me by the hips," I sighed.
"What! Why would you let that happen?" he said.
"He's bigger than me! I don't know what to do!" I screamed.
"Ok ok, calm down it's not you're fault." he said, fixing my hair. We sat on a bench and just watched the sunset. It was truly beautiful.

I got a tap on my shoulder while I lay my head on Rotxo's shoulder. I was startled and turned around to see Spider.
"Who is the? You're cheating on me?" Spider yelled.
"We were never anything," I replied, furrowing my eyebrows.
"We are! You're only mine," he shouted, holding my hand.
"Back off!" Rotxo yelled.
"Shut the f*ck up, you stole my girlfriend." Spider warned.
"She's mine," Rotxo raged, giving me a kiss on the lips . He was staring into Spider's eyes while still kissing me, well basically making out with me. He let go and said,
"See?" Spider grabbed onto me and pulled me to kiss him. I gagged when he got close to me. It felt so weird and awkward, the only good kisser was Rotxo.
"Mine." Spider smirked. Rotxo had enough and gave a good smack to Spider. Rotxo looked at his burning hand and then looked back at Spider who was groaning in pain.

"Spi spi, dada wants you home!!" Sazi yelled, holding her torch light.
"You'll regret," he shook his head, wiping the blood from his face. He got up and left to go to his sister.
Me and Rotxo both looked at each other. We were just processing what the actual hell was going on. We just laughed because we were clueless. No way Rotxo hit someone he was way too innocent but I guess all he anger built up in him.
I kissed him again on the cheek but this was for being brave and standing up for himself. He was really bad at it, especially because he used to get bullied a lot when he was younger but it slowly reduced when he was progressively getting older. I was so proud of him for doing it, especially because it was Spider who was big, tough guy.


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