27 - Comfort

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notes: I don't think Kiri will be included except like Rotxo texting Kiri. This will be like Aonung and Rotxo but no shipping. BASICALLY A SUMMARY IS AONUNG JUST COMFORTS ROTXO 😊😊😊

apologising how this isn't rotxo and kiri but stay tuned bc there will be more cute stories !!

Rotxo POV:

*yawn* I woke up, stretching my arms ad legs. Damn that was a good night sleep. I hopped out of my bed and went downstairs to go eat breakfast.
"Hey grandma," I said, coming from upstairs.
"Hi my little hunny bear, I'm making waffles and berries," she replied.
"Yay!" I exclaimed, rushing down. I say doen on the dining table and went on my phone while waited for my food to be prepared.

Kiri and Rotxo messages:

Kiri: Whatcha doin?????

Rotxo: waiting for my breakfast to be ready

Kiri: oh alrrrr

Rotxo: you?

Kiri: well basically Neteyam and Lo'ak are fighting about who the best Fortnite player is and its so stupid how they are making me decide

Rotxo: its me!!!!!!

Kiri: sure.. 😭😭

Rotxo: KIRIII i ammm

Kiri: Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Rotxo whateverrrrrr 🙄

Grandma came with the waffles ready. She never messed up any meals, she was honestly the best cook in my opinion. She laid it down in front of me and smiled at me as my face lit up. "Here you are baby," she said, giving me a napkin.
"Thank you nana!" I replied, ready to dig in the food.
"I'll be upstairs if u need me," grandma said.
I nodded my head, unable to talk because how much food I stuffed in my mouth.

< time skip.. >

Nana had to go to the doctors often to check up on her health. She had some issues so she regularly went there. One day, I got some really bad new about her.
"Rotxo, you're grandma is very poorly, we aren't sure what has caused this but we will look after her," the doctor said.
"Please do take good care of her," I said, holding grandma's hand while she was unconscious.
"We will," the doctor reassured.
I kissed her on the cheek and mouthed the words goodbye to her.

In loneliness, I sat on my dining table alone. I thought back to all the good times I was with my grandma and she was healthy, making food for me and sitting next to me with her gorgeous smile. Well not anymore.
*ding dong*
Sitting up straight, I tilted my head to the door.
Slowly, I stood up and approached the door to open it. I wonder, who would be here so late at night? Opening the door, I see Aonung standing outside with my favourite chocolate. Snickers. "Oh Aonung.." I said.
"Hey bro," he laughed.
"Come inside," I smiled.
He handed me over the Snickers and my face lightened them up.
"Oh for me?" I asked, obviously knowing it was for me.
"Yeah silly," Aonung said, rolling his eyes. We sat on the couch, he stated,
"I'm sorry about you're grandma."
"It's fine," I replied, sighing.
"How are you?" he asked.
"I'm alright, I just hope she's doing ok." I chuckled in awkwardness.
"Mhm..." Aonung hummed.
"She will do ok, no need to worry," he added.
I nodded my head even though I didn't agree with him.

We went upstairs because Aonung said we should get our minds off of it and play some video games. Me and him played Fortnite to see who was the best Fortnite player, of course I was.
"Damn it Rotxo!" he screamed as I eliminated him.
"I'm too good," I chuckled.
"You really are bro," he agreed. I didn't know how I was so good at games or even anything. It was like I was Eywa's gift.
After a few rounds, we got borer of playing on the ps4 so I decided to puff a few vapes. It helped me keep the stress away but I knew it wasn't a good habit. I lay on my bed puffing on the vape as Aonung lay next to me. "That's bad for you," Aonung said.
"You cant say much," I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever let me have a few puffs I didn't bring mine," he demanded. I rolled my eyes again and lazily gave him my vape.
"I love the watermelon flavour so much," he said, using up the vape.
"Aonung!" I yelled.
"Sorry," he giggled, raising his hands up.
"I need to charge it now," I ranted.

Aonung was playing on my playstation again. He just wanted to prove that he was better than me but it didn't work at all. I sat on my gaming chair and kept trying to make my self wake from falling asleep. Well Aonung's screaming kept me awake because he kept screaming in my ear whenever he would get a kill.
"I'm tired Aonung," I yawned.
"Ok sleep and I'll delete you're Fortnite account," he joked.
"Aonung actually.." I flopped on my bed.
"Ok ok, I'm joking, go to bed, I'll stay here to make sure you're safe." he replied.
"Especially because you're home alone," he added.
"Thanks Ao," I said, laying down on the bed and snuggling my blanket.
Soon later, my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep.

Lost motivation and sorry I'm making really short ones now. I'll try make them longer

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