6 - Date

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Note: So some people may be confused on what AU this is. I basically made it like Modern but they still live by the sea.

"So we're dating now..?" Rotxo asked.
"Yes yes," Kiri laughed, pecking the boy's head with a kiss.
"Oh wow," Rotxo laughed along.

Rotxo POV:

There was no way we were actually... together? I looked down while covering my face.
"Are you ok?" Kiri asked.
"Yeah yeah," I said looking up at her.
"Just can't believe I'm actually with you.." I added.
She hugged me and I just covered my face again.
"Soooo, I was wondering if I could take you on a date?" Kiri asked, trying to remove my hands from my face. My face lit up and I looked up at her. I should be the one asking but I never had the guts to. "U-uh of course," I stuttered. She nodded her head and kissed my cheek.
"Woah," I spat out. She giggled and walked out of the pod to get ready.

I was freaking out going back and fourth. Someone came inside the pod, it was Neteyam.
"Oh hey Neteyam," I said.
"Hey!" Neteyam greeted.
I scattered all my clothes on the floor and laid them out. Neteyam came to see what I was doing.
"What's happening here?" Neteyam asked.
"Well I'm going on a date with.. Kiri but I don't know what to wear," I sighed.
"Ah I can help?" Neteyam replied. I nodded my head and showed him the clothes that were available for the date. "Damn you have style," Neteyam spat out.
"Thanks," I replied. That compliment made me so happy, at least one of her brothers like my clothes. Neteyam took a while to pick out my clothes but that was fine because I hd enough time to stress out about the date. He showed me the outfit and my jaw dropped on the floor.
"It's- I love it so much, thank you Neteyam," I hugged him. I hope Kiri would like it though, well her brother must know what Kiri likes a boy wearing.

I wore the outfit on, Neteyam picked out the new clothes and they were pretty loose. I stared at myself in the mirror and looked at my self up and down. "Even though you think it looks big, you still look good bro," Neteyam reassured.
I nodded my head but continued to check myself out. Neteyam just smiled an giggled while checking the time.
"Ooh, when's your date by the way?" Neteyam asked.
"Oh 6:30," I said.
"You better go find Kiri then," Neteyam said, pushing me gently to the entrance of the pod.

My hands were shaking, this was my first date ever but this was probably not Kiri's first. She was probably used to this, the same old date for a pretty girl like her but I wanted to make it special. A unique date. I met her in the forest near the beach where she told me meet her at. It was honestly beautiful, the luminescence and colours were angelic. I looked around everywhere to get every view of the atmosphere of the forest. I looked ahead and saw Kiri sitting down on the rock that she wanted to meet me at. She was also enjoying the woodsprites in the air. Kiri exclaimed,
"Oh Rotxo, you're here!"
I ran up to her and sat beside her on the rock.
"This place is so beautiful, like you," I rizzed. She giggled, covering her mouth,
"How sweet." She indicated me to sit on her lap.. this was very weird for me to do because girls would always be sitting on boy's lap and not a girls. I understood that she was taller but I did it anyway. When I sat down on her lap, she started to play with my curls. I just let it happen and enjoyed the feeling of her touch.

Kiri POV:

Rotxo's curls felt so nice and fluffy. I honestly found it so cute how he could just sit on my lap.
I rested my hands on his tiny body and he just cracked a smile at me. We enjoyed each others company and talked about things we liked about each other. He went first,
"I like you're facial features, your beauty, your scent, your kisses, the way you make me feel differently, the way you say my name, how gentle you are with me, how you're always there for me and-."
I stopped him with a kiss, I couldn't help but do it. If he said anything else I might as well just cry. "You're so cute, honestly I couldn't ask for anything else in a boyfriend," I said.
It was my turn to say some lovely stuff about him,
"I like your curly, fluffy hair, how your shorter than me, how your so sweet, how you always get flustered when I flirt or compliment you, how you talk to me, how pretty your eyes are and literally the best swimmer. Sorry Aonung."
He laughed at the last bit.
"Aonung would definitely not like the last thing," Rotxo giggled.
"It's true though," I said.

The night grew. We laid down on the soft, grass floor and he laid on top of my stomach. "Thank you," Rotxo blurted.
"For this date," he added.
"Your welcome, my love," I replied. He got flustered again but tried not to show it. I could easily tell though because his face goes a whole different shade of blue.

Idk what to do for next chapter but I'll see

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