11 - Talking bad

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notes: oh lord this chapter is going to take a while..

Kiri POV:

Lazily, I sat on my couch flicking through different channels. "F*ck I can't find anything," I muttered under my breath.
I grabbed my iPhone and decided to text Rotxo.
Kiri and Rotxo messages;

Kiri: Hey Ro! 💓

Rotxo: Hii babe

Kiri: Wanna come over?

Rotxo: Yeah of course, see you in 15?

Kiri: See you!

I quickly ran upstairs and as soon as I reached the top I saw Lo'ak. "Why you running up so fast for?" Lo'ak asked.
"Uh nothing so bye," I shoved him iut of the way because he was standing in the way of my room. The first hoodie I saw was Rotxo's hoodie that he gave me. I never wanted him to get it back so I decided to hide instead. After I picked out my hoodie, I sprayed my signature perfume on and waited impatiently for my boyfriend to arrive. I checked my iPhone again and again waiting for him. Suddenly, a knock interrupted my boredom.
I squealed,
"He's here!"

As quick as flash, I opened the front door to saw handsome man with flowers in his hands. "Babee!" I said running to hug him. I always had to crouch a bit so I could reach his level.
"Hey," Rotxo said, hugging me back.
"Come on let's go up stairs!" I exclaimed.
"Alright," he replied, taking off his expensive shoes. I led him upstairs to my room.
"Sorry it's quite messy," I apologised, opening the door.
"That's fine! I don't care about how your room looks, plus I only came for you," he flirted.
"Oh stop.." I blushed. Rotxo sat on my bed and went on his phone while I sorted my room out.
"What music should I put on?" I asked.
"Boys a liar!!!" Rotxo screamed.
"I remember you sent me a snap of you singing it," Kiri laughed.
Rotxo rolled his eyes as he went on his phone again. I felt sorry for him, I should've cleaned my room earlier before he came.
We were humming to the music until Lo'ak barged into the room.
"Guys, Tsireya invited us to her house for little hangout, wanna come?" Lo'ak asked.
Me and Rotxo looked at each other in agreement.
"Yeah sure," I said.
"Alright meet me downstairs," Lo'ak said.
Lo'ak left the room and I hurriedly changed my outfit because I could not go to someone else's house with the current outfit I was wearing.

A few minutes later, I finally finished changing. I came out of the bathroom and ran to my vanity. "Babe what perfume should I wear?" I showed him two perfume bottles.
"The one on the right looks exotic, try it," Rotxo picked. He stood up and went closer to me so I could smell it.
"Oh sh*t what did they put in that, you smell so good," Rotxo was surprised.
"Damn this better be your everyday scent because I would never leave you," Rotxo added, hugging me.
"It will.. Anyways lets go down Lo'ak's probably waiting," I laughed.
We went downstairs and saw Lo'ak already in the car looking depressed. Me and Rotxo just burst out laughing because of how goofy he looked. We finally left the house entering the car. Rotxo sat in the passenger seat and I sat at the back.
"Yo Lo'ak," Rotxo said, going in for a handshake.
"Yo," Lo'ak answered.
Lo'ak started to drive to Tsireya's house quickly.
"Lo'ak calm down you're going to get us killed," I scolded, looking up from my phone.
Rotxo laughed and asked,
"Why is Neteyam never home?"
"He's always with Aonung," Lo'ak replied.
"Ah ok," Rotxo nodded. For the rest of the ride I just listened to their conversation of them talking about girls and 'da boys things'. Every two seconds Lo'ak would say "Only the boy would get it Kiri, you wouldn't understand."

At last, we arrived at Tsireya's house after that horrendous car ride we finally arrived at her flipping house. Her house was like a mansion. Rotxo didn't seem surprised though because he'd grown up with Aonung and Tsireya so they were like siblings. I knocked on the door and it was Tsireya. "Oh my Eywa, bae!" Tsireya shouted. She ran out and gave me a big hug.
"Hey Rotxo and hey babe!" Tsireya greeted as they came behind me.
"Hey mama?" Lo'ak flirted, kissing her on the cheek
Tsireya giggled,
"Why don't you all come in?"
We all nodded and the inside of her house was more insane.
"Oh wow.." we all had our jaws on the floor.
Tsireya led us into her master bedroom and we saw Neteyam and Aonung. They were cuddling with each other and watching tiktoks.
"Uh, anyways this is my room," Tsireya guided us, trying to ignore what was happening on her bed. I sat down on her comfy looking bed and it was so squishy. I bounced up and down on it like it was a trampoline. Rotxo sat beside me doing the same. "This is fun," Rotxo laughed.

Rotxo POV:

I wish I had Tsireya's house. Kiri and Tsireya were at her vanity trying on makeup and jewellery. Hee closet was her biggest flex. I imagined all the clothes that I could fit in there. A dream. I laid down on the squishy bed, that's what Kiri called it and rest my eyes for a while. "Rotxo?" Aonung snapped.
"Hm?" I flinched, rubbing my eyes.
"Boy why you sleeping?" he asked.
"Well I have no one to talk to or annoy so," I shrugged.
"What about Kiri?" he requested.
"Too busy with your sister," I replied.
He nodded his head thinking of what else to say.
"Hm, what about you could play Uno with this?" Aonung said.
I nodded my head getting up and joining the circle of my 3 other friends.

"Uno!" I called.
"Oh my Eywa Rotxo is too good," Neteyam sighed.
I laughed,
"Nah you just bad."
"You sure..?" Neteyam laughed, placing down a 4+ card.
"No Neteyam!!" I shouted, picking up my four cars and shaking my head.
"Bro didn't let that slide," Lo'ak cringed, focusing a bit too hard on the game. I think we could all agree Lo'ak was the worst but acted like he was the best. We only let Lo'ak win one time because of how bad he was. The game went on for a little while, Aonung had only one more card left which made me a but anxious.
"Ah sh*t Aonung's going to win," Lo'ak sighed, holding his two cards intensely.
"Sure..." I placed down my 2+ card down and laughed at him.
"Rotxo.." Aonung gave up.
"Hahaha," I giggled. He rolled his eyes picking up the cards and the game went on.

"I win!" Lo'ak shouted. He placed his last and final card while everyone looked at him with shock.
"Bro how did Lo'ak win," Aonung asked.
"The game is rigged," Neteyam said.
"Yeah it is," I agreed, laughing.
"I'm too good! Oh yeah yeah yeah!" Lo'ak exclaimed.
That game was the best game ever, whoever created that game deserves a raise.
"What's all this noise?" Tsireya asked, coming into the room with Kiri.
"I won Uno babe!" Lo'ak ran up to Tsireya.
"Hi Kiri," I waved, expecting one back too.
She looked at me but didn't wave back. "Let me play too!" Kiri exclaimed, sitting between Neteyam and Aonung.
Why did she even ignore me? I went outside to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet seat. I didn't belong here honestly but the worst part is I was only getting sensitive because she didt say hi to me. Okay I needed to man up and go talk to her. I walked out the bathroom, going towards Tsireya's room again.
I heard commotion coming in from there but I couldn't hear what they were saying. "So you like Rotxo?" Tsireya asked.
"No he's so childish.. bro I would never-." Kiri laughed.
That's all I heard, but I bet what she said next was even worse to hurt my feelings.
Huh, was that actually Kiri, I took a glance in the room and saw Kiri, Tsireya, Lo'ak, Aonung and Neteyam. Why did she that about me? Is that why she's ignoring me..? I couldn't go back in there, they would all stare at me acting like Kiri just didn't say anything about me.


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