5 - Pain

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Kiri POV:

I avoided Rotxo at all times, I felt bad though because he genuinely looked sad when I didn't look at him. Normally we would have eye contact but I would always look away. I did this because I knew it would be awkward talking to him after what happened. Tsireya and I got our drinks from the bar until some guy started to come up to us. "Hello beautiful ladies," a random guy greeted drunkly. We said hello but it wasn't a friendly hello it was a 'can you go away we're uncomfortable' hello. The guy proceeded to chat to us until Tsireya grabbed me away but the guy grabbed my other arm.
"I'll take this beautiful one," the guy winked at me.
"No you won't," Tsireya defended. I tried my best to make him loosen his grip but he didn't. Honestly I was strong but this guy I couldn't even make him let go. "Go the f*ck away," I demanded. He thought it was a joke and decided to try and pull me into him. I was utterly grossed out.

Rotxo POV:

Aonung, Neteyam, Lo'ak and I were outside chilling and drinking. Aonung and Neteyam were technically flirting and Lo'ak just looked disgusted (NOT HOMOPHOBIC WAY). "So are ya'll fake flirting or?" Lo'ak asked awkwardly.
"I guess we'll never know," Neteyam laughed, sipping his drink.
We continued talking until we heard screaming inside.
"Ya'll hear that?" I asked, pausing the conversation. The boys looked up and thought that I was joking.

"JUST LET GO OF HER!" Tsireya shouted in the distance.
"Oh hell no, that's my sister, whose messing with her," Aonung immediately got up, he looked like he was ready to kill someone.
"Aonung don't," I warned. It was too late he smacked his wrists and went inside.
"Please just get off of me," Kiri screamed in the distance. The three of us left all got up, it was Kiri's voice we heard. I had to save her from whatever was going on. We rushed inside and saw them near the bar. Aonung had already pushed the guy onto the ground and the last time I looked at the random he had a black eye. Neteyam broke up the fight and pulled them apart. I bent down and saw the guy who was shaking. I was about to say something until he punched me in the face.
"Woah man chill out!" I said, holding the part of my face he hurt.
"Don't hurt anyone here," Neteyam warned, he helped me up and asked if I was ok. The guy nodded his head vigorously and left the party as quick as flash. Lo'ak ran up to Tsireya giving her kisses, she looked like she was about to cry. "You ok bro," Aonung and Lo'ak said.
I just nodded my head trying to make the pain go away. The pain was just too much, Kiri was ignoring me and a guy punched me in the face, it hurt so bad. I decided I wanted to leave because there was nothing I could do. I said goodbye to everyone and left. Darkness made it worse, I walked home by myself, with no one by my side.

The next day, I woke up. "Morning nana," I said tiredly.
"Morning sweetie," nana said.
I left to go outside. In the mornings I normally went outside because I loved the sea. I sat on the soft sand and looked and pretty, clear sea. I just wish Kiri was there with me. I understand that people need to be distant or need their own space but not knowing why hurts the most. Thinking about it, I sat their sobbing into my hands. "What have I done wrong Eywa?" I whispered.

Kiri POV:

Today actually looked like a decent day. I decided it was the day Tsireya and I hung out. We strolled thought the village for a while and also gossiped about 'crushes' and other things of course. All I could think about was Rotxo though, I felt bad for him, I don't know why I distance myself from him though. We walked by the pods and we saw someone sitting down by the sand. "Is that... Rotxo?" Tsireya whispered. We took a closer look and saw him.
"Yeah it is.." I replied.
"Well, go talk to him!" Tsireya whispered. It was the only right thing to do, Tsireya said she would go see Lo'ak while she was waiting for me. He looked like he was putting his hands to his face. I approached him and questioned,
"Huh? Uh you're not supposed to see me lime this," Rotxo rushed, wiping his tears and covering his face.
"Rotxo. I'm sorry," I apologised, genuinely.
"It's ok, I know you don't like me," Rotxo replied.
"No, I mean it, I do like you," I said.
"Kiri stop lying, it hurts," Rotxo cried, avoiding eye contact.
I put my hand on his thigh,
"I promise you this, I love you, I'm sorry I was so distant, I don't know how to express my feelings well," I cried. He looked up at me and pulled me into a hug,
"Wow you really mean it?"
"Yes, yes I f*cking do, Rotxo," I smiled. The smaller boy put his face onto my shoulder and started to cry tears of joy.

Protect Rotxo at all costs !!

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