25 - Fight

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Rotxo POV:

"Rotxo!" grandma called.
"Yes!" I replied, taking one airpod out.
"Can you go do the grocery?" she asked.
"Yeah yeah," I said. She gave me the list of what to buy at the shops.

I left the house and put my airpod back in to listen to my music. Of course I was listening to Ice Spice 'Munch' the whole time I was walking there. My grandma also gave me some extra money so I could buy some extra things for myself.
When I arrived, I grabbed a shopping basket and started to look around for the items.
'So, carrots, fish, cabbages, broccoli, bread.." I muttered under my breath. I went to go find the bread first since that was the easiest to get. Checking the dates of the bread to find which one had the best expiry date. 'Mm this is good,' I whispered to myself. I put inside my shopping trolley and started wandering around for more items. I read the list carefully and squinted my eyes. I couldn't read the handwriting so I decided to call my friends.
"Hey RoRo," grandma said, picking up her phone.
"Hi grandma.. I can't read you're handwriting," Rotxo said.
"Sorry Ro, that's fine, just bring the things you can read," grandma replied.
"Ok thank you," I said, hanging up the phone.

When I hung up, I heard snickering coming fr behind me. I turned around to see Faswi and Ze'we coming towards me.
'Oh no..' I thought.
"Look who it is," Faswi laughed.
"Please just go away," I mumbled.
"Why should we?" Ze'we added.
"Poor little boy was on his phone with his granny mama," Faswi chuckled.
"No parents?" Ze'we laughed.
My heart instantly dropped at that moment. I tried holding in my tears but I couldn't.
"Parentless boy is crying aww," Ze'we fake cooed, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I flicked his hand off my shoulder and punched him in the face. My jaw dropped, it felt like someone else in my body did that. "Oh my Eywa" I whispered, putting my hand over my mouth.
"B*tch," Faswi shouted, running after me and pushing me to the ground.
"Get off!" I yelled in pain.
He continued to hit me and put bruises on me while Ze'we helped him. Soon after, customers reported to the staff about what was happening and the fight was broken apart. I was crying with blood on my lips, a bruise on both my eyes and two bruises on my back. They only left with a bloody lip. We all got kicked out of the shop and they ran away before I could call the police. I didn't even get to buy groceries either. I groaned in pain,
"Ow!" Taking out my phone, I dialled my grandma.
"Grandma.." I cried.
"Yes dear?" she asked concerned.
"I just got attacked, my legs, face, back and arm hurts," I started to cry even more.
"I will call Ao," she replied, hurriedly calling Aonung. I waited there, sitting on a nearby bench. I laid down on the bench while also groaning in pain, it was too much. Whiteout realising, my eyes slowly shut and that's when I fell asleep.

Kiri POV:

I sat near Rotxo on the bed. I didn't even dare to look at him because of the bruises on his face, they made me tear up. "Is he ok?" Aonung asked, coming in the room with water for Rotxo when he woke up.
"I don't know.." I muttered under my sobs.
"Don't worry Kiri," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I held onto his forearm, praying he was awake.
"Aonung? Kiri?" he slowly woke up, opening his eyes. We rushed over to him and he automatically kissed me.
"Rotxo am I going to get a kiss too?" Aonung teased.
"Oh shush," he chuckled. His voice sounded raspy since he just woke up.
"You need to explain what happened," Aonung said, crossing his arms.
"Yeah," I agreed.
"Ok so.." Rotxo started.
He explained everything that happened and I side eyed Aonung and he looked like he was going to murder someone. I was really worried for Rotxo so I held his hand while he explained.
"I think I'm going ring up Koro, Nash'vi and Ongu real quick," he fake smiled, I immediately knew he was going to beat Faswi and Ze'we up.
I silently laughed at him and I could see Rotxo smiling too.

Once Aonung left I reassured to him that his grandma knew what happened and is sure on where he is right now. "Kiri," he said.
"Mhm," I replied.
"Can I get kisses?" he asked.
"Hmm, fine," I said, smiling at his happy expression.
He clapped his hands together and was ready to get kisses.
"But on my bruised areas please," he requested.
"Alright alright," I chuckled. I lifted him on my lap and started to kiss him and he was groaning in pain.
"Sorry am I going too hard?" I asked.
"Just a bit too much.." he replied.
I nodded and continued with more gentler kisses and I could see the smile growing on him. While I was kissing him, he was hugging me tightly. He was so nice to hug especially because of how warm he felt.
I always kissed his because it would help him fall asleep.

After a few more kisses, he was snoozing away. He looked quite funny though but I kissed him on the cheek. Hopefully Aonung didn't mind if me and Rotxo were sleeping together on his bed. We slept together and I was just imagining how Aonung and his gang were fighting Faswi and Ze'we. I giggled while I closed my eyes and then I fell into a deep sleep.


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