15 - Back home

371 13 13

tw: rough kissing 🤗
bye i didn't know what to write if u could tell

Kiri POV:

The plane landed, I started celebrating in my head. I was so to see my family, friends and boyfriend again. The airport wasn't too busy which was a good thing because it wouldn't be packed and I could get home quicker. When I made my way through the doors, after getting my bags, I saw everyone waiting for me. "Kiri! You're home!" they all screamed.
I ran up to them smiling and half crying. We were all in tears, I hugged all of them in turns.
"We missed you Kiri!" Tuk exclaimed, as I carried her.
"I missed all of you two," I smiled, hugging my boyfriend who was not letting me go.
"I'll help with you're bags," Neteyam and Lo'la insisted.
"Aw you two are you cute, helping your sis out," Kiri teased.
I walked with Tsireya and Rotxo outside of the airport. I was so happy I was back with the most significant people ever. My bags were loaded in the back of dad's bus and then we set off to home. The bus ride was so fun, Tuk was sleeping most of the ride so that meant the older kids could do anything. I'm sorry to say this Tuk but if she was awake then it would have been a nightmare.
Aonung was teasing Rotxo about how much he missed me and I found it so cute how he was trying to hide every single time.
"I have something to tell you guys as well," Rotxo sighed.
"Yeah what?" Tsireya and me were concerned.
"Well, Aonung and Neteyam already know, this girl, Kelzy, she sat on me, kissed me on the lips and I cant say the rest-." Rotxo blurted. We all gasped excpet Aonung and Neteyam who just looked down. "What a wh*re!" I yelled.
"Kiri!" Neytiri looked back.
I put my hand on my mouth and cracked a smile.
"But seriously I'm going to beat her up, the f*ck," I whispered.
"Ugh, I've always hated her, she just copies me all the time," Tsireya rants.
"Are you okay though?" I asked and Tsireya following on with the same question.
"Yes I am, thank you for asking," Rotxo smiled.

My parents dropped Aonung and Tsireya off home and me and Rotxo begged my parenys if he was allowed to stay. It worked but my dad looked like he was in a bad mood.
"We're here, Neteyam carry Tuk," dad ordered.
"Yes sir," Neteyam nodded his head.
"Imagine," Lo'ak teased, sticking his tongue out.
Neteyam did the middle finger at him while dad and mom weren't looking and I just laughed at the interaction.
I held my boyfriend's hand as he was helping with my luggage. We went up to my room and I put everything in the laundry. I took off my clothes in front of him and he just stared. I was just teasing him so I giggled and then hopped into the shower.
I could head Rotxo listening to Ice Spice while I was showering and it was hilarious.

After I finished showering, I came out with a towel wrapped around my body. Rotxo looked up and smiled. "Aww you look cute when you come out the shower," Rotxo flirted.
"You're cute either way, in or out of the shower," I teased.
Rotxo's face just turned into a different shade of blue.
"Kiri come here," Rotxo said. I went up to him sitting down next to him. He kissed my cheek and I thought it was just going to be a tiny kiss until he started to make his way to my mouth. We started to make out and it was heated. I took off all of his clothes so we would be matching but I kept my towel on. We were laying on my bed at this point, he was on top and it was cute how hard he was trying to please me. It worked but I think I could do better. I took control now, I started to explore his mouth and he let out a noise.
"You ok with this Rotxo?" I reassured.
"Yes Kiri," I said, nodding my head.
I continued exploring his mouth and then I made my way to his neck. I saw that the last hickeys were healing so why not make some new ones. "I'm gonna show everyone you're mine," I whispered in his ear. He whimpered to these little words. The towel started to fall off but I didn't care at all. Hopefully showing my body would make him turned on even more. Whenever I would touch or kiss his thighs he would always shiver, that was his sensitive spot. "Mh~ Kiri, stop going for my thighs," he whimpered.
"Gosh you're whimpers are cute," I praised.
We were sitting up, Rotxo was on my lap, his legs around my hips. As I started to kiss more of his body and stroke his thighs, he grabbed onto my boob. "Ah-." I groaned in pain.
"Sorry," he apologised still in pleasure.
"No I find it hot," I laughed.

After a few more biting and kisses, Rotxo was so tired. He was panting heavily but I gave him a few soft kisses. I helped him put on his clothes and he helped me pick out my clothes. "This one looks cute," Rotxo complimented
"I'm going to wear in because you said it was cute," I said. He smiled and waited on the bed for me to try it.

No One POV:

Kiri finally wore her pyjamas and they both lay on Kiri's bed, watching Netflix. "Can I kiss you?" Rotxo asked, mid movie.
"Of course," Kiri giggled.
He pulled into the kiss and it was a really lomg one. She pulled away and laughed,
"Seriously Rotxo.. you still want more kisses?"
"I mean..." he laughed.
"Oh Rotxo.. round 2 of kisses?" Kiri asked.
"YES! I mean yeah I guess," he said, secretly happy.

Roto was a very good kisser but Kiri never knew where he had learnt it from. He had never had a girlfriend or been in, a relationship and Kiri was his first.


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