56 - Quality time

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"Baby.." Kiri mumbled and putting her chin on his chest.
"Mhm," he replied, still half asleep.
"Can we please go shopping?" she asked.
"Mhm," he hummed.
"Really?" she raised her voice. He didn't answer.
"Wake up baby!" she exclaimed, biting his cheek.
"Okay ow, ow!" he groaned, rubbing his eyes.
She pulled him up and chuckled while she got her clothes ready for him and her. The both of them got changed and did their daily things as well. Rotxo lazily brushed his teeth, slouching on the sink counter with his eyes closed. Kiri, who was next to him, angrily nudged him as she fixed her makeup.
"Come on baby," she giggled, watching him spit in the sink. She would always tell Rotxo to hurry up but he was the fastest at changing meanwhile she would take the longest. The two of them were in two different moods. One of them, super excited to go and waste all of someone's money and the other one just wants to go back to bed. Can you guess whose who?

"Hey, can you tie up this back lace for me?" Kiri asked, turning her back to him.
"Yeah of course," he yawned. He widened his eyes when he saw how pretty she looked in her outfit. He couldn't resist and just kissed her and luckily she kissed back. She let go and just smirked while leaving the bedroom to go downstairs. Man he was so down bad for her. The two were perfect for each other, they both had the best style. Rotxo wore something that looked expensive but not over the top. On the other hand, Kiri wore a long satin dress to compliment with his outfit. At the end of the day they were both looking like they had hella cash.

Rotxo unlocked his car and like a gentleman he was, he opened the door for Kiri. "Why thank you," she smirked, sitting down. He shut the door and went around to sit in the driver's seat. Yes it's shocking! Rotxo finally got his drivers license.
Before Rotxo started the car, he looked at Kiri and admired her features and especially the outfit she had on today. He didn't realise that he was in a whole new world. "Rotxo, Rotxo!" she snapped back, clicking her fingers in front of him.
"Y-yeah?" he stumbled upon his words, snapping back into reality.
"Stop staring and let's go," she laughed at his reaction.
"Aight," he replied, starting the car. Rotxo was concentrating really hard. He alway did when he drove but of course Kiri would stop him from that. As he drove, she slowly trailed her hands onto his wrist that wasn't on the steering wheel.
He side eyed her at first but then it caused him to pull the breaks slightly.
"Babe! I need to concentrate," he said.
"Am I making you nervous?" she teased as she saw how flushed his face looked. He didn't want to make eye contact at all, the only eye contact he was making was with the road. She let him drive peacefully for the rest of the ride because she knew the treat that he was going to give was using his credit card. For some reason, Kiri would always be spoiled by Rotxo like he was his sugar daddy or something.

"We're here my queenie," he teased, caressing her cheek
"Shush," she mumbled, waking up from a nap and swatting his hand away. They both exited the vehicle and she immediately ran to Rotxo.
"You know you look really handsome today," she smiled, holding onto Rotxo.
"Can I have your credit card?" she whispered.
"You're using me! Did I hear?" he laughed.
"I'm only kidding, here ya go babe," he said, giving his credit card.
"Thank you!" she exclaimed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. While she was running off into the mall, he followed her from behind. He really had to catch up because his short legs wouldn't beat her lean legs.
The first stop was was bubble tea cafe. Her order was a regular taro milk tea with tapioca balls. His order was a regular coconut milk tea with rainbow jelly. They both tried each others and in the end they swapped drinks.
The second stop was Pandora. Kiri always wanted matching bracelets with Rotxo so maybe it was the day. She rushed in and since you could customise your own charms and stuff thats what she did. "What about hello kitty and kuromi?" she insisted.
"Yeah of course," he smiled at her. They bought it and Kiri immediately fell in love with both of the bracelets. Their hands were together as they walked into the next shop, Sephora. By the end of the day, Rotxo was going to have shopping bags filled in his hands. Kiri ran off to buy some products while he had to catch up to her. "I need it buy some things for Tsireya, her birthday is soon," Kiri said.

She gathered loads of stuff in the basket that it was almost up to the top.
"Hey I hope you're wasting this money on yourself," Rotxo said.
"Yeah, just a few things for.. other people too," she replied. They were finally finished and they had to pay for all the things.
"Dayum no things for me?" he asked, observing at all the items.
"Oh I'm sorry, you should have said," she answered, grabbing the bags and handing it to Rotxo. It was a long long day and it was finally time to go home. He unlocked the door and loaded the trunk with the shopping bags. On the way there of course Kiri had to a little more shopping at H&M.
The car ride was silent and Rotxo couldn't stop thinking about Kiri. Maybe he shouldn't have gave the credit card to her so she would give him attention.

Rotxo was laying down holding his pillow and watching his phone while Kiri was changing into her different clothes she bought.
"How bout this? Cute right?" she asked, looking at him.
"Mm yeah," he responded, only pointing his eyes at her dress, trying not to look at anything else but her outfit. Kiri rolled her eyes and changed into a different outfit.
"This one then?" she questioned, fixing the straps on the top.
"Yeah yeah," he replied, looking her up and down. She had no trousers just underwear and top on.
"I-I think it's cute," he stuttered, not taking his eyes off her bottoms.
"Hey look up here!" she shouted, shaking her head in annoyance.
"Come on, I gave you my credit card why don't you give me yourself for a change?" he asked, smirking. She sighed and laid down on top of him. She removed the pillow from in between them and put her hands on his shoulders. He held onto her waist and pulled her in a little closer, trying to take her top off.
"Patient," she whispered into his ear.
Slowly, she started to grind on him, placing her hands onto his thighs. He was already shaking, he missed this. Small little whimpers escaped from him and he wasn't even naked, just staring at her was fastest way to make him turned on.
Impatiently, he tried to take off her shirt again and rummaged his face into her breasts.
"Please," he whimpered.
"How needy are you?" she giggled.
"You don't know how much time I wanted to spend time with you but you kept running off," he let out. She stopped grinding on him and got off
"Baby I'm sorry," she apologised, kissing him on the cheek.
"I'll you give you a treat I promise, just be quiet ok?" she seductively whispered.
He nodded his head in excitement, ready to find out what was next.

Slay school is tmrw

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