14 - No control

401 8 14

tw: s*xual a*sault

For the past few days, Rotxo and Kiri had been texting and calling all day. When I say all day, I mean non stop, although Kiri had to leave a few times because she had classes to attend. Rotxo's grandma was constantly telling Rotxo to get off his phone, he did because he was a goody two shoes.

Rotxo POV:

My grandma took my phone away because I was talking to Kiri for too long. Honestly I thought it was so dumb...because I wasn't even talking to her for that long. "Nana when do I get my phone back," I asked, eating my breakfast.
"When Kiri comes back," grandma replied.
"What? But I can't go a day without talking to her, she's going to be so worried about why I'm not texting her anymore," Rotxo answered.
"She'll be fine, I told Sully sir already," she reassured.
"Phew.." I said.
To kill time, I decided to hang out with Aonung or maybe Tsireya. They were probably hanging out with Neteyam and Lo'ak but I guess I could be like a third wheel. Yesterday, Aonung told me he was going to basketball practise, I couldn't go because of my sore arm injury.

"Nana, I'm going to go to the Aonung's basketball game," I told her.
"Okay bye," she replied, washing the dishes.
I closed the door behind me, fixing my hat the I was wearing. On the way there, I got some snacks just in case I got bored there. I bought; Doritos and mountain dew. I may or may have not ate like half the packet of Doritos on the way there but I luckily saved some. I got on the bus, showing my card and made my way to find an empty seat.

When I arrived, everyone was cheering on for Aonung's team. I cringed when no one was cheering for the other team. When I looked at the crowd, I saw Neteyam holding a big poster that said; 'AONUNG'S NO.1 SUPPORTER!'. I chuckled while making my way over to him.
"Hey Neteyam," I said, interrupting his screaming.
"Oh hey Rotxo!" he exclaimed.
"Here come stand next me and let's cheer together!" he insisted.
"Oh thank you," I thanked.
I think we were the loudest ones in the crowd. We screamed on the top of our lungs saying, 'GO AONUNG GO'.
"Damn this is a lot of work," I laughed.
"I do this everyday," Neteyam replied, holding the poster even higher.
I sat down on the bench while everyone else was standing up. I drank the mountain dew because of how thirsty I was. Looking up, I saw Neteyam staring into my soul.
"You have Doritos..?" he asked.
"No I don't... Of course I do what do you think this is?" I teased, shoving the Doritos in front of his face. He put his hand out and I gave him a crumb of a Dorito. "Rotxo please please please," Neteyam begged.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes, giving him a few pieces.

The whistle finally blew, the game had finally finished. We waved at Rotxo so he could find us and Neteyam was already all over him. "Babe you were so ho- no you were so good out there!" Neteyam exclaimed.
"Thank you, also hi Rotxo, didn't know you would be here," Aonung said, taking the towel that Neteyam was holding.
"Ah yeah, just was a bit bored after I got my phone taken away," I said, scratching the back of my head.
"Ah alright, I'm going to go change now," Aonung replied.
"Let me come with," Neteyam flirted, holding his hand.
"Alright I'll see you two outside in a bit," I laughed.
Patiently, I waited outside for the two love birds. I hope they weren't doing anything inappropriate in there. It was so boring without my phone but I had to deal with it.
"Oh Rotxo," someone said, coming from my right. I looked at the direction of the person and it was Kelzy. She looked at me up and down and smirked. She sat on me, not thinking about what she was doing.
"Uh what are you doing Kelzy," I shout-whispered, struggling to get her off me.
"You like this don't you?" she giggled, facing my direction, going back and fourth.
"No no! Stop," I screamed, trying to push her off.
She was much bigger than me, cons of being the shortest boy. She put her arms around me and kissed my lips. My eyes widened and at this point I felt like throwing up. "Get off!" I yelled, crying my eyes out.
A few mins later, Neteyam and Aonung saw me. "Hey!" Aonung shouted.
She turned to his direction, letting go from the disgusting kiss. "Oh he's cute too, this you're friend?" Kelzy asked, standing up, going face to face with Aonung. She kissed him, holding onto his face so he couldn't let go. "B*tch," Neteyam muttered. He pulled her away and pushed her onto the floor,
"Oops accident." we ran away before she could do anything else. On the way to Neteyam's car, they comforted me as I was still crying.
"She's a f*cking b*tch, what else did she do?" Neteyam asked, opening the car door for me.
"She sat on my lap and started.. grinding on it," I mumbled.
"What the f*ck. Nah that b*tch needs to go to jail," Aonung raged.
The rest of the car ride, they gave me some snacks and since it was a long car ride back home I fell asleep, cuddling myself. I really wish Kiri was hugging me.

I woke up from my nap but we were still not home. "Yeah he's asleep right now, oh never mind he's awake!" Neteyam exclaimed, looking back at me. He was on the phone with Kiri.
"Say hi Rotxo," Neteyam said, putting his phone close to my face. Finally I got to see her face again and hear her voice.
"I miss you," I said, blowing her a virtual kiss.
"I miss you too, mwah," she said, blowing him one back. I smiled at her before I leaned back down on the seat.
"Anyways talk to you later," Kiri said.
"Bye Kiri," we all said.

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